The US is heading straight for a fiscal calamity in the next decade. Even if you believe the CBO’s Rosy Scenario projections — which assume that we will go 207 months thru 2026 without a recession or double the longest expansion on record and nearly four times the normal cycle length — we will still end up with $28 trillion of national debt and a $1.3 trillion annual deficit (5 percent of GDP) by 2026. But that’s the optimistic case! As I demonstrated recently, if you get real about all the...
Featured Articles
Poof! Our Wars are All Forgotten
by Peter van Buren | May 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
One of the most popular apps these days is Snapchat. It allows the sender to set a timer for any photo dispatched via the app, so that a few seconds after the recipient opens the message, the photo is automatically deleted. The evidence of what you did at that party last night is seen and then disappears. POOF! I hope you’ll forgive me if I suggest that the Iraq-Syria War against the Islamic State (ISIS) is being conveyed to us via Snapchat. Important things happen, they appear in front of us,...
Obama in Vietnam: Diplomacy Or Deep State Duplicity?
by Daniel McAdams | May 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
President Obama's visit to Vietnam was more about bringing this former adversary into the US sphere of influence against China than about truly developing further mutually-beneficial trade and other relations. The opening of weapons sales to Vietnam will be a boon to the US military-industrial complex (Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon are already eyeing juicy deals) and is designed to cut out the Russians. Pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership is to the benefit of the "deep state" and a new world...

Much Ado About Restrooms
by Ron Paul | May 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
Debates over the US government’s foreign and economic policies have recently taken a backseat to the debate over what bathroom transgender individuals should use. The two sides of the debate both believe that government has the legitimate authority to tell private businesses who they should allow to use their facilities. Few on either side of this debate defend the right of private property owners to decide for themselves who may and may not use their bathrooms.Some say government must be...
Beware What You Wish For: Russia is Ready for War
by Pepe Escobar | May 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was inducted as a new member. Global Robocop NATO predictably discussed Afghanistan (a war NATO ignominiously lost); Iraq (a war the Pentagon ignominiously lost); Libya (a nation NATO turned into a failed state devastated by militia hell); Syria (a nation NATO, via Turkey, would love to invade, and is already a militia hell). Afghans must now rest assured that...
America – the Most Frightened Nation on Earth
by Finian Cunningham | May 21, 2016 | Featured Articles
America is exceptional alright. It is the most frightened nation on Earth, subjected to hysterical propaganda over decades warning about foreign enemies and ideologies. No wonder its supposed democratic freedom is in so appallingly bad shape, when the preponderant population is imprisoned by their rulers in a virtual cage of fear. Paradoxically, though, the dissonance of supposed freedom could not be more abysmal. At a press conference at the Cannes film festival last week American screen...
Merle Haggard vs. Eliot Cohen
by Justin Raimondo | May 20, 2016 | Featured Articles
Poor Eliot Cohen: one of the principal architects of the Iraq war, and chief ideologue of Bushism in foreign policy – remember the “freedom agenda”? – he’s miffed that “This campaign shows that the foreign policy consensus that has framed this country’s work overseas since 1950 is in peril.” His ire is directed at Donald Trump, but he’s more than a little annoyed at the left-wing of the Democratic party, which is also showing signs of messing around with the Sacred Consensus. How dare these...
Obama’s Global Anti-Corruption Cops Should Call Internal Affairs
by James Bovard | May 20, 2016 | Featured Articles
The Obama administration wants Americans to believe that it is fiercely anti-corruption. “I've been shocked by the degree to which I find corruption pandemic in the world today," declared Secretary of State John Kerry at last week’s Anti-Corruption Summit in London. Kerry sounded like the French detective in Casablanca who was “shocked” to discover gambling. Six years ago at the United Nations, President Obama proclaimed that the US government is “leading a global effort to combat corruption.”...
Bill Clinton to Poland and Hungary: Do As We Say on Immigration, You Dirty Little Putins!
by Daniel McAdams | May 20, 2016 | Featured Articles
Shortly after World War II, after the Soviet Red Army liberated Hungary from Nazi occupation, the Hungarians held their first election in six years. The November, 1945 vote resulted in an overwhelming victory for a coalition led by the agrarian, anti-communist Hungarian Smallholders Party. This victory at the ballot box infuriated Hungary's Communist Party and Hungary's new occupying Soviet overlords. Little by little, in what became known as "salami tactics," the Hungarian communists chipped...
Ron Paul Rewind: Repeal Indefinite Detention!
by Daniel McAdams | May 20, 2016 | Featured Articles
This week served as another reminder that the Beltway serves the Beltway and not the American people. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) again appeared on the House Floor and again it flushed away hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain the US military empire overseas. Very little if any of the $600-plus billion in Pentagon spending will go to actually keeping us safe, and in fact much of it will be used to provoke our current and future adversaries thereby making us far less...
Lavender Leninists and Heretic-Hunters: The Thoughtcrime Prosecution of Ruth Neely
by William Norman Grigg | May 19, 2016 | Featured Articles
During her years as a Magistrate Judge in Pinedale, Wyoming, Ruth Neely performed dozens of civil marriage ceremonies. State law (Sect. 20-1-106[a]) specifies that magistrates, like “every licensed or ordained minister of the gospel, bishop, priest, or rabbi … may perform the ceremony of marriage in this state.”Presiding at a civil wedding is a discretionary function of the magistrate’s office, not a mandatory duty. Neely had an unqualified right to decline a request to preside at a wedding,...
Anti-War is Pro-American
by Mike Marion | May 19, 2016 | Featured Articles
Thomas Jefferson declared the American way of interacting with the world to be "peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none." However, over the course of at least the past seven decades, the US government has turned this admonition on its head.Peace? The US government has waged wars of choice almost constantly since the end of World War II. It has distributed death and destruction around the world for nearly 70 years straight in overt wars, covert...
Return Of The Gold Standard? Why Now?
by Daniel McAdams | May 18, 2016 | Featured Articles
What does a discussion on gold and monetary policy have to do with an Institute that focuses on foreign policy and civil liberties? The Federal Reserve and its fiat currency policy is literally the lifeblood of the warfare state. Without endless printing of paper money by the Fed -- in other words if the money supply was limited by some sort of commodity-backed currency -- the warfare state, the military-industrial complex, the wealthy Beltway think-tankers would see their power slip away like...
The Police State and License Plate Scanners
by Peter van Buren | May 18, 2016 | Featured Articles
One of the latest tools for violating our privacy and creating the American police state are license plate scanners. Watching You This technology allows the police to cruise through a city at normal speed and photographically gather images of vehicle license plates, along with geolocation data. This is all stored, and can easily be used to create a record of everywhere your car has been. Coupled with cellphone and WiFi data being collected along with its own geodata, and tied to things like...
Breaking: Women Draft Provision Removed from House NDAA
by Adam Dick | May 17, 2016 | Congress Alert
Rebecca Kheel reports in the Hill that the US House Rules Committee Rules Committee on Monday removed from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which the House Armed Services Committee approved last month, a provision requiring women to register with the Selective Services System. The bill is expected to be considered on the House floor this week. The registration requirement would pave the way for conscripting women into the US military. Last week the Senate Armed Services Committee...
Architects of Disastrous Iraq War Still at Large
by Neil Clark | May 17, 2016 | Featured Articles
'Shock and awe' over Baghdad, 2003.Bombs going off in Iraq? Well, it happens all the time — what's there to see? Let’s all move along shall we? On Thursday, at least 13 people were killed in a ISIS attack on a café in Baghdad for the “crime” of watching a football match. The day before at least 88 people were killed in three explosions across Baghdad; scores were injured. Yes, these events got some coverage on Western news channels, but they weren’t the main stories. The neocon war lobby, who,...
Desperation Or Suicide? US To Encourage Ukraine To Attack Crimea
The New York Times is reporting that the Biden Administration is considering giving Ukraine the tools and the green light to attack Russia in Crimea, surmising that a lack of...
Desperation Or Suicide? US To Encourage Ukraine To Attack Crimea
Jan 19, 2023
The New York Times is reporting that the Biden Administration is considering giving Ukraine the tools and the green light to attack Russia in Crimea, surmising that a lack of...
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