Since the San Bernardino killings last week, many statements of politicians and stories in the media are painting a picture of “gun violence” in America that, on a closer look, appears to be far from reality. These are some of the messages we hear in constant...
Adam Dick
‘No Gun for You!’: Obama’s ‘Soup Nazi’ Gun Control Proposal
by Adam Dick | Dec 6, 2015 | Featured Articles
The Soup Nazi character in the Seinfeld television show sells, at his take-out restaurant, soup that some people consider the best in New York City. But, there is a catch. Customers placing their orders at the restaurant’s counter are in fear that one mistake in...
Dennis Kucinich: ‘Stay Tuned’ … ‘I’ll Probably Be Back in Elected Office’
by Adam Dick | Dec 3, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Last year there was speculation that Dennis Kucinich would run for governor of Ohio, the state from which he served eight terms as a Democratic member of the US House of Representatives and in which he served previously as a state senator, Cleveland mayor, and...
Judge Andrew Napolitano: A ‘Farce’ to Say Mass Surveillance Ended; ‘Nothing Has Changed’
by Adam Dick | Dec 2, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Judge Andrew Napolitano has followed up on his recent declaration at Fox News that the United States government can continue to conduct mass surveillance despite the expiration this week of PATRIOT Act Section 215 authority. Interview by Kennedy at Fox Business,...
Despite What You May Have Heard, Mass Surveillance Continues
by Adam Dick | Dec 1, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Many news reports are heralding that the expiration this week of Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act authority has ended the United States government’s mass surveillance program. Meanwhile, in a Fox News interview, Judge Andrew Napolitano throws cold water on such claims....
President Ventura?
by Adam Dick | Nov 29, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
May former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura announce in March his candidacy for president of the United States? According to a new discussion of Ventura and Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst and former New Jersey Judge Andrew Napolitano on Ora TV, Ventura’s decision...
US Census Bureau Has Your Ticket to Internment Camp
by Adam Dick | Nov 27, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Beware the United States Census Bureau. While it may seem innocuous, this government agency, which asks Americans questions and publishes demographic statistics, can quickly be turned into an instrument for mass rights abuse. James Bovard warns in his Monday USA Today...
The Corporatocracy Behind US Foreign Policy
by Adam Dick | Nov 26, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In a Tuesday interview with Real News Network host Paul Jay, Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Member and former United States Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson started off acknowledging that companies’ billions of dollars a year of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia...
Michael Scheuer: US Foreign Policy is Leading ‘Directly to Fascism in America’
by Adam Dick | Nov 22, 2015 | Featured Articles
Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Osama bin Laden Unit Chief Michael Scheuer, interviewed by CNN’s Michael Smerconish regarding the path to take after the recent Paris Killings, advises that the current “half-way approach” that rejects both non-intervention and...
Ron Paul: Foreign Intervention Will Motivate ‘A Lot More’ Blowback Like in Paris
by Adam Dick | Nov 21, 2015 | Featured Articles
Interviewed Thursday on Fox Business, Ron Paul predicted that there will be “a lot more” blowback along the lines of the killings in Paris last week if the US, France, and other nations do not cease their interventionist, militaristic foreign policies. In particular,...
Do You Owe Taxes? Congress Wants to Take Your Passport!
by Adam Dick | Nov 20, 2015 | Congress Alert
In July, Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams warned that “[b]uried inside the US highways funding bill is a provision to revoke or deny issuance of a US passport to anyone who has a large outstanding tax debt to the US Internal Revenue Service.” This...
US House Resolution Calls For NATO Article 5 in Response to Paris Killings
by Adam Dick | Nov 17, 2015 | Congress Alert
On Monday, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) introduced in the United States House of Representatives a resolution (H.Res. 525) calling on President Barack Obama “to work closely with other North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] members to invoke Article 5 of the North Atlantic...
Ron Paul: US Troops Will Come Home ‘Because We’re Flat-Out Broke’
by Adam Dick | Nov 17, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It may seem as if nothing can restrain the United States government’s intervention overseas. But, Ron Paul says economic conditions will impose a limit and that that means the days of expansive US military intervention are numbered.The former presidential candidate...
Will Oakland Raiders Linebacker Ray-Ray Armstrong Go to Prison for ‘Taunting’ a Police Dog?
by Adam Dick | Nov 11, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It is not even a man bites dog story. Instead, it is just a man barks at dog story. Yet, for one National Football League (NFL) player it is a story that threatens to conclude with his incarceration.Oakland Raiders Linebacker Ray-Ray Armstrong’s alleged barking at a...
35 House Members Ask Speaker Paul Ryan for ISIS War AUMF Vote
by Adam Dick | Nov 6, 2015 | Congress Alert
A group of 35 US House of Representatives members, led by Reps. Jim McGovern (D-MA), Tom Cole (R-OK), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Walter Jones (R-NC), Peter Welch (D-VT), and John Lewis (D-GA), sent a letter on Friday to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) expressing that it “is...
Participating in Class? School Cops Can Arrest You for That Too
by Adam Dick | Nov 6, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Some people came to the defense of school cop Ben Fieldes who last week yanked a student in a Spring Valley High School math class in South Carolina out of her seat and attached desk, hurled her across the classroom floor, and arrested her. They said Fields’ actions...
Ron Paul: New House Speaker Paul Ryan is ‘Almost the Opposite of a Libertarian’
by Adam Dick | Nov 4, 2015 | Congress Alert
Speaking this week with host Kennedy on Fox Business, Ron Paul Institute Chairman Ron Paul ridiculed the suggestion that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who became Speaker of the House of Representatives last week, may advance libertarian goals in the House. Instead, Paul...
Rep. Peter Welch’s Short and Direct Answer to Obama Sending Combat Troops to Syria
by Adam Dick | Oct 31, 2015 | Congress Alert
In a short and direct statement Friday, Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) presented the case for Congress debating and voting on the United States military intervention in the Middle East that the Obama administration has now escalated with the announced insertion of US special...
Peter Van Buren Got it Right: Killed Delta Force Member Used to Build PR for US Ground Troops Announcement
by Adam Dick | Oct 31, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Always question why people in government suddenly do something they just about never do. Your questioning may well provide insight into what the government will do next.On Tuesday, author Peter Van Buren, who worked at the United States Department of State for 24...
Don’t Get Too Excited about Bernie Sanders’ Marijuana Legalization Proposal
by Adam Dick | Oct 29, 2015 | Congress Alert
Many marijuana legalization proponents are excited by the Wednesday announcement that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will introduce legislation in the United States Senate that would remove marijuana from the list of banned drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. Many...
Recent Posts
- DEA Agent Kiki Camarena Died for Nothingby Jacob G. Hornberger
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- Suddenly, Leaving NATO is on the Table!by Ron Paul
- Who Really Provoked the Ukraine War? Was It Russia?by David Rehak
- The Press Falls to Another Record Low in Public Trustby Jonathan Turley
- NATO Is the Big Obstacle to Peace in Ukraineby Jacob G. Hornberger
- Who Is Lew Rockwell?by Norman Singleton
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