Sometimes parents exaggerate in praising their children. But the mother of Niya Kenny, an 18-year-old student at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, is spot-on when she describes as brave Kenny’s actions in response to school cop Ben Fields on...
Adam Dick
Rep. Jim McGovern: ‘Long Past Time’ for Congress to Stop Deferring to Obama on Afghanistan
by Adam Dick | Oct 15, 2015 | Congress Alert
In response to President Barack Obama announcing on Thursday that he will “maintain our current posture of 9,800 troops in Afghanistan through most of next year,” Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) issued a statement the same day calling on Congress to “take responsibility for...
Ron Paul: ‘Greatest Resistance’ to Federal Reserve Audit is Desire to Keep International Activities Secret
by Adam Dick | Oct 13, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In an interview Monday with host Ameera David on RT, former United States House of Representatives member Ron Paul (R-TX) noted that the biggest resistance to his effort to require an audit of the Federal Reserve is rooted in the desire to shield the Fed’s...
Ron Paul’s Swords into Plowshares Soundtrack
by Adam Dick | Oct 9, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Each chapter of Ron Paul’s latest book Swords into Plowshares: A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity is preceded by song lyrics that help communicate the antiwar ideas Paul expresses in the book. That makes 21 songs for 21 chapters. Metallica, Willie...
Lawrence Wilkerson on the 70 Years Old and Counting US National Security State
by Adam Dick | Oct 8, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On occasion a college professor answers an interview question in such a way that it creates in some listeners a sudden, if fleeting, urge to drop everything, move across the country, and sign up for a course. College of William & Mary Professor Lawrence Wilkerson,...
Ron Paul on Fox Business: ‘No Reason in the World for us to Be Involved in Syria’
by Adam Dick | Oct 7, 2015 | Featured Articles
Interviewed Tuesday on Fox Business, three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul rejected the ongoing United States intervention in Syria, stating emphatically that he sees “no reason in the world for us to be involved in Syria.” Referring to the US government’s...
Senate Criminal Justice Reform Bill Would Create New Mandatory Minimum Sentences
by Adam Dick | Oct 6, 2015 | Congress Alert
No wonder Americans have such disdain for Congress. On Thursday, a bipartisan group of nine United States senators joined together to introduce the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. In a press release heralding the bill’s introduction, sponsor Sen. Chuck Grassley...
Eric Margolis: US Fight Against ‘Covert Western Asset’ ISIS is a ‘Big Charade’
by Adam Dick | Oct 2, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Eric Margolis returned to the Scott Horton Show on Wednesday for another intriguing interview regarding international relations and war. In the interview, Margolis, a Ron Paul Institute Academic Board member and international affairs writer, lifted the lid on the...
End the Marijuana ‘Sin Taxes’
by Adam Dick | Sep 29, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Legal marijuana in Colorado has been a boon for freedom, allowing people to make, transfer, and consume marijuana products free from the threat of arrest by state or local police. At the same time, there is an unfortunate side-effect of the liberalization of marijuana...
Washington’s Bias Toward War
by Adam Dick | Sep 24, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
College of William & Mary Professor and Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Member Lawrence Wilkerson examined, in an interview last week with host Paul Jay on the Real News Network, the connection between war and profits. War brings profits, and this feeds a...
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Dresses Down Drug War ‘Bitter-Enders’
by Adam Dick | Sep 23, 2015 | Congress Alert
It is becoming increasingly obvious that the United States government’s war on drugs, and especially its war on marijuana, is being torn down by state and local governments choosing to move in a less punitive direction. But, drug warriors, in and out of government,...
Eric Margolis: When Assad Is Gone, We Will Definitely Miss Him
by Adam Dick | Sep 21, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Friday with host Scott Horton on the Scott Horton Show, Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Member Eric Margolis related the devastating consequences foreign intervention to depose Syria President Bashar al-Assad has created, as well as the further devastation...
Was Ahmed Mohamed’s Arrest Really All About Religion and Race?
by Adam Dick | Sep 19, 2015 | Featured Articles
Many people are framing the arrest of student Ahmed Mohamed at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas on Monday in terms of Mohamed’s race and religion. The argument goes that a white and non-Muslim student would not have been arrested as was Mohamed for bringing to...
New Hampshire Library Stands Up to US Government, Reinstates Tor Relay
by Adam Dick | Sep 16, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The board of trustees overseeing the Kilton Public Library in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, on Tuesday decided, despite pushback from the United States Department of Homeland Security, to reinstate a Tor relay the board had approved in an effort to enhance privacy on...
Assange, Manning, and Snowden (as Statues) Challenging War in Geneva
by Adam Dick | Sep 14, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The whistleblowers and government secrets revealers Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden are not free to travel. But, this week — in the form of a sculpture including their life-size bronze statues — they are standing in a Geneva, Switzerland plaza near...
Ron Paul Discusses Evangelical Zionists’ Support for US Wars
by Adam Dick | Sep 12, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul, the former United States presidential candidate and Republican House of Representatives member from Texas, discussed in an August 8 radio interview evangelical Zionists who support the US government’s wars overseas. Paul examines the matter with Patriot’s...
Ron Paul: The More US Intervention, the More Chaos in the Middle East
by Adam Dick | Sep 10, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Wednesday with host Charles Payne on Fox Business, Ron Paul Institute Chairman and Founder Ron Paul said “interventionism of Republicans and Democrats” to “remake the Middle East” is to blame for the “utter mess” from which many Middle Easterners are fleeing....
States Can Build Up the Border Police State Too
by Adam Dick | Sep 9, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The border-industrial complex has not been content to just count the money and gloat after receiving millions upon millions in “border security” dollars from the United States government. There is more easy money to be had if states can be convinced to take a bigger...
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Using Al-Qaeda to Fight ISIS is Crazy and Dangerous
by Adam Dick | Sep 6, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
College of William & Mary Professor and Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Member Lawrence Wilkerson frankly assesses that former United States General and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director David Petraeus’ proposal that the US support al-Qaeda to fight the...
Buy the Rights-Abusing Cops Lunch Says Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick
by Adam Dick | Sep 3, 2015 | Featured Articles
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick issued a statement Wednesday that says that, to counter “America’s negative attitude toward our law enforcement officers,” people should all-but grovel at the feet of any police they come across. Patrick even suggests that...
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