The first rule of screenwriting, or in fact any fiction writing, is, “Conflict doesn’t create character, it reveals it.” People are who they are and we only find out what they are made of when tested to their limit. This is the essence of all good storytelling — create characters who rise to be role models for us as we navigate our way through a Universe hostile to our very existence. While I hesitate to ascribe such noble ideas as ‘character’ to any politician there are a few out there who...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
They’re at it Again: Pentagon Training New Syrian Rebels
Official White House Photo by Pete SouzaYou know the old saying: if at first you don't succeed, keep trying the same dumb thing over and over and wonder why you are still not...
School Bus Bombing?
The CIA was allegedly engaged in a training exercise in suburban Virginia, which required real plastic explosives in a real school bus. Then it “forgot” them and returned the bus...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Sanders Wins, Obama Clemencies, Chief Rabbis, Stacked Hearing, Phone Privacy
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted today. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes,...
Obama: ‘I Don’t Want to be Iraq’s Air Force…’
A friend pointed out to me that in this White House interview Obama told Thomas Friedman (paraphrasing) that during the process of ISIS overrunning much of northern Iraq he...
White House to Syrians: Don’t Dare Vote For Assad!
US backing for the overthrow of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was supposed to be all about democracy. As Washington tells it, the people took to the street demanding...
Iraq Ranks In Ten Most Corrupt Countries In World, Again
Iraq, the failed state that over 4,600 (and counting…) Americans died to free from some evil tyrant 13 years ago, is still ranking high internationally in something....
A Speech that Would Have Made Waves at AIPAC
Much has been reported on United States presidential candidates trying to one-up each other at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in Washington, DC...
Media’s Blind Spot on War’s Victims and Blowback
Over at The Intercept, journalist Glenn Greenwald has written a powerful and insightful examination of how media provides Americans with many details regarding the deaths and...
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