Featured Articles

‘Operation Endless War’? 17 Years In Afghanistan

We have passed the 17 year mark on the Afghan war and the Taliban control more territory than they have at any time since the launch. So for trillions of dollars, thousands of deaths, and 17 years of US government effort, "victory" is no closer than at day one. Does President Trump want out? Perhaps. But his neocon advisors have other ideas...

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NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

Last week the United States, Mexico, and Canada agreed to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Sadly, instead of replacing NAFTA’s managed trade with true free trade, the new USMCA expands government’s control over trade. For example, under the USMCA’s “rules of origin,” at least 75 percent of a car’s parts must be from the US, Canada, or Mexico in order to avoid tariffs. This is protectionism designed to raise prices...

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The Final Truth of Russia-gate

The Final Truth of Russia-gate

The conspiracy to overthrow a sitting US President extends far beyond our own “Deep State.” As I’ve been saying in this space for quite some time, it’s been an international team effort from the beginning. Setting aside the British origins of the obscene “dossier” compiled by “ex”-MI6 agent Christopher Steele, we now have further confirmation of foreign involvement in President Trump’s decision to delay (perhaps indefinitely) the declassification of key Russia-gate documents. While US...

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NATO’s Manipulation Of The Macedonian Vote Exposes Its Modus Operandi

NATO’s Manipulation Of The Macedonian Vote Exposes Its Modus Operandi

NATO membership used to be motivated by a shared fear, however exploited, of a so-called “Soviet/communist threat” which made joining the military bloc a seemingly “natural” decision for the countries that did so during the Old Cold War. The US certainly pressured many of them behind the scenes, however, and it also exploited their membership for clandestine purposes such as embedding Gladio squads into their societies. The Soviet dissolution of 1991 removed the very reason for NATO’s...

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The Military-Industrial-Humanitarian Complex: Spreading Western Hegemony Under the Guise of Virtue

The Military-Industrial-Humanitarian Complex: Spreading Western Hegemony Under the Guise of Virtue

Shakespeare once wrote that the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. Nowadays, we see the terms ‘humanitarian’ and ‘democracy’ abused to justify death and destruction. Traditionally honorable words such as "humanitarian" and "democracy" have come to acquire a darker and more cynical meaning following their misappropriation to justify the invasion of sovereign nations and to promote the spread of Western military and cultural dominance across the globe. The mainstream media, alongside some...

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US Military in Syria Ready for Long-Endurance Mission

US Military in Syria Ready for Long-Endurance Mission

Speaking at the UN General Assembly on Sept. 29, Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem demanded that US, French and Turkish forces leave his country immediately or be dealt with “accordingly”. Indeed, with the Islamic State reduced to insignificance, they have no justification for being there. The message is primarily addressed to Washington. Trained and equipped by the United States, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) control roughly 25-30 percent of Syria, including areas which hold the...

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James Comey and the Unending Bush Torture Scandal

James Comey and the Unending Bush Torture Scandal

The vast regime of torture created by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks continues to haunt America. The political class and most of the media have never dealt honestly with the profound constitutional corruption that such practices inflicted. Instead, torture enablers are permitted to pirouette as heroic figures on the flimsiest evidence. Former FBI chief James Comey is the latest beneficiary of the media’s “no fault” scoring on the torture scandal. In his media interviews for his...

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That Sign Telling You How Fast You’re Driving May be Spying on You

That Sign Telling You How Fast You’re Driving May be Spying on You

The next time you drive past one of those road signs with a digital readout showing how fast you’re going, don’t simply assume it’s there to remind you not to speed. It may actually be capturing your license plate data.According to recently released US federal contracting data, the Drug Enforcement Administration will be expanding the footprint of its nationwide surveillance network with the purchase of “multiple” trailer-mounted speed displays “to be retrofitted as mobile LPR [License Plate...

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Don’t count on the FBI to clear up the Kavanaugh-Ford mess. Its record is flawed.

Don’t count on the FBI to clear up the Kavanaugh-Ford mess. Its record is flawed.

After last week’s explosive congressional hearing, the Senate and the Trump administration agreed to reopen the FBI background check into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Former FBI chief James Comey wrote Sunday that “the FBI is up for this” because it is “full” of "people who just want to figure out what’s true." But truth has often been a scarce commodity in FBI investigations. Consider these cases stretching back decades: - The chief of the FBI’s violent crimes section was sent to...

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The Scary Side of the Technological Police State

The Scary Side of the Technological Police State

It’s a given that Big Brother is always watching us. Unfortunately, thanks to the government’s ongoing efforts to build massive databases using emerging surveillance, DNA and biometrics technologies, Big Brother (and his corporate partners in crime) is getting even creepier and more invasive, intrusive and stalker-like. Indeed, every dystopian sci-fi film (and horror film, for that matter) we’ve ever seen is suddenly converging into this present moment in a dangerous trifecta between science...

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Note To NATO – You Don’t ‘Take Out’ Missiles Without Having A War

Note To NATO – You Don’t ‘Take Out’ Missiles Without Having A War

Earlier today the US ambassador to NATO threatened to "take out" a new kind of Russian missile: The US envoy to NATO on Tuesday said that Russia must halt development of new missiles that could carry nuclear warheads and warned that the United States could 'take out' the system if it becomes operational. The US and Russia have for some time disagreed about the INF treaty. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed in 1987 between the Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev and US...

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One Click Closer to Annihilation

One Click Closer to Annihilation

The nuclear war doomsday clock maintained on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists website has advanced to two minutes before midnight, the closest point to possible atomic apocalypse since the end of the Cold War. In 1995 the clock was at fourteen minutes to midnight, but the opportunity to set it back even further was lost as the United States and its European allies took advantage of a weakened Russia to advance NATO into Eastern Europe, setting the stage for a new cold war, which is now...

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NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

Venezuela’s Socialism…And Ours

This week we witnessed the horrible spectacle of Nikki Haley, President Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, joining a protest outside the UN building and calling for the people of Venezuela to overthrow their government.“We are going to fight for Venezuela,” she shouted through a megaphone, “we are going to continue doing it until Maduro is gone.”This is the neocon mindset: that somehow the US has the authority to tell the rest of the world how to live and who may hold political power...

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Iran Warns It Will Respond to Future Israeli Strikes Targeting Syria and Its Allies

Iran Warns It Will Respond to Future Israeli Strikes Targeting Syria and Its Allies

Concerns that the conflict in Syria could soon escalate have now grown exponentially following comments from Iran’s top security official that Israel will face retaliatory actions if the country continues to launch unilateral strikes against Syrian military installations. Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, told the Iranian Fars news agency that Israel “will face reactions that would cause sorrow and penitence” if it continues to launch new airstrikes...

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How an American Anthropologist Tied to US Regime-Change Proxies Became the MSM’s Man in Nicaragua

How an American Anthropologist Tied to US Regime-Change Proxies Became the MSM’s Man in Nicaragua

The Guardian, The Washington Post, the BBC and NPR have assigned an American anthropologist with no previous journalistic experience to cover the crisis in Nicaragua. The novice reporter, named Carl David Goette-Luciak, has published pieces littered with falsehoods that reinforce the opposition’s narrative promoting regime change while relying almost entirely on anti-Sandinista sources. An investigation for MintPress reveals that Goette-Luciak has forged intimate ties to the opposition, and...

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US Intel Officials Publicly Contradict Netanyahu’s UN Speech On ‘New’ Iran Atomic Facility

US Intel Officials Publicly Contradict Netanyahu’s UN Speech On ‘New’ Iran Atomic Facility

Netanyahu's Thursday UN General Assembly speech predictably included the familiar props and visuals condemning Iran over what the Israeli prime minister says is a continuing nuclear program it is hiding from the world's view. Like pretty much all prior Netanyahu speeches focusing on Iran, he held up a physical "evidence" to illustrate his points as he spoke — this time it was a "proof" that Iran has yet another secret warehouse holding nuclear-related material in the form of an aerial...

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Why Is Peter Hotez Afraid To Debate RFK, Jr.?

When Covid fanatic Dr. Peter Hotez went on Joe Rogan's show last week to trash-talk Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as an anti-vaxxer kook, he may not have expected what would happen...

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