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Facebook Kills ‘Inauthentic’ Foreign News Accounts – US Propaganda Stays Alive

Facebook Kills ‘Inauthentic’ Foreign News Accounts – US Propaganda Stays Alive

The creation of digital content led to the re-establishment of claqueurs: By 1830 the claque had become an institution. The manager of a theatre or opera house was able to send an order for any number of claqueurs. These were usually under a chef de claque (leader of applause), who judged where the efforts of the claqueurs were needed and to initiate the demonstration of approval. This could take several forms. There would be commissaires ("officers/commissioner") who learned the piece by...

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The New Cold War Flops

The New Cold War Flops

Has there ever been a country so vilified as Russia, a leader so demonized as Vladimir Putin? It makes me dizzy just to think of all the crimes that have been laid at that particular doorstep. I could spend the rest of this column simply listing them, from the deaths of numerous Russian journalists to the extinction of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions – that and so much more! The omnipotent Russian President has apparently poisoned so many Russian expatriates in Britain that the...

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Battlefield America: The Ongoing War on the American People

Battlefield America: The Ongoing War on the American People

“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”—John Salter Police in a small Georgia town tasered a 5-foot-2, 87-year-old woman who was using a kitchen knife to cut dandelions for use in a recipe. Police claim they had no choice but to taser the old woman, who does not speak English but was smiling at police to indicate she was friendly,...

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Will the Real John Brennan Please Stand Up?

Will the Real John Brennan Please Stand Up?

The battle between many former intelligence chiefs and the White House is becoming a gift that keeps on giving to the mass media, which is characteristically deeply immersed in Trump derangement syndrome in attacking the president for his having stripped former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance. One of the most ludicrous claims, cited in the Washington Post on Sunday, was that the Trump move was intended to “stifle free speech.” While I am quite prepared to believe a lot of...

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War Abroad, War at Home

War Abroad, War at Home

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, speaking at a Ron Paul Institute conference this past weekend, predicted US troops would remain in Afghanistan another 50 years — just as they have in Germany and Korea. He also termed the ongoing US-backed campaign in Yemen the "most brutal war on earth," a war western media overwhelming ignore. Colonel Douglas Macgregor at the same conference called Washington DC "the place where good ideas go to die." His years at the Pentagon, coupled with his experience leading...

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Have You Committed Your Three Felonies Today?

Have You Committed Your Three Felonies Today?

Several years ago the Commonwealth of Virginia enacted a law restricting firearms purchases to one per month. This was intended to discourage smuggling of weapons to urban areas outside Virginia with tight gun control laws and (unsurprisingly) high homicide rates. The law didn’t seem to do much good and in a rare outbreak of common sense was later repealed, though there’s recent misguided talk from Attorney General Mark Herring of reviving it.During its short period in force, the prohibition...

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Protectionism Abroad and Socialism at Home

Protectionism Abroad and Socialism at Home

One of the most insidious ways politicians expand government is by creating new programs to “solve” problems created by politicians. For example, government interference in health care increased health care costs, making it difficult or even impossible for many to obtain affordable, quality care. The effects of these prior interventions were used to justify Obamacare. Now, the failures of Obamacare are being used to justify further government intervention in health care. This does not just...

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Infowars Turns Readers Into Nazi Zombies

Infowars Turns Readers Into Nazi Zombies

According to Reveal and the Center for Investigative Reporting reading Infowars will turn you into a white supremacist. It’s a racist recruiting tool, they insist. Case in point: Andrew Anglin, the former hippie vegan who now edits The Daily Stormer. His previous effort was named Total Fascism.Anglin’s 2015 interview [aired on the Stormfront site] shows that Jones’ brand of conspiracy peddling also helps usher new recruits into the white supremacist movement. Seeing the whole world as a...

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America the Punitive

America the Punitive

There has been a dramatic shift in how the United States government carries out its business internationally. Admittedly, Washington has had a tendency to employ force to get what it has wanted ever since 9/11, but it also sometimes recognized that other countries had legitimate interests and accepted there was a place for diplomacy to resolve issues short of armed conflict. The Bush Administration reluctance to broaden its engagement in the Middle East after it recognized that it had...

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A Milestone in Afghanistan

A Milestone in Afghanistan

Sometime late next year, possibly as early as September, news crews will gather in Afghanistan for a unique event: To interview an American serviceman or woman who was not born when the war they are fighting began. He or she will not remember 9/11, and will have grown up with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as background noise. No doubt also a senior commander will be on hand to pronounce that the war against the Taliban is making progress, the same pronouncements the young recruit will have...

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Russia Hysteria Undercuts Our Values, Impedes Relations

Russia Hysteria Undercuts Our Values, Impedes Relations

The mainstream media and out-of-touch politicians and bureaucrats want us to believe that the Cold War never ended, it’s a crime to talk with a Russian, and we should all be fearful of any Russians here in the U.S. Apparently our $21 trillion national debt, lack of border security, and the threat of radical Islamic terrorism pale in comparison to the grave threat posed by Russia.This is yet another example of the disconnect between Beltway talking heads and the American people. Hard-working...

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Trump Strikes Back at ‘Ringleader’ Brennan

Trump Strikes Back at ‘Ringleader’ Brennan

There’s more than meets the eye to President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearances that ex-CIA Director John Brennan enjoyed as a courtesy customarily afforded former directors. The President’s move is the second major sign that Brennan is about to be hoist on his own petard. It is one embroidered with rhetoric charging Trump with treason and, far more important, with documents now in the hands of congressional investigators showing Brennan’s ringleader role in the so-far...

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Trump Would be Stupid to Talk to Mueller

Trump Would be Stupid to Talk to Mueller

The US mainstream press is obviously becoming increasingly anxious about Special Counsel (and former FBI Director) Robert Mueller’s efforts to bring an early end to Donald Trump’s presidency. After all, it has now been 15 months (and millions of taxpayer dollars) since Mueller received his special appointment, and he still has not charged Trump with any wrongdoing whatsoever.What Mueller has done is secure indictments against a few Russians who, according to Wikipedia, supposedly attempted “to...

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Senator Richard Burr: a Longtime Fan of Torture

Senator Richard Burr: a Longtime Fan of Torture

Newly released official documents obtained by the National Security Archive showing that CIA Director Gina Haspel directly supervised waterboarding at the first CIA “Black Site” simply confirm what Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) already knew as he orchestrated the charade that was Haspel’s confirmation hearing. Burr allowed her to “classify” her own direct role in waterboarding and other torture techniques so that it could be kept from the public and secure her...

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Ron Paul: President Trump May Not Be a Neoconservative, but He Is Influenced by Neocons

“Do you think that President Trump is a neocon?” That is the first question host Jason Burack asked guest Ron Paul, who is chairman of the Ron Paul Institute and a former United States House of Representative member, in a new Wall Street for Main Street podcast interview. “Probably not in the true sense of the word,” replies Paul, “but that does not mean that he isn’t influenced by the neocons,” which Paul says Trump “obviously is.”Continuing his answer, Paul grants that Trump frequently...

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Protectionism Abroad and Socialism at Home

Trump vs. His Own Administration?

Are President Trump’s senior cabinet members working against him? It’s hard not to conclude that many of the more hawkish neocons that Trump has (mistakenly, in my view) appointed to top jobs are actively working to undermine the president’s stated agenda. Especially when it seems Trump is trying to seek dialogue with countries the neocons see as adversaries needing to be regime-changed.Remember just as President Trump was organizing an historic summit meeting with Kim Jong-Un, his National...

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New Study: 4.5 Million Died In Post-9/11 Wars

A new study by Brown University's Cost of War Project has estimated that post-9/11 wars launched by the west have directly and indirectly resulted in more than 4.5 million dead,...

Peace & Prosperity Blog

What if They Did it to Us?

Peter Hitchens writing at the Daily Mail poses a question that most supporters of interventionism -- be it of the liberal "humanitarian" variety or the imperialist variety --...

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