RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

House Judiciary Committee Planning to Pass Dead-End Marijuana Legalization Bill

House Judiciary Committee Planning to Pass Dead-End Marijuana Legalization Bill

New Pew Research Center poll results indicate Americans’ support for marijuana legalization continues to grow, with support reaching two-thirds among those questioned and maintaining majorities among Democrats, Republicans, and independents. This state of popular opinion, along with marijuana law liberalization continuing to move forward at state and local levels, are among the factors suggesting the time is ripe for legalization on the national level.However, the United States House of...

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The Hugely Important OPCW Scandal Keeps Unfolding. Here’s Why No One’s Talking About It.

The Hugely Important OPCW Scandal Keeps Unfolding. Here’s Why No One’s Talking About It.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is now hemorrhaging evidence that the US and its allies deceived the world once again about yet another military intervention, which should be a front-page story all over the world. Yet if you looked at American news media headlines you’d think the only thing that matters right now is indulging the childish fantasy that Donald Trump might somehow magically be removed from office via supermajority consensus in a majority-Republican...

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Ron Paul, Hero

Ron Paul, Hero

This talk was delivered on November 9, 2019, at the Mises Institute symposium in Lake, Jackson, Texas. I had the rare honor of serving as Ron Paul’s congressional chief of staff, and observed him in many proud moments in those days, and in his presidential campaigns. People today sometimes compare Ron Paul with Bernie Sanders. The comparison of Bernie to Ron goes like this: both launched insurgent, anti-establishment presidential campaigns while in their 70s, shook up their respective party...

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Washington Threatens Egypt With Sanctions Over Russian Su-35 Fighter Jet Purchase

Washington Threatens Egypt With Sanctions Over Russian Su-35 Fighter Jet Purchase

Washington’s latest attempt to dissuade an ally from making arms deals with Russia came in the form of a letter sent on last Wednesday to Egyptian officials warning them that they could face sanctions if they continued with their $2 billion dollar Su-35 fighter jets contract. In addition to sanctions, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper warned Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Ahmed Zaki that “Major new arms deals with Russia would — at a minimum — complicate...

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Federal Reserve: Enemy of Liberty and Prosperity

Federal Reserve: Enemy of Liberty and Prosperity

Lost in the media’s obsession with the impeachment circus last week was Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s testimony on the state of the economy before the Joint Economic Committee. In his testimony, Chairman Powell warned that when the next recession inevitably occurs, the US Government’s over $23 trillion debt would prevent Congress from increasing spending to revive the economy.Powell also said that the Fed’s current low interest rate policies would prevent the Fed from using its...

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Plundering Iraq

Plundering Iraq

Victor Hugo said of the devastated Balkans in the 19th century: "The Turks have passed by here. All is in ruins or mourning." Welcome to modern Iraq. The British were always masters of efficient imperialism. In the 19th century, they managed to rule a quarter of the Earth’s surface with only a relatively small army supported by a great fleet. Many of their imperial subjects were so overawed by the pomp and circumstance of British rule that they often willingly cooperated, or at least bent the...

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Covert Operative In Ukraine Controversy Revealed To Be Associated Press

Covert Operative In Ukraine Controversy Revealed To Be Associated Press

Amid wildly conflicting stories about the Ukraine scandal one thing’s for sure. Someone’s not telling the truth. That means some of the news reports are based on misinformation. Who is spreading the misinformation? Associated Press has been caught as one guilty party. That troubling revelation comes not from the ubiquitous news stories we see carrying an AP byline. It has been conducted out of view of the general public. AP’s vehicle for this covert activity involves an AP publication that is...

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Bolivia’s New Puppet Regime Wastes No Time Aligning With US Foreign Policy

Bolivia’s New Puppet Regime Wastes No Time Aligning With US Foreign Policy

The Washington-recognized interim government which just ascended to power via US-backed military coup in Bolivia is already shifting the nation’s foreign policy into alignment with the US-centralized empire, severing important ties with two governments which have resisted absorption into the imperial blob. “Bolivia’s caretaker government isn’t wasting any time overhauling its foreign policy, announcing Friday that it will expel hundreds of Cuban officials and break ties with longtime ally...

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The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate

The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate

In the waning days of the Obama administration, the US intelligence community produced a report saying Russian President Vladimir Putin had tried to swing the 2016 election to Donald Trump. The January 2017 report, called an Intelligence Community Assessment, followed months of leaks to the media that had falsely suggested illicit ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin while also revealing that such contacts were the subject of a federal investigation. Its release cast a pall of...

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As the deep state attacks Trump to rave media reviews, don’t forget its dark side

As the deep state attacks Trump to rave media reviews, don’t forget its dark side

“Thank God for the deep state,” declared former acting CIA chief John McLaughlin recently while appearing on a panel at George Mason University. A year ago, the deep state was routinely reviled as a figment of paranoid right-wingers’ imagination. But much of the news media are now conferring the same sainthood on the deep state that was previously bestowed on special counsel Robert Mueller. A New York Times article last month gushed that “over the last three weeks, the deep state has emerged...

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Impeachment Witness Questions

Impeachment Witness Questions

In addition to the whistleblower himself, when Republicans get their chance to fully question the people whose testimony is now being stage managed by the Democrats, here are the points they must make to illustrate all this. There is no crime. Exactly what is the president being impeached over? The July 25 phone call text? Scream all the mob movie references you wish, but point to what law the smoking gun phrase Trump used, “Do us a favor,” violates. DOJ ruled the whistleblower revealed no...

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Social Media Censorship Reaches New Heights as Twitter Permanently Bans Dissent

It’s an open secret. The deep state is working hand in hand with Silicon Valley social media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google to control the flow of information. That includes suppressing, censoring and sometimes outright purging dissenting voices – all under the guise of fighting fake news and Russian propaganda. Most recently, it was revealed that Twitter’s senior editorial executive for Europe, the Middle East and Africa is an active officer in the British Army’s 77th Brigade, a...

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Top Bolivian coup plotters were School of the Americas grads, served as attachés in FBI police programs

Top Bolivian coup plotters were School of the Americas grads, served as attachés in FBI police programs

The US played a key role in the military coup in Bolivia, and in a direct way that has scarcely been acknowledged in accounts of the events that forced the country’s elected president, Evo Morales, to resign on November 10. Just prior to Morales’ resignation, the commander of Bolivia’s armed forces Williams Kaliman “suggested” that the president step down. A day earlier, sectors of the country’s police force had rebelled. Though Kaliman appears to have feigned loyalty to Morales over the...

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‘No No You Guys, THIS US-Backed Military Coup Is Perfectly Legitimate!’

‘No No You Guys, THIS US-Backed Military Coup Is Perfectly Legitimate!’

I just keep tripping on how dumb this latest US-backed military coup is. It’s in Bolivia in case you’ve lost track, which would be perfectly understandable since US-backed coups have become kind of like US mass shootings — there’s so many of them they’re starting to blend into each other. I mean, for starters the justifications for this one are so cartoonishly reachy and desperate it boggles the mind a bit. The main argument you’ll see in favor of the coup is that Evo Morales was elected after...

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The Latest False News on the Trump Impeachment

The Latest False News on the Trump Impeachment

As the media are all out to get Trump, there is no way to get any valid information about the so-called impeachment. But you don’t have to pay too much attention to notice that the Democrats and the presstitutes are constantly changing the focus. The alleged whistleblower, who only had hearsay information, if that, has dropped out of the picture, being too compromised by his affliations and prior meetings with Adam Schiff during which the “whistleblowing” was planned as an attack on Trump. The...

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The Ukrainian Influence Peddling Rings – A Microcosm of How Imperial Washington Rolls

The Ukrainian Influence Peddling Rings – A Microcosm of How Imperial Washington Rolls

Mykola Zlochevsky, former employer of Hunter Biden and current partner of the Atlantic CouncilLast night we heard some knucklehead on the War Channel (CNN) braying about Ukraine as a vitally important "ally and strategic partner". The implication, of course, was that the Donald’s attempted squeeze play on its new President was dangerously undermining national security. What unadulterated tommyrot! The safety and security of the American homeland has absolutely nothing to do with it. That’s...

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