RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The Greatest Failure in the History of Public Health: The Case for the Prosecution

The Greatest Failure in the History of Public Health: The Case for the Prosecution

In the first quarter of 2020, the first Covid-19 pandemic wave swept the world. This caused a wave of fear to also sweep across the world, leading to governments taking desperate countermeasures that imposed limits on everyday freedoms never before seen in our lifetimes. Stories about Covid-19 went viral in the media, which have covered the pandemic 24/7 throughout 2020 and 2021 to the exclusion of many important health-related topics. The world succumbed to a kind of Covid monomania. What...

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Disappearing Into the Digital Gulag – RPI’s Daniel McAdams Interview

The censoring grip of Big Tech is tightening against all dissident voices. Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams joins Big League Politics' Shane Trejo to discuss the increasingly restricted public debate on all major issues - from the virus to politics and beyond. Also on the menu is the absurdity of US foreign policy still focusing on territorial warfare when the rest of the world has moved on:

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The New American Leadership: Biden Tells the World What He Wants It to Know

The New American Leadership: Biden Tells the World What He Wants It to Know

It is sometimes difficult to absorb how much the United States has changed in the past twenty years, and not for the better. When I was in grade school in the 1950s there was a favorite somewhat simplistic saying much employed by teachers to illustrate the success of the American way of life that prevailed at that time. It went “What’s good for General Motors is good for America” and it meant that the US version of a robust and assertive capitalist economy generated opportunity and prosperity...

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Is This Becoming a General Strike?

Is This Becoming a General Strike?

Never in our lifetimes has a federal mandate created such cultural and economic havoc. Did the Biden administration really imagine that it could outright force its way into the bloodstream of every American, simply by demanding it in a press conference? Talk about the personalization of compulsion! People take their health seriously, especially when it involves the coercive injection of a tax-funded substance about which people know next to nothing and which has not been shown even to prevent...

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US Writes Belarus into Its Familiar Regime-Change Script

US Writes Belarus into Its Familiar Regime-Change Script

Minsk, Belarus - Quietly, the US national security state is turning up the heat on Belarus, hoping that the ex-Soviet country of 9 million will be the next casualty of its regime-change agenda. This sentiment was made clear in President Joe Biden’s recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Biden announced that the US would pursue “relentless diplomacy” finding “new ways of lifting people up around the world, of renewing and defending democracy.” The 46th president was explicit in...

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Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best

Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.”—Simone Weil, philosopher and political activist We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, carried out in the so-called name of the national good by an elite class of governmental and corporate officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions. We, the middling classes,...

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The Manipulators: Frank Luntz & Far-Left Group Wage Disinformation Campaign for COVID Tyranny

The Manipulators: Frank Luntz & Far-Left Group Wage Disinformation Campaign for COVID Tyranny

A shadowy far-left “public health” organization and TV “pollster” Frank Luntz have teamed up to run a full court press COVID-19 disinformation campaign, with the goal of persuading governments on all levels to further mandate tyranny on the masses, while attempting to convince American citizens of the necessity of these orders. Since the beginning of COVID Mania, Luntz and his benefactors have manipulated language to gather support for totalitarian government edicts and further legitimize...

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Texas Governor Stands Up Against President Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Vaccine Bullying

Texas Governor Stands Up Against President Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Vaccine Bullying

Maybe Texas Governor Greg Abbott was influenced by the billboards that appeared around Texas last month urging people to resist bullying regarding experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots and to instead make their own informed choices. Maybe Abbott perceived the strong opposition among voters to the increasingly harsh measures being taken to push the shots on people. Maybe Abbott’s conscience urged him to act. No matter the reason, Abbott on Monday took a stand for the rights of Texans. Abbott...

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Natural Immunity and Covid-19: Twenty-Nine Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians

Natural Immunity and Covid-19: Twenty-Nine Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians

From the beginning of the March 2020 lockdowns for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the subject of natural immunity (also called post-infection immunity) has been neglected. Once the vaccination became widely available, what began with near silence at the beginning turned nearly into a complete blackout of the topic. Even now, there is an absence of open discussion, presumably in the interests of promoting universal vaccination and required documentation of such vaccination as a condition of...

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Learning To Fear Free Speech: How Politicians Are Moving To Protect Us From Our Unhealthy Reading Choices

Learning To Fear Free Speech: How Politicians Are Moving To Protect Us From Our Unhealthy Reading Choices

Below is my column in the Hill on the increasing calls for censorship and speech regulation on the Internet. The most recent push on Capitol Hill surrounds the testimony of former Facebook product manager Frances Haugen who alleges that Facebook has been knowingly harming children through promotion and access to certain sites. For some, the testimony follows a type of Trojan Horse pattern where anti-free speech measures are packaged as public safety measures. Before embracing the proposals of...

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The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it has spilled out into the open, threatening to completely derail an already crumbling economy and to obliterate a deeply unpopular US President and Administration.Seemingly out of nowhere what appears to be a Southwest Airlines rebellion has taken flight this weekend. According to media reports, scores of pilots and other Southwest...

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What the FDA and NIH Have to Say About the Vaccine

What the FDA and NIH Have to Say About the Vaccine

Fact-checkers screening for “misinformation,” please note: everything that follows are direct quotes from the FDA Authorization Letter for COMIRNATY, the FDA-approved COMIRNATY package insert, as well as direct quotes of Diana Bianchi, director of the National Institutes of Health Institute of Child Health and Human Development. To clarify: The only approved vaccine is COMIRNATY. If this name is not on the vial of the vaccine one is being given, it’s not approved. This is important because...

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Saving for a Rainy Day

Saving for a Rainy Day

The really wealthy, vexed by tax collectors, pesky relatives, ex-wives and just plain thieves, long ago learned the wisdom of hiding their money and property. This is twice true for politicians. An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just examined a massive leak of 11.9 million records of offshore financial firms that have been evading taxes and financial disclosure for their many clients. The result of what is known as The Pandora Papers has been a cascade of scandals....

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Silencing Julian Assange: Why Bother With a Trial When You Can Just Kill Him?

Silencing Julian Assange: Why Bother With a Trial When You Can Just Kill Him?

An English friend recently learned about the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to either kidnap or kill journalist Julian Assange and quipped “I’ll bet he’s happy to be safe and sound in Belmarsh Prison if he has a chance to read about that!” I replied that his time in Belmarsh has been made as demeaning as possible by an English judge and the British are just as capable of executing a Jeffrey Epstein suicide or “accident” if called upon to do so by their American “cousins.” He agreed,...

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Democrats and Media Do Not Want to Weaken Facebook, Just Commandeer its Power to Censor

Democrats and Media Do Not Want to Weaken Facebook, Just Commandeer its Power to Censor

Much is revealed by who is bestowed hero status by the corporate media. This week's anointed avatar of stunning courage is Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager being widely hailed as a "whistleblower” for providing internal corporate documents to the Wall Street Journal relating to the various harms which Facebook and its other platforms (Instagram and WhatsApp) are allegedly causing. The social media giant hurts America and the world, this narrative maintains, by permitting...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Syria: The Micro World War

Syria: The Micro World War

Wow, who knew that the Israeli air force was running ops in Syria? In the news Friday, Israel is bragging that they intercepted and downed a Syrian SAM that was sent up after one...

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