As reported on Saturday, a September 11 widow was the first American to take advantage of the recently passed Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism (JASTA), aka the "Sept.11" bill courtesy of Congress which for the first time in Obama's tenure overrode his veto, by...
Featured Articles

After Peres, Is Peace Possible in the Middle East?
by Ron Paul | Oct 3, 2016 | Featured Articles
The death of former Israeli president and prime minister Shimon Peres last week marks the last of the Zionist “old guard” who successfully fought for a UN mandate to establish the state of Israel in what was formerly British Palestine. Much has been written about...
How Far Are We From War With Russia Over Syria?
by Eric Margolis | Oct 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
OK you Russians! No more gentle American diplomacy! No more Mr. Nice Guy! So thundered US Secretary of State John Kerry last week. Right on cue, the usually overwrought US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, blasted the Russians as ‘barbaric’ for their bombing...
Pentagon Paid PR Firm $540 Million to Make Fake Terrorist Videos
by RT | Oct 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. PR firm Bell Pottinger, known for its array of controversial clients including the Saudi...
Russia Warns US Military ‘Aggression’ In Syria Would Lead To ‘Terrible, Tectonic’ Consequences
by Tyler Durden | Oct 1, 2016 | Featured Articles
As the drums of war beat louder, following last week's ultimatum by John Kerry that the US is contemplating a direct military intervention in Syria, including potentially sending US troops on the ground in the war-torn country for the first time, on Saturday Russia...
Libertarianism and War: The Rothbard Rule
by Justin Raimondo | Sep 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
The year was 1956: the icy winds of the cold war were blowing across the political landscape. And it was a presidential election year, pitting the internationalist Republican Dwight Eisenhower against Adlai Stevenson, the darling of the Democratic party’s left wing....
Russia-US relations: Increased Tensions
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
A confrontation between Russia and the US over Syria seems all but inevitable after the end of a ceasefire early this month, a US attack on Syrian forces, an attack on a humanitarian aid convoy, and a renewed push by the Syrian army to re-take eastern Aleppo from...
Syria – The US Propaganda Shams Now Openly Fail
by Moon of Alabama | Sep 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
The Obama administration, and especially the CIA and the State Department, seem to be in trouble. They shout everything they can against Russia and allege that the cleansing of east-Aleppo of al-Qaeda terrorist is genocidal. Meanwhile no mention is ever made of the...
The US is Your Know-it-All Friend Who Should Just Keep His Mouth Shut
by Stephen Kinzer | Sep 29, 2016 | Featured Articles
When makers of American foreign policy dream of an ideal world, they fixate on one word: primacy. It used to be called “full-spectrum dominance.” On the street, it comes out as “Don’t even think about it.” Tough guys in Western movies put it differently: “This town...
Obama Humiliated: For The First Time, Congress Votes To Override President’s ‘Sept 11’ Bill Veto
by Tyler Durden | Sep 28, 2016 | Featured Articles
The US Congress, first the Senate and then the House, humiliated the president when it voted on Wednesday to override Obama for the first time in his eight-year tenure, as the House voted 348-77 to reject a veto of legislation allowing families of terrorist victims to...
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Central Banking and Total War
by Paul-Martin Foss | Sep 28, 2016 | Featured Articles
The following is the prepared version of a speech delivered at the Ron Paul Institute Conference in Sterling, VA. I am here today to talk about one of the most important, but also most overlooked, issues of our day: the relationship between central banking and total...
Israel’s $38 Billion Scam
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 27, 2016 | Featured Articles
As an American it is difficult to imagine a more unseemly bit of political theater playing out than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s appearance before his cabinet to claim that he had gotten every last dollar of military assistance out of the Obama...
George Soros’s False Flag Factories
by Wayne Madsen | Sep 27, 2016 | Featured Articles
Global hedge fund tycoon and political provocateur George Soros is leading a war of symbols, namely flags and banners either resurrected or conjured up by his myriad non-profit groups, to stir religious, racial, and ethnic tensions the world over. From the Serbian...
A Few Uncomfortable Truths You Won’t Hear from the 2016 Presidential Candidates
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 26, 2016 | Featured Articles
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”—George Orwell In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that we will not be hearing from either...
The Hillary Clinton Presidency Has Already Begun As Lame Ducks Promote Her War
by Diana Johnstone | Sep 26, 2016 | Featured Articles
If the British Empire was built on the playing fields of Eton, United States world hegemony gets its training in Hollywood studios and advertising agencies. Selling your product, or yourself, by looking sincere is a cultivated American art. Current top US leaders are...

Wells Fargo or the Federal Reserve: Who’s the Bigger Fraud?
by Ron Paul | Sep 26, 2016 | Featured Articles
The Wells Fargo bank account scandal took center stage in the news last week and in all likelihood will continue to make headlines for many weeks to come. What Wells Fargo employees did in opening bank accounts without customers' authorization was obviously wrong, but...
How the Pentagon Sank the US-Russia Deal in Syria – and the Ceasefire
by Gareth Porter | Sep 24, 2016 | Featured Articles
Another US-Russian Syria ceasefire deal has been blown up.Whether it could have survived even with a US-Russian accord is open to doubt, given the incentives for al-Qaeda and its allies to destroy it. But the politics of the US-Russian relationship played a central...
Journey To Aleppo: Exposing The Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda
by Vanessa Beeley | Sep 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
The extent of the destruction inflicted upon the Kurdish-held Sheikh Maqsoud by the U.S.-backed “moderate rebels” and the scars of the battle for its liberation are highlighted in the state of the neighborhood’s infrastructure. (Photo by Vanessa Beeley)ALEPPO, Syria —...
The US Road Map to Balkanize Syria
by Pepe Escobar | Sep 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
Forget about those endless meetings between Sergei Lavrov and John Kerry; forget about Russia’s drive to prevent chaos from reigning in Syria; forget about the possibility of a real ceasefire being implemented and respected by US jihad proxies. Forget about the...
How American Media Serves as a Transmission Belt for Wars of Choice
by James George Jatras | Sep 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
Several weeks ago the mainstream media (MSM) gave saturation coverage to a picture of a little boy pulled from the rubble of Aleppo after his home and family were crushed in what was dubiously reported as a Russian airstrike. Promptly dubbed “Aleppo Boy,” his dusty...
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