RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs; Cited ‘Grave Concerns’ Over Steele Involvement

UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs; Cited ‘Grave Concerns’ Over Steele Involvement

The British government "expressed grave concerns" to the US government over the declassification and release of material related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to the New York Times. President Trump ordered a wide swath of materials "immediately" declassified "without redaction" on Monday, only to change his mind later in the week by allowing the DOJ Inspector General to review the materials first. The Times reports that the UK's concern was over material which "includes direct...

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US to Start ‘Disrupting’ North Korean Oil Smuggling

US to Start ‘Disrupting’ North Korean Oil Smuggling

Well, this sure ease a fine way to attempt to ease tensions with North Korea.An international coalition of American allies will start “detecting and disrupting” North Korean oil smuggling operations at sea, reports the Washington Examiner.“The United States has deployed aircraft and surface vessels to detect and disrupt these activities,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a news release.Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, announced Friday they would aid “monitoring and...

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Medea Benjamin Shows America What Real Resistance Looks Like

Medea Benjamin Shows America What Real Resistance Looks Like

Almost immediately after hitting publish on my last article about how the so-called “Resistance” to the Trump administration doesn’t actually resist Trump’s most pernicious agendas in any meaningful way, I saw an awesome video clip proving that there is at least one woman out there providing real opposition to Trump where it matters. A think tank is an organization wherein highly-paid academics pour their collective brainpower into coming up with convincing arguments that it would be good and...

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The Gamification of Tyranny

The Gamification of Tyranny

It looks like we’re headed for a brave new world where all citizens are rated on their loyalty to the state and are punished for wandering from its narrative. Call it the gamification of repression. In China, the supposedly communist state—in fact, it is an advanced form of crony capitalist authoritarianism that Marx would have disapproved—is busy setting up a rating system for all citizens. According to a paper written by an academic at the Lebanese American University in Beirut, Lebanon,...

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Let Koreans Solve Their Own Problems

Let Koreans Solve Their Own Problems

Springtime in Korea. Peace and love have erupted all over the mountainous peninsula as the leaders of the two rival nations seek to end the nearly seven decades of hostility between them. One can’t underestimate the passionate longing felt by most Koreans on both sides of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) for some form of reunification – or at least reattachment – of the two nations. Amazingly, the 1950-53 Korean War has never been ended by a peace treaty so a simmering state of war exists between...

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Trump’s ‘Opposition’ Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsense

Trump’s ‘Opposition’ Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsense

A new article from the Wall Street Journal reports that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lied to congress about the measures Saudi Arabia is taking to minimize the civilian casualties in its catastrophic war on Yemen, and that he did so in order to secure two billion dollars for war profiteers. This is about as depraved as anything you could possibly imagine. US-made bombs have been conclusively tied to civilian deaths in a war which has caused the single worst humanitarian crisis on earth, a...

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The US Government’s Secret Rules for Spying on Journalists Are ‘Terrifying’

The US Government’s Secret Rules for Spying on Journalists Are ‘Terrifying’

Journalists and free press advocates are responding with alarm to newly released documents revealing the U.S. government’s secret rules for using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court orders to spy on reporters, calling the revelations “important” and “terrifying.”The documents—obtained and released by the Freedom of the Press Foundation and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University through an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed last...

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Bret Stephens’ Neocon Vision

Bret Stephens’ Neocon Vision

The neoconservative vision of the world is a place where the United States can do what it wants because it is both better morally speaking and also more capable of enforcing desirable standards of behavior. Such a viewpoint just might perhaps be understandable if Washington were actually willing to operate in a disinterested leadership capacity to promote standards that are generally accepted by the international community, somewhat similar to what the United Nations is supposed to do, but it...

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The West Hates Peace in Syria: From De-Escalation to Almost World War III in Just Two Hours

The West Hates Peace in Syria: From De-Escalation to Almost World War III in Just Two Hours

On the 17th of September, an important meeting was held in Sochi between Erdogan and Putin to discuss Syria, in particular Idlib. A few hours after the agreement between the two leaders was reached, there was a French-Israeli strike on Syria’s coastal area of Latakia, causing the loss of a Russian Air Force Il-20 aircraft and bringing the world to the brink of a thermonuclear war.The agreement between Erdogan and Putin over the province of Idlib was reached after five hours of discussions and...

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Israel Provocation Kills Russian Soldiers; Moscow Will Take Political Revenge

Israel Provocation Kills Russian Soldiers; Moscow Will Take Political Revenge

Yesterday Turkey and Russia agreed on a further de-escalation in Idelb province in Syria (see the update here). This agreement takes away the chance of an imminent wider war in which the US and some of its allies would use a fake 'chemical attack' as a pretext to launch missiles against a large number of Syrian government targets and military positions.A peaceful solution of the Idleb situation is unsatisfying for Israel. The successful Syrian defeat of the Jihadi enemy inside the country...

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Congress Members Demand Trump Seek Approval Before Military Action In Syria

Congress Members Demand Trump Seek Approval Before Military Action In Syria

A group of over 40 Congress members have sent President Trump a bipartisan letter reminding him that the US Constitution requires that the president seek Congressional approval before taking military action in Syria or elsewhere. Congressman Justin Amash (R-Mich.) announced via Twitter on Monday that the letter had been sent to the White House. Ironically Rep. Amash made the announcement just as Monday's evening's massive Israeli strike on Syria was underway, which resulted in a downed Russian...

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Orban’s Moscow Visit a Middle Finger to EU After Last Week’s Humiliation

Orban’s Moscow Visit a Middle Finger to EU After Last Week’s Humiliation

The “salon des refusés” of political dissidents in the EU is getting bigger by the day. Less than a week after his government was condemned in a vote in the European parliament, Orban is in Moscow for talks about energy with Putin. His visit to Russia is the political equivalent of giving the EU the finger following last week’s humiliation. Orban is not alone. In his battle with the EU over immigration and the rule of law, he is supported by Poland and the Czech Republic. Poland, which is also...

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Bill Browder Strikes Back in Europe

Bill Browder Strikes Back in Europe

“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” — The Empire Strikes Back Since Vladimir Putin brought up Bill Browder’s name in Helsinki events have escalated to a fever pitch. Russia is under extreme attack the US/European financial and political establishment. And part of that push is coming from Browder himself. In July, just a week after Helsinki, Browder opened up a money laundering complaint against Denmark’s largest bank, Danske, alleging over $8 billion in money...

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Republican Congressman Calls Syrian President Assad ‘the Butcher of Baghdad’ in War Geography Fail

Republican Congressman Calls Syrian President Assad ‘the Butcher of Baghdad’ in War Geography Fail

In a clumsy attempt to attack a non-interventionist congressional colleague, Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger got his war geography mixed up — referring to Syrian President Bashar Assad as “the Butcher of Baghdad”.In an interview with CNN at the weekend, Kinzinger lashed out at his Democratic House colleague, Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, for her controversial decision to meet with Assad in 2017, but ran into some geography trouble when trying to insult the Syrian president. Watch...

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‘How Presstitutes Rob America of Peace & Prosperity’ – Gerald Celente at RPI’s Media & War Conference

The mainstream media in the US is a joke. A really bad joke. Far from reporting facts and providing analysis, they are sell-outs and "presstitutes." Famed trends forecaster and president of the Trends Research Institute Gerald Celente delivers an extremely informative, pointed, and entertaining look at what passes for the fourth estate in the United States today. What's happened to the media? You won't want to miss this!

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After Cutting All UNWRA Humanitarian Aid, US to Award Israel with $3.3B/Year in Military Aid

After Cutting All UNWRA Humanitarian Aid, US to Award Israel with $3.3B/Year in Military Aid

A massive spending bill, which would deliver $3.3 billion dollars in military aid to Israel over the next year, passed the House on Wednesday under cover of a media blackout. The US Senate had passed a different version of the same bill in early August, a vote that also went largely unreported. Now, after the House’s passage of a slightly altered version of the Senate’s spending bill, officially titled the “Ileana Ros-Lehtinen United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Are Internal Passports Next?

J.D. Tuccille relates at reason.com the sad history of dramatic deterioration in the United States government's respect for the freedom to travel. Tucille begins: Last week, my...

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What if They Did it to Us?

Peter Hitchens writing at the Daily Mail poses a question that most supporters of interventionism -- be it of the liberal "humanitarian" variety or the imperialist variety --...

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