RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Bipartisanship! The Evil Party and Stupid Party Team Up to Cripple Trump, Subvert the Rule of Law, and Put the US on a Road to War

Bipartisanship! The Evil Party and Stupid Party Team Up to Cripple Trump, Subvert the Rule of Law, and Put the US on a Road to War

The overwhelming approval by both chambers of the US Congress of a bill imposing new, permanent sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea puts President Donald Trump in an impossible position. He can either sign the bill or allow it to become law without his signature, in which case he has acquiesced in the Legislative Branch’s usurpation of what is supposed to be among the Executive’s primary constitutional responsibilities, the conduct of relations with foreign states.Or he can veto it, but...

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Get Out of Afghanistan and Go Home

Get Out of Afghanistan and Go Home

In Afghanistan on 24 July, a Taliban suicide bomber killed forty people in the centre of Kabul, just four days after a US airstrike killed 16 Afghan policemen in Helmand Province. Both incidents of slaughter were terrible and highlighted the US State Department official warning that “Travel to all areas of Afghanistan remains unsafe due to the ongoing risk of kidnapping, hostage taking, military combat operations, landmines, banditry, armed rivalry between political and tribal groups, militant...

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US Sanctions Aimed at Russia Strike Western European Allies

US Sanctions Aimed at Russia Strike Western European Allies

Do they know what they are doing? When the US Congress adopts draconian sanctions aimed mainly at disempowering President Trump and ruling out any move to improve relations with Russia, do they realize that the measures amount to a declaration of economic war against their dear European “friends”? Whether they know or not, they obviously don’t care. US politicians view the rest of the world as America’s hinterland, to be exploited, abused and ignored with impunity. The Bill H.R. 3364...

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Breaking: Senate Passes Russia, Iran, North Korea Sanctions Bill, 98-2!

Breaking: Senate Passes Russia, Iran, North Korea Sanctions Bill, 98-2!

Minutes ago the US Senate passed HR 3364, the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act by a massive 98 yeas to two nays. Opposing the bill were Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rand Paul (R-KY). The bill passed in the House by 419-3 on Tuesday, with Reps Massie (R-KY), Amash (R-MI), and Duncan (R-TN) opposing. The new sanctions bill ties President Trump's hands on foreign policy, as he will be forced to ask Congress for permission to ease the measures.Speaking in favor of the...

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Home Alone – Trump Is the Kevin McCallister of American Politics

Home Alone – Trump Is the Kevin McCallister of American Politics

It’s as if on election night the shocked and exasperated rulers of the Imperial City ordered Donald Trump to sleep in the White House attic. Unlike Kevin McCallister’s family in the movie, however, the establishment never stopped obsessing about his bratty insolence and never intended for him to rejoin the family the next morning – or ever. Instead, the Washington political establishment and its collaborators in the main stream media are engaged in an unabashed and unconcealed campaign to...

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The Atlantic Council: Experts on the Front Line of Disinformation

The Atlantic Council: Experts on the Front Line of Disinformation

NATO's academic wing has been warning about disinformation for years. And it's no wonder when its staff and contributors are so well-versed in the practice themselves.The Atlantic Council is an organization dedicated to discussion between people who hate Russia and folk who really, really hate Russia. Thus, amid the current hysteria, it’s Christmas every day for its assorted staff and “fellows” or, to use a more accurate term, "lobbyists."For the uninitiated, it’s difficult to explain what...

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President Trump: The Only America First Afghan Policy is to Get Out of Afghanistan

President Trump: The Only America First Afghan Policy is to Get Out of Afghanistan

Just when you think that you have heard all of the asinine ideas possible about US involvement in Afghanistan, out comes one that is so hideously ridiculous that you must assume the authors are demented and writing from a well-secured asylum.The quote below comes from an article about the future of US involvement in Afghanistan that was in the USA Today Network on 14 July 2017. The article discusses several US options in Afghanistan, but the one that takes the cake is the brainchild of two...

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Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed

Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed

What is the Congress up to with their stupid bill that imposes more sanctions and removes the power of President Trump to rescind the sanctions that President Obama imposed?Congress is doing two things. One is that Congress is serving their campaign contributors in the military/security complex by being tougher with Russia, thus keeping the orchestrated threat alive so that Americans denied health care don’t start looking at the massive military/security budget as a place to find money for...

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House Passes New Russia Sanctions, Pumps Adrenaline Into Cold War 2.0

House Passes New Russia Sanctions, Pumps Adrenaline Into Cold War 2.0

Late this afternoon the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed HR 3364, the "Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act." The vote was 419-3, with the only nays coming from Republicans Justin Amash (R-MI), John Duncan (R-TN), and Thomas Massie (R-KY). The bill adds additional sanctions on Russia as punishment for the as-yet-unproven claims that Moscow somehow interfered in US elections to help secure a victory for Donald Trump. It also seeks to punish Russia for its...

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Policing for Profit: Jeff Sessions & Co.’s Thinly Veiled Plot to Rob Us Blind

Policing for Profit: Jeff Sessions & Co.’s Thinly Veiled Plot to Rob Us Blind

“Laws are no longer made by a rational process of public discussion; they are made by a process of blackmail and intimidation, and they are executed in the same manner. The typical lawmaker of today is a man wholly devoid of principle — a mere counter in a grotesque and knavish game. If the right pressure could be applied to him, he would be cheerfully in favor of polygamy, astrology or cannibalism. It is the aim of the Bill of Rights, if it has any remaining aim at all, to curb such...

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Mr. Trump: Veto This Bill! – Sanctions Lead To War

The US House is expected to vote tomorrow on yet another round of sanctions on Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Russia and Iran are targeted for their role in fighting ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq, which Congress calls "destabilizing." Russia is also targeted for its involvement in the 2014 Ukrainian coup d'etat, which was in fact started by the United States under the Obama Administration! Will President Trump veto this bill, which will prohibit him from removing the sanctions without...

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Sour Grapes: Iran Wins the Iraq War, and I Scooped the NYT by Six Years on the Story

Sour Grapes: Iran Wins the Iraq War, and I Scooped the NYT by Six Years on the Story

The New York Times is featuring a piece stating Iran is the big winner of the US-Iraq wars, 1991-2017.So what does winning in Iraq look like, asks the Times? About like this:A Shia-dominated government is in Baghdad, beholden to Tehran for its security post-ISIS. Shia thug militias, an anti-Sunni and Kurd force in waiting, are fully integrated into the otherwise-failed national Iraqi military. There are robust and growing economic ties between the two nations. An Iraqi security structure will...

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US Ends CIA Program in Syria but Continues Preparations for Big War

US Ends CIA Program in Syria but Continues Preparations for Big War

The news hits headlines. The Washington Post (WP) reports that President Trump has decided to discontinue the CIA’s covert program to arm and train "moderate" Syrian rebels battling the government of Bashar al-Assad, according to US officials. The program was authorized by Trump’s predecessor in 2013. The move is described by media as a major concession to Russia. "This is a momentous decision," the WP cites an unnamed official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the secret...

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Trump Should Veto Congress’ Foolish New Sanctions Bill

Trump Should Veto Congress’ Foolish New Sanctions Bill

This week’s expected House vote to add more sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea is a prime example of how little thought goes into US foreign policy. Sanctions have become kind of an automatic action the US government takes when it simply doesn’t know what else to do.No matter what the problem, no matter where on earth it occurs, the answer from Washington is always sanctions. Sanctions are supposed to force governments to change policies and do what Washington tells them or face the...

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Five Weird Conspiracy Theories from CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Five Weird Conspiracy Theories from CIA Director Mike Pompeo

In a tirade against Russia based news outlets RT and Sputnik, Donald Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo blasted Russia for interfering not only in the 2016 US Presidential election but “the one before that and the one before that”. This would imply that Russia helped install Barack Obama in the White House even after his severely anti-Russian foreign policy became well known.These statements are blasted by Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the following way: If (Pompeo’s) statements...

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Rep. Walter Jones to President Trump: ‘Get Us Out of Afghanistan!’

President Donald J. TrumpThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: Many of us in the U.S. House of Representatives believe we have been denied our sacred duty to debate and declare war. You could say that I am disappointed by this. Disappointed because after 16 years in Afghanistan, Congress deserves another vote on this conflict. Disappointed because almost $1 trillion of taxpayers’ money has been spent with no direct goal or strategy. And most...

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Was 2020 Another Deep State Coup?

As we learn more about the collusion between the Biden 2020 campaign and former senior US intelligence officials on the Hunter Biden laptop story, it seems more and more obvious...

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