The two-pronged conspiracy theory that has dominated US political discourse for almost three years – that (1) Trump, his family and his campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, and (2) Trump is beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin — was not merely rejected today by the final report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It was obliterated: in an undeniable and definitive manner. The key fact is this: Mueller – contrary to weeks of false media claims...
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Will Matt Gaetz' House Coup Backfire On Conservatives?
Rep. Matt Gaetz' motion to vacate the Chair of the House Speaker is scheduled for a vote today, with the outcome for Speaker McCarthy uncertain. Leading Republicans such as Rep....
Will Matt Gaetz' House Coup Backfire On Conservatives?
Rep. Matt Gaetz' motion to vacate the Chair of the House Speaker is scheduled for a vote today, with the outcome for Speaker McCarthy uncertain. Leading Republicans such as Rep....
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Col. Wilkerson: ‘What American Wants to Die for Kiev?’
RPI academic advisor Col. Lawrence Wilkerson appears in a thought-provoking interview on MSNBC, where he expresses his hopes that President Obama can find a way to walk back from...
The TSA PreCheck Extortion Racket
Transportation Security Administration Administrator John Pistole touted on Tuesday the expansion of TSA's extortion racket-style program known as the PreCheck. Pistole’s...
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First they fear you, then they hate you, then they laugh at you? Sadly this is the tragectory of President Obama. Anyone with any sense of irony left can but laugh out loud at...
Democracy Promotion or Total Destruction?
RPI's Daniel McAdams joined Jay Taylor's Turning Hard Times Into Good Times radio program this week to discuss the neocons, the left humanitarian interventionists, and the US...
Ron Paul: A New Cold War?
This week on the Ron Paul Weekly Podcast, Dr. Paul and host Charles Goyette discuss the US government's bizarre re-igniting of the Cold War through interventionism and hypocrisy...
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: How to Avoid War Over Ukraine
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, speaking with Chris Hayes on MSNBC this week, details steps the United States government can take to avoid war over Ukraine. Wilkerson suggests: Ukraine...
Foiled in Crimea, Is Obama Eyeing Syria Strike?
There is danger in making dramatic but idle threats. President Obama and his administration have been given to extremely muscular rhetoric to warn adversaries away from certain...
Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?
RPI Chairman Ron Paul has an op-ed in Tuesday's USA Today wondering why the US is so eager to saddle up for war over a relatively insignificant piece of land thousands of miles...
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