By guiding HR 2083, the Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act, to the Floor Tuesday for passage by a voice vote, the House Republican leadership demonstrated the hollowness of the praise it heaped on local control of education when HR 5, the...
Adam Dick
US Mass Spying Targets Mexico Presidents to Advance the Drug War
by Adam Dick | Oct 21, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In contrast to the counter-terrorism narrative used to defend the US government's mass spying program, unfolding revelations suggest the program's Latin America efforts are focused on much besides terrorism. First, evidence arose that the US spying program, alone and...

American Hemp Farming Poised for Resurgence Despite US Prohibition
by Adam Dick | Oct 17, 2013 | Featured Articles
This month Ryan Loflin, along with a group of volunteers, completed on his Colorado farm the first public hemp harvest in the US since Colorado voters approved legalizing the farming and distribution of both marijuana and hemp last November. The Loflin farm harvest is...

Sen. Ron Wyden Warns of Fake Surveillance Reform and the Economic Harm of US Mass Spying
by Adam Dick | Oct 13, 2013 | Congress Alert
US Sen. Ron Wyden, in a Guardian article he wrote based on his speech at a Cato Institute event this week, reinforces RPI's warnings that efforts to reform the US government mass spying program "provide an excellent opportunity to make bad legislation worse" and that...

Cop in Tank: Freeze, Drop that Steak!
by Adam Dick | Oct 12, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In the continuing rise of SWAT, police in Napoleon Dynamite's hometown now have a tank. William N. Grigg, in his latest article at Pro Libertate, explores the small Idaho town's acquisition of the military armored vehicle at no cost and the ominous US government...

Canada Joins US in the Hot Seat for Industrial Espionage
by Adam Dick | Oct 9, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Brazil President Dilma Rousseff, after condemning US government mass spying on Brazilian companies in her speech last month before the United Nations General Assembly, is now singling out the Canada government for engaging in industrial espionage targeting Brazil's...

Exposing the Prison Profiteers
by Adam Dick | Oct 3, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
As would be expected in the nation with the highest incarceration rate in the world, the US prison-industrial complex is large and powerful. Yet, the companies that gain from the explosion in jail and prison populations over the last few decades largely remain hidden...
Guatemala President Otto Fernando Pérez Molina Praises Marijuana Legalization
by Adam Dick | Sep 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Guatemala President Otto Fernando Pérez Molina in his speech Thursday before the United Nations General Assembly praised the marijuana legalization bill progressing through the Uruguay national government as well as marijuana legalization adopted via popular votes in...

Is TSA Frisking and Scanning Coming to the Local Mall?
by Adam Dick | Sep 26, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Will American families soon spend Saturday mornings waiting in line for US Transportation Security Administration friskings and scannings outside the local shopping center? We can hope not. But, Miranda Green reports in the Daily Beast that the US Department of...

Brazil President Dilma Rousseff Condemns US Mass Spying before UN General Assembly
by Adam Dick | Sep 26, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Brazil President Dilma Rousseff started the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly with fireworks Tuesday, using her first speaking position among national government leaders to condemn US government spying on the people of her nation and of many other...
Did Sen. Reid Let Slip Secret Plan to Use Navy Yard Killings as Excuse for New Medical Privacy Violations?
by Adam Dick | Sep 19, 2013 | Congress Alert
There is reason for concern that the US Congress and the National Rifle Association may soon work together to use the Washington, DC Navy Yard killings earlier this week as an excuse to expand a US government database of all Americans' private medical information.The...
US Attack on Syria Would Be Cash Cow for Military Contractors
by Adam Dick | Sep 13, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
US military contractors are ready to rake in hundred of millions of dollars from missile sales alone if the US launches a "limited" attack on Syria. Ray Downs describes the details in Vice: Even as diplomats work on a last-ditch effort to get Syria to hand over its...

US Customs and Border Protection Rolls Out Unconstitutional Searches Far from Borders
by Adam Dick | Sep 12, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
US Customs and Border Protection appears to be engaged in the dragnet detaining of general aviation pilots and searching of private airplanes around the country. Expect this program to quickly expand if immigration legislation that increases border-industrial complex...
NH City Council Approves Acquiring Tank Despite Public Opposition
by Adam Dick | Sep 10, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Concord, New Hampshire city council voted tonight to acquire a Lenco BearCat G3 tank. The acquisition passed by a vote of 11 to 4 despite hundreds of people coming to the city council meeting last month in opposition. Public pressure had also caused the Concord...

Surveillance State: We Are One Step Away from Glass Houses
by Adam Dick | Sep 2, 2013 | Featured Articles
In Yevgeny Zamyatin's dystopian novel We, the people of One State live in transparent apartments with curtains required to be open nearly all the time so police and informants may view the residents' every action. Listening to George Washington University Law School...
RPI Board Members Speak Out Against US Attack on Syria
by Adam Dick | Aug 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Advisory Board Members Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. and former Rep. Dennis Kucinich are speaking out in opposition to a US military attack on Syria.US Rep. Duncan, in a television interview in his home state of Tennessee, engages the issue with clear, straightforward...

NYPD Muslim Surveillance and Mosque Infiltration Exposed
by Adam Dick | Aug 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On the heels of a court deciding the New York City police department's stop-and-frisk program violates constitutional search and seizure limitations, the Associated Press reports the NYPD has for years engaged in the infiltration of mosques and and the large-scale,...

For the Back to School List—Military Recruiter Opt Out Form
by Adam Dick | Aug 17, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
While shopping for pens, notebooks, or a backpack, don't forget to consider adding one more item to your back to school list—a military recruiter opt out form. All government school systems and most private schools that receive education funding from the United Stated...

John Whitehead and Lew Rockwell Discuss the Electronic Concentration Camp
by Adam Dick | Aug 15, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Listen here to an enlightening—and frightening—discussion between Rutherford Institute President John W. Whitehead and RPI Advisory Board Member Lew Rockwell. In the 15 minutes discussion, Whitehead backs with evidence his claim that Americans are living in an...
Hundreds Protest NH Police Chief’s Tank Request
by Adam Dick | Aug 13, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Concord Monitor reports that hundreds of people came to the Concord, New Hampshire city council meeting Monday night to protest Concord Police Chief John Duval's ongoing effort to obtain a Lenco BearCat G3 armored vehicle for the town's police department. BearCat...
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