RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Sen. Graham Wants to Bomb Iran in Response to Houthi Attack on Saudi Oil

Sen. Graham Wants to Bomb Iran in Response to Houthi Attack on Saudi Oil

Following the early morning attack on Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq oil processing facility—the largest oil processing plant in the world—and a similar drone attack at the Khurais oil field on Saturday, the neocon senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, has called for attacking Iran. It is now time for the U.S. to put on the table an attack on Iranian oil refineries if they continue their provocations or increase nuclear enrichment. — Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 14, 2019 Although...

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‘Real Anti-Interventionism’

Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams opens the August 24, 2019, Peace and Prosperity Washington conference with some thoughts on what anti-interventionism really means and why non-intervention is so important to our national security and our moral and financial future.

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The Cost of War!

What are the financial costs of our 18 years of the "war on terror"? What about the moral costs, the psychological costs, the opportunity costs? RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins Libertarian Institute founder Scott Horton, former USAF officer Kal Molinet, and USAF pilot-turned-conscientious-objector Justin Pavoni for an in-depth look into a whole generation grown up in endless war.

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Color Revolutionaries of the World, Unite! Hong Kong Protest Leader Pictured with White Helmets Boss

Color Revolutionaries of the World, Unite! Hong Kong Protest Leader Pictured with White Helmets Boss

Hong Kong protest figurehead Joshua Wong, who has been rocking up to "pro-democracy" meetings with various Western officials in recent weeks, has been spotted hanging out with the chairman of the White Helmets in Berlin. Wong attended the "Bild 100" summer party in Berlin this week, where he seems to have bumped into White Helmets boss Raed Al Saleh. That’s a tad awkward, since the Syrian first-responders group operates solely in areas controlled by anti-government fighters and has been...

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How To Defeat The Empire

How To Defeat The Empire

One of the biggest and most consistent challenges of my young career so far has been finding ways to talk about solutions to our predicament in a way that people will truly hear. I talk about these solutions constantly, and some readers definitely get it, but others will see me going on and on about a grassroots revolution against the establishment narrative control machine and then say “Okay, but what do we do?” or “You talk about problems but never offer any solutions!” Part of the...

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Trump the Russian Puppet. A Story That Just Will Not Die

Trump the Russian Puppet. A Story That Just Will Not Die

Certainly, there are many things that President Donald Trump can rightly be criticized for, but it is interesting to note how the media and chattering classes continue to be in the grip of the highly emotional but ultimately irrational “Trump derangement syndrome (TDS).” TDS means that even the most ridiculous claims about Trump behavior can be regurgitated by someone like Jake Tapper or Rachel Maddow without anyone in the media even daring to observe that they are both professional...

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John Brennan’s and Jim Clappers’ Last Gasp?

John Brennan’s and Jim Clappers’ Last Gasp?

A flood of news in the last 24 hours regarding Russiagate. I am referring specifically to reports that the CIA ex-filtrated Oleg Smolenkov, a mid-level Russian Foreign Ministry bureaucrat who reportedly hooked himself on the coat-tails of Yuri Ushakov, who was Ambassador to the US from 1999 through 2008. He was recruited by the CIA (i.e., asked to collect information and pass it to the US Government via his or her case officer) at sometime during this period. Smolenkov is being portrayed as a...

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Trump Foreign Policy as Theater of the Absurd

Trump Foreign Policy as Theater of the Absurd

One might be forgiven for thinking that the foreign policy of the United States is some kind of theatrical performance, like a comic opera, with new characters appearing on stage willy-nilly and then being driven off after committing an incredible faux pas only to be replaced by even more grotesquely clownish figures. Unfortunately, while the musical chairs and plot twists contrived by a Goldoni or Moliere generally have a cheerful ending, the same cannot be said about what has been taking...

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The Pentagon’s Upcoming Kangaroo Show Trial in Cuba

The Pentagon’s Upcoming Kangaroo Show Trial in Cuba

After 18 years, there is a possibility that the Pentagon is finally going to permit a “trial” of five men who are accused of conspiracy to commit the 9/11 attacks. If so, the proceedings will prove what a charade the Pentagon’s entire “judicial system” at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been and continues to be. In fact, the trial, if it is even permitted to take place, will serve as a mirror for how “trials” are conducted in communist China or, for matter, in communist Cuba. Let’s review how the...

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Does Trump Believe What He Says About Syria?

Does Trump Believe What He Says About Syria?

Why does Donald Trump say the things he does about Syria and its government? He insists that the SAG attacks its people with chemical weapons when such attacks have never been proven. They have only been asserted by opponents of the government and in fact there exists a lot of evidence that these attacks have been staged by information operations projects like the White Helmets film production group with the surreptitious backing of a network of covert action people within the the UK...

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‘Hands Off Hong Kong’ – the Cry That Seldom Is Heard

‘Hands Off Hong Kong’ – the Cry That Seldom Is Heard

Through the summer the world has watched as protests shook Hong Kong. As early as April they began as peaceful demonstrations which peaked in early June, with hundreds of thousands, in protest of an extradition bill. That bill would have allowed Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of China, to return criminals to Taiwan, mainland China or Macau for crimes committed there – after approval by multiple layers of the Hong Kong judiciary. In the wake of those enormous nonviolent...

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Bill Dudley’s Noble Lie

Bill Dudley’s Noble Lie

Former Federal Reserve official Bill Dudley’s recent op-ed calling for the Federal Reserve to implement policies that will damage President Trump’s reelection campaign states that such action would be unprecedented. Dudley claims the Federal Reserve bases its policies solely on an objective evaluation of economic conditions. This is an example of a so-called noble lie — a fiction told by elites to the masses supposedly for the people’s own good, but really designed to maintain popular support...

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Establishment Right and Left Call for COINTELPRO 2.0

Establishment Right and Left Call for COINTELPRO 2.0

Both heads of the two-headed establishment political hydra want to resurrect COINTELPRO, the FBI’s illegal subversion program, in response to speech they oppose and want outlawed. In August, The Verge (owned by liberal Vox Media and founded by former CIA asset Markos Moulitsas) and the National Review, the failing neocon journal edited by Rich Lowry, posted articles on how to best undermine the First Amendment right of millions of Americans. The Verge cites a recent paper by N. F. Johnson and...

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Meet the Militantly Pro-Israel Trump Official Directing the Economic War on Iran

Meet the Militantly Pro-Israel Trump Official Directing the Economic War on Iran

Several US citizens have been questioned by the FBI and threatened with arrest for their participation in New Horizon, a public media conference held each year in Iran. The interrogations and threats are the result of orders apparently delivered by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Sigal P. Mandelker, a militantly pro-Israel lawyer with longstanding ties to right-wing political networks. Mandelker was reportedly involved in brokering the infamous Florida deal that...

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Yes, Vaccine Safety IS Too Dangerous for Us to Discuss

Yes, Vaccine Safety IS Too Dangerous for Us to Discuss

Recently, the news and opinion site HuffPost removed an article that had been up for more than six years. The piece, titled “Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court – Now What?” was published in January of 2013, and dealt with a case in which the US government’s Court of Federal Claims conceded that routine vaccination had aggravated a child’s underlying condition and led to that child developing “features of autism spectrum disorder.” Now, the following statement appears in...

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In Search of a Russiagate Scalp: The Entrapment of Maria Butina

In Search of a Russiagate Scalp: The Entrapment of Maria Butina

Much has been written about Maria Butina, the Russian “spy” who was accused of seeking to infiltrate the National Rifle Association and other organizations to try to gain a foothold in the Trump campaign and, later, in the White House. Much of it turned out to be nonsense. Butina wasn’t a spy. She wasn’t charged with spying. She wasn’t accused of being a spy. But that’s how the media branded her. The important thing is that there actually were spies around her. And they weren’t who you might...

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