RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Is the GOP Improving on Foreign Policy?

JD Vance has been critical of U.S. funding of the war in Ukraine, but is that simply because he'd rather fund other countries with the money? Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity joins me for an overview of where the Republican Party is going on foreign policy

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War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress

War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress

To my surprise, last Thursday morning there was relatively little coverage of the address to the US Congress delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Wednesday afternoon apart from a critical opinion piece that appeared in the New York Times regarding Israel’s war on the Palestinians. The article, by Megan K. Stack, asserted that “History will cast Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in deservedly ugly tones. He’s not a guest we should aspire to host, but he...

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‘Whose America first?’

Clearly the Republican Party has rallied around its nominee, former President Donald Trump. But that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy. Trump was rolled once. Will it happen again?CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams, Larry Johnson, and Tom Luongo.

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It’s Time to Rethink the U.S.-Israel ‘Special Relationship’

It’s Time to Rethink the U.S.-Israel ‘Special Relationship’

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a joint session of Congress, Washington must finally face reality: its emphatic embrace of Israel’s war in Gaza is not advancing U.S. interests or promoting regional stability—to say nothing of the immense human toll. In fact, it is doing the opposite. So long as Washington refuses to change course, the U.S. will continue to confront major problems that are the product of its own policies. Netanyahu remains wedded to the...

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The Democratic party rigged the primary process for Biden

The Democratic party rigged the primary process for Biden

I ran for president twice in 2004 and 2008, in an attempt to truly protect and defend the Constitution by ending perpetual war, stopping government intrusion into Americans’ private lives, and transforming America’s role in the world so that we would have the capacity for a true domestic agenda of national prosperity.    I understand the tactics of the DNC and their media counterparts. I understand how they attempt total control of the nomination process, and...

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Call it Censorship: A Court Rules Against Former ‘Disinformation Czar’ Nina Jankowicz

Call it Censorship: A Court Rules Against Former ‘Disinformation Czar’ Nina Jankowicz

Below is my column in the New York Post on the ruling against Nina Jankowicz in her defamation case. It turns out that calling opposing views defamation is no better than calling them disinformation. Here is the column: For free speech advocates, there are few images more chilling than that of Nina Jankowicz singing her now-infamous tune as “the Mary Poppins of Disinformation.” The woman who would become known as the “Disinformation Czar” sang a cheerful TikTok parody of...

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Freedom’s Extinction

Freedom’s Extinction

“Freedom is always just one generation away from extinction.”-- Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) In December 1776, just six months after the Declaration of Independence had been signed and a year and a half into the Revolutionary War, Thomas Paine sensed a desperation throughout the colonies. It prompted him to write a candid and now iconic essay entitled “The American Crisis,” which began with the famous line “These are the times that try men’s souls.” He made a similar argument as Ronald Reagan...

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Congressional Incompetence in Its Trump-Shooting Investigation

Congressional Incompetence in Its Trump-Shooting Investigation

Members of Congress are besides themselves over the testimony of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle regarding the near-assassination of former president Trump. They are upset that Cheatle was unable to provide them with adequate explanations as to what appears to be incompetence at best and willful blindness, conscious indifference, or complicity at worst on the part of the Secret Service. But if incompetence is the right explanation, it is matched by the incompetence of Congress in its...

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Why the U.S. Secrecy Surrounding Evan Gershkovich?

Why the U.S. Secrecy Surrounding Evan Gershkovich?

Last Friday, a Russian court, operating in secret, convicted Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a Russian penal colony. Ever since Gershkovich’s arrest in March 2023, I have written extensively about the case. The Journal and U.S. officials have responded to the verdict and sentence in the same way they have responded ever since Gershkovich’s arrest. They deny that he is a spy and say that he was simply doing his job as a...

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During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly

During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly

There is only one major social media platform that is relatively free of censorship. That is X, once known as Twitter, and owned by Elon Musk, who has preached free speech for years and sacrificed billions in advertising dollars in order to protect it. If we don’t have that, he says, we lose freedom itself. He also maintains that it is the best path to finding the truth.  The crisis that broke out after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life put the principle in motion. I was posting regular...

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Succession by Defenestration: How Biden’s Withdrawal Could Trigger a 25th Amendment Fight

Succession by Defenestration: How Biden’s Withdrawal Could Trigger a 25th Amendment Fight

Below is my column in the Hill on the withdrawal of President Joe Biden from the 2024 election. After weeks of Democrats and the media raising the alarm of his mental capacity, Biden finally gave up his public refusal to step aside. Harris will now be the nominee through succession by defenestration, or being tossed from a window. Yet, there remains a lingering question of Biden’s capacity to serve for another six months as president. Here is the column: President Joe...

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Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes of Inflation

Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes of Inflation

The 2024 Republican platform promises that, if Donald Trump returns to the White House and Republicans gain complete control of Congress, they will reduce inflation. The platform contains some proposals, such as reducing regulations and extending the 2017 tax reductions, that may help lower prices in some sectors and spur economic growth. However, the GOP platform does not address how the Federal Reserve’s enabling of spendaholic politicians contributes to price inflation. Other than an...

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Neoconservatism by Another Name

Neoconservatism by Another Name

In the thirty years since the end of the Cold War, conservatives of various stripes have, with decidedly mixed results, sought to shape the parameters of the national debate over the conduct of U.S. foreign policy. These include such foreign policy blueprints as the Wolfowitz Doctrine (1992); the Project for the New American Century’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (2000); Condoleezza Rice’s “Campaign 2000: Promoting the National Interest” (2000); and Mitt...

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Taking Rights Seriously

Taking Rights Seriously

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,and only one person were of the contrary opinion,Mankind would be no more justifiedIn silencing that one person,Than he, if he had the power,Would be justified in silencing mankind.”-- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The world is filled with self-evident truths -- truisms -- that philosophers, lawyers and judges know need not be proven. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Two plus two equals four. A cup of hot coffee sitting on a table in...

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Media Flubs Chance to Avert Trump Shooting

Media Flubs Chance to Avert Trump Shooting

Were there signals of a possible assassination attempt that were missed? My research suggests there were. These signals were not out in the open, staring us in the face. Identifying them would have required putting together a series of clues and observing the constellation that they form: that of conditions ripe for something like an assassination. Who missed the signals? Who's to blame for the ensuing tragedy? Isn't this level of lawlessness a real threat to the functioning of our democracy?...

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Media Now Embarrassed For Covering Up Biden’s Weakness

Media Now Embarrassed For Covering Up Biden’s Weakness

It is both a little bit funny and a little bit sad, even a little pathetic, when a very old man tries to show he is as strong and active as a much younger man. President Biden often tries to carry his arms and take a couple of quick steps when he comes on stage to make it look almost like he is running. And because there have been many comments and reports about how weak his voice is, President Biden has begun to shout at times during his speeches, something he never did as a much younger man....

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How Can Trump End The Russia/Ukraine War?

How Can Trump End The Russia/Ukraine War?

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