Someone astute once said "history repeats itself--the first as tragedy and then as farce." Oh, yes, it was Karl Marx in his Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon. Quite relevant to the subject. I have followed the beginning of the 2020 presidential campaign undecided whether to cry or laugh. That is to say, I am undecided whether to view the unfolding season as a tragic or farcical circumstance. Of particular agony is the back-and-forth between President Trump and his sycophants on the one...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
McAdams’ Year-End Chat With Jay Taylor
RPI's Daniel McAdams looks back over the year in foreign policy and civil liberties with VoiceAmerica Radio's Jay Taylor. What does the rest of the world think of US spying, the...
Judge Napolitano Applauds, Explains NSA Ruling
As usual, Judge Andrew Napolitano, an RPI Advisory Board Member, explains clearly and eloquently the real importance of US District Court Judge Richard Leon's ruling that the...
Judge Andrew Napolitano Explains Court Ruling on NSA, Describes Conspiracy Against US Constitution
In interviews Monday and Tuesday, Judge Andrew Napolitano explains the Monday United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruling that certain US National Security...
Jay Taylor and RPI’s Daniel McAdams: What in the World?
RPI's Daniel McAdams once again joins Jay Taylor on his excellent "Turning Hard Times Into Good Times" radio program. The two discuss the recent NSA ruling, Ukraine, new spy...
RPI’s Daniel McAdams With Scott Horton
RPI Director Daniel McAdams was a guest on the Scott Horton Show yesterday, discussing latest events in Syria, interventionism, and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
Ron Paul Discusses US Antiwar Sentiment And More With Alex Jones
On the Alex Jones Show Thursday, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul and Jones engage in a wide-ranging discussion regarding matters including how the American people overcame the...
RPI’s McAdams and Tom Woods: Iran, Japan, Ukraine, and More…
RPI Director Daniel McAdams is on the Tom Woods Show on 13 December to discuss the latest foreign policy hot spots. Ukraine -- is the mob in the street a democratic movement? Why...
RPI Board Members Denounce Mass Spying by Police on Cell Phone Users
In interviews this week, RPI Advisory Board Members Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. and Judge Andrew Napolitano denounce mass spying on cell phone users by state and local police who...
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