At his wrap-up press conference in May, Robert Mueller sternly underscored what he called "the central allegation" of the two-year Russia probe. Namely, that the Russian government engaged in "multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election, and that allegation deserves the attention of every American." Yesterday’s gong show on Capitol Hill presented him with innumerable opportunities to defend that heavy duty proposition. Indeed, he had a massive TV audience before which to fortify...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Alumni Meet on Jay Taylor Show to Talk War and Peace
Ron Paul's Congressional office colleagues Daniel McAdams (Ron Paul Institute) and Jeff Deist (Mises Institute) meet again on Jay Taylor's radio broadcast to discuss the nexus...
Iraq Falls to ISIS? — Daniel McAdams on Tom Woods Show Today!
Has Iraq Fallen? RPI Director Daniel McAdams is on the Tom Woods Show today to discuss breaking news on the fall of Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, the total failure of the Iraq war...
Ron Paul: Legal Pot, Not SWAT
Ron Paul addresses Monday on the Ron Paul Channel the menacing militarization of police in the United States. Paul, the chairman and founder of RPI, explains the problem extends...
US Support for Lugansk Massacre — Daniel McAdams on the Scott Horton Show
What happened in Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine? RPI Director Daniel McAdams is on the Scott Horton Show to discuss his recent article on the strange US response to a military...
John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia
We all remember Secretary of State John Kerry lying through this teeth last summer, when he swore that US intelligence reports proving that Syria used chemical weapons in Ghouta...
Washington Post At War With Reality on Ukraine
(still from YouTube)Anyone reading the Washington Post's coverage of Ukraine and Russia over the past several months knows well that when it comes to fealty to the regime, the...
Ron Paul on ‘The Strange Case of Bowe Bergdahl’
The current debate over whether Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl, recently swapped for five Guantanamo detainees, was a traitor or hero obscured what should be the real debate of our foreign...
Have You Reset the Net?
Suppose your neighborhood experienced a dramatic increase in home break-ins. What might you and your neighbors do in response? Some residents may join together in a neighborhood...
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