The spread of the coronavirus has meant that much of the other news about developments around the world has disappeared from the normal news cycle. The situation in Syria, which involves not only the government in Damascus but also Turkey, Russia, Iran and a remaining American force in part of the country has been proving increasingly unstable. Russian President Vladimir Putin has met face-to-face with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to come up with a de-escalation plan that would avoid...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Nuland’s Neocon Lies and McCain’s Agony – McAdams and Taylor Week in Review
Victoria Nuland distorts the US role in the Ukraine coup before Congress. Isn't it supposed to be frowned upon to lie to Congress? Also Iran joins the fight against ISIS and John...
The Netanyahu Speech and the Neocons – A Discussion With Tom Woods and Daniel McAdams
What is the real story behind Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress this week? Who invited him and why? Are critics of the "Israel lobby" just...
Hillary Mann Leverett on Netanyahu’s Nearly 20 Years of Scaremongering Americans
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Tuesday speech to the United States Congress is a continuation of his nearly 20 years of scaremongering the US government to encourage...
Neocon Nuland Lies About Ukraine Before Congress
US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland appeared before the House International Relations Committee yesterday to beat the war drums against Russia over Ukraine. Her...
Texas Legislator Introduces Bill to Treat Marijuana ‘Like Tomatoes, Jalapeños, or Coffee’
Texas State Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) introduced a bill, HB 2165, on Monday that he says is intended to remove marijuana offenses entirely from Texas state law and replace...
On Marijuana, Young Republicans Say ‘Legalize it’ but Congressional Republicans Say ‘No’
According to Pew Research Center poll results released Friday, 63 percent of Millennial Generation Republicans support marijuana legalization. On this issue these Republicans...
Judge Napolitano: NSA Is Doing What American Colonists Fought Britain to End
Judge Andrew Napolitano provides a brief and excellent introduction to the US government’s mass spying program in a new video monologue this week at Fox News. In less than a...
Former NSA and CIA Boss Michael Hayden Calls Himself an ‘Unrelenting Libertarian’
Michael Hayden, who served in turn as director of the National Security Agency (NSA), principal deputy director of National Intelligence, and director of the Central Intelligence...
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