In many areas of life, half a loaf is better than no loaf at all. But when it comes to vaccines, the opposite is true. Half-baked antibodies injected throughout the entire population can make the virus even stronger and negate people's natural immunity. Thus, all the defenses of the leaky vaccine suggesting that it at least conveys "some" protection are actually extremely concerning, a point driven home by a nugget in the most recent surveillance report from Public Health England (PHE). On...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Wilbur Ross: Syria Missile Strike Was ‘After-Dinner Entertainment’ at Mar-a-Lago
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross spoke this week at the Milken Global Conference in Beverley Hills.He recalled the scene at Mar-a-Lago on April 6, when the summit with Chinese...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Lethal Tasers, Trump’s Wall, Berkeley Speech, School Friskings, War Power
Welcome to this week's episode of the RPI blog, "Five Minutes, Five Issues." You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show...
US Deploys Troops Along Syria-Turkey Border
Just three days after Turkish warplanes killed at least 20 US-backed Kurdish fighters along the Turkey-Syria border as well as several Kurdish peshmerga troops on Mount Sinjar in...
Robert Wenzel and Tom Woods Defend Ron Paul Against Absurd Attack
Last week, someone posted at Twitter comments attacking Ron Paul. The comments absurdly labeled Paul — who has spent decades arguing for peace, free markets, and liberty — as...
New IHS Jane’s Study: Overthrow Assad and ISIS Comes Out on Top
President Trump's about-face on Syria has left many of his supporters reeling. Repeatedly on the campaign trail -- and over the past several years -- he has mocked President...
Five Minutes Five Issues: US v. Assange, Trump Fan, Macedonia Money, Lincoln’s War, FBI Investigation
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues is out. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes,...
US Preparing Charges Against Julian Assange
US officials have repeatedly vilified WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over the past several years, and intermittently called for his assassination, but just now appear to be...
Are Psychopaths Running the Show?
According to a study carried out by British researchers back in the 1990s, the number of psychopaths in any given population is one percent. In the case of Britain that means...
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