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Trump Seeks ‘Coalition Of The Willing’ Against Iran

Trump Seeks ‘Coalition Of The Willing’ Against Iran

After a somewhat quiet weekend the Trump administration yesterday engaged in another push against Iran.Monday the Treasury Department sanctioned the leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). It also sanctioned Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and his office! There will be no more Disney Land visits for them. There is more to come: Mnuchin: "The president has instructed me that we will be designating [Iran's foreign minister Javad] Zarif later this week." cc: @JZarif —...

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Is the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program an Illusion?

Is the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program an Illusion?

There is so much rubbish said about the supposed Iranian nuclear weapons program that it is a good idea to "review the bidding" about this.Iran does have a nuclear power program, but: "In 2012, sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, reported that Iran was pursuing research that could enable it to produce nuclear weapons, but was not attempting to do so.[15] The senior officers of all of the major American intelligence agencies stated that there was no conclusive evidence that...

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Boxed in by Neocons and the Media, Will Trump Launch Iran War?

Boxed in by Neocons and the Media, Will Trump Launch Iran War?

President Trump did the smart thing last week by calling off a US airstrike on Iran over the downing of an American spy drone near or within Iranian territorial waters. According to press reports, the president over-ruled virtually all his top advisors – Bolton, Pompeo, and Haspel – who all wanted another undeclared and unauthorized US war in the Middle East.Is Iran really the aggressive one? When you unilaterally pull out of an agreement that was reducing tensions and boosting trade; when you...

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VIPS Memo to the President: Is Pompeo’s Agenda the Same As Yours?

VIPS Memo to the President: Is Pompeo’s Agenda the Same As Yours?

VIPS says its direct experience with Mike Pompeo leaves them with strong doubt regarding his trustworthiness on issues of consequence to the President and the nation. DATE: June 21, 2019 MEMORANDUM FOR: The President. FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Is Pompeo’s Agenda the Same As Yours? We are concerned that you are about to be mousetrapped into war with Iran. You have said you do not want such a war (no sane person would), and the observations below are...

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Did Venezuelan coup leaders pocket $70 million from Citgo’s stolen US assets?

Did Venezuelan coup leaders pocket $70 million from Citgo’s stolen US assets?

Former Exxon Lawyer and Venezuela opposition envoy to Washington, Carlos Vecchio, may have overseen a multi-million dollar fraud scheme since his political allies were handed control of his country’s US-based oil accounts. On June 17, Venezuela’s government claimed that the US Justice Department was opening an investigation into Citgo’s opposition-appointed board of directors. Hours later, the ad-hoc council confirmed it had received a subpoena from US officials. Citgo appeared to confirm the...

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A View From the Frontline of the Drug War

Former NY Police Department narcotics detective John Baeza at the Ron Paul Institute's May conference on "Winning the War on the War on Drugs," speaking of his conversion from drug warrior to anti drug war warrior. Don't miss Baeza's harrowing tales of undercover drug buys and his emotional explanation when he finally realized the futility of it all. And...if you like this speech and the work of the Ron Paul Institute, consider picking up a ticket to our Washington DC conference on August...

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Be Thankful for Trump’s Iran Indecision… For Now

Be Thankful for Trump’s Iran Indecision… For Now

We can for now be thankful Trump didn’t kill people and blow things up in Iran Thursday. Even so, the fact he went full-throttle, and then backed off is worrisome. It’s been obvious for some time now the president is in the middle of a tug of war between those who want to annihilate Iran and those who advise caution and diplomacy. Trump, unfortunately, believes a raft of lies put out by the neocons. He demonstrated that Friday morning with a series of tweets. ....Death to America. I terminated...

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June Madness Strikes Washington. Iranians, Russians and Britons Beware!

June Madness Strikes Washington. Iranians, Russians and Britons Beware!

It has been a lively June so far in light of Washington’s apparent zeal to remake the world in its own image. There is considerable buzz among those networking in ex- or current government circles that the White House is preparing to “do something” about Iran. The recent incidents involving alleged attacks on Norwegian and Japanese tankers in the Gulf of Oman were immediately attributed to Iran by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with so little regard for evidence that even the compliant...

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US Credibility Dented in Iran Standoff

US Credibility Dented in Iran Standoff

The US President Donald Trump’s reported decision abruptly to call off military strike against Iran which he’d previously ordered, highlights the growing complexity of the US-Iranian entanglement. Indeed, it takes political courage to rationalise amidst such a dangerous situation that discretion is the better part of valour. Trump has been smart enough. But, having said that, there’s going to be downstream consequences. The Trump administration appears paralysed. And Tehran has seized the...

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Even Libertarians Believe the Russian Collusion Nonsense

Even Libertarians Believe the Russian Collusion Nonsense

I should say, rather, big “L” Libertarians. For instance, Nicholas Sarwark, Libertarian Party Chairman. If you base your support of China and Venezuela on opposition to the United States interfering in the internal affairs of a foreign government, one would expect you would be opposed to Russian interference in the internal affairs of our government.And yet... — Nicholas Sarwark (@nsarwark) June 18, 2019 It appears Mr. Sarwark, in his zeal to trash Ron Paul, is as clueless and ill-informed as...

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From Coup Leaders to Con Artists: Juan Guaidó’s Gang Exposed for Massive Humanitarian Aid Fraud

From Coup Leaders to Con Artists: Juan Guaidó’s Gang Exposed for Massive Humanitarian Aid Fraud

A new investigation has exposed members of Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó’s inner circle for embezzling tens of thousands of dollars designated for humanitarian aid and spending it on luxury goods and lavish accommodations for themselves. Guaidó had been aware of the fraud for weeks and stubbornly defended his cohorts until a leak from Colombian intelligence forced him to acknowledge the scandal. The scandal unfolded this February, when Venezuelan opposition figures and their supporters...

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Cuba Is Feeling John Bolton’s Wrath

Cuba Is Feeling John Bolton’s Wrath

John Bolton hates the governments of Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua—calling them the “troika of tyranny” and the “three stooges of socialism”—and is determined to use his time as National Security Advisor to eliminate the vestiges of socialism in our hemisphere. He has openly stated that the 1823 Monroe Doctrine is “alive and well,” conveying that the United States will dictate the terms of governance in the Western Hemisphere, by military force if necessary. Furious that he has been unable to...

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America Last: The Real Meaning of the Donald’s Deplorable Aggression Against Iran

America Last: The Real Meaning of the Donald’s Deplorable Aggression Against Iran

In the present era of 24/7 “breaking news”, the journalistic information intermediated by the internet and the cable networks has largely been reduced to noise, devoid of signal. Or at least any historical context beyond the here and now. The currently threatened escalation of Washington’s economic war on Iran into an actual shooting war is a fraught case in point. Based on the news coverage since the two oil tankers were damaged yesterday you’d think that a crew of bloody-minded aggressors in...

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Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future

Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future

The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Now, a recently exposed embezzlement scandal in Colombia risks to further alienate the party from the Venezuelan people. What was supposed to be Guaido’s watershed moment has instead turned out to be a public-relations failure far worse...

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False Identities Become the New Weapon: War with Iran Promoted by Fake Journalists

False Identities Become the New Weapon: War with Iran Promoted by Fake Journalists

*(MEK members working in the ‘Twitter troll factory’ in Manez Camp, Albania)One of the claims made about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election was that Kremlin-controlled entities were using fake identities to create dissension and confusion on social network sites. This should surprise no one, if it is true, as intelligence operatives have been using false names since Sumerian times. The concern over fake identities no doubt comes from the deception involved, meaning that if...

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Boxed in by Neocons and the Media, Will Trump Launch Iran War?

Medical IDs: Enemy of Privacy, Liberty, and Health

Last week, the House of Representatives voted in favor of a Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill amendment to repeal the prohibition on the use of federal funds to create a “unique patient identifier.” Unless this prohibition, which I originally sponsored in 1998, is reinstated, the federal government will have the authority to assign every American a medical ID. This ID will be used to store and track every American’s medical history.A unique patient identifier...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Patriotic Blasphemy

Patriotic Blasphemy

A relative of mine attended the church of another relative of mine on the Sunday before Memorial Day. Here is the patriotic blasphemy he reports that he observed: Battle Hymn of...

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