Featured Articles

Going Full Orwell: Homeland Security To Launch 'Disinformation Governance Board'

The US Department of Homeland Security announced yesterday that it is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to fight "disinformation." Heading up the new outfit is, not surprisingly, a highly political Democratic Party operative who is herself a spreader of disinformation. What could go wrong? Also today: Germany caves to EU on Russia oil embargo and...another day another aid package to Ukraine: Biden asked for $33 billion! Watch today's Liberty Report:

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Nuclear War?

Nuclear War?

The Russians are a weird people. For some reason, known only to their bizarre selves, they object to German invasions of their country. And not only that: they have the inexplicable habit of strenuously opposing another such eventuality. One might well have thought otherwise. After all, the Germans bring with them in their wake all sorts of salutary benefits: law and order, good government, peace (as long as their orders are followed), world class beer, wiener schnitzel, sauerkraut, great...

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Garland Stonewalls Questions about a Special Counsel in Hunter Biden Scandal Despite New Evidence Tied to President Biden

Garland Stonewalls Questions about a Special Counsel in Hunter Biden Scandal Despite New Evidence Tied to President Biden

Attorney General Merrick Garland continued to refuse to address questions over his refusal to appoint a Special Counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation despite new evidence tying President Joe Biden to the controversial business deals. The New York Post is reporting that President Biden agreed to cover more than $800,000 in bills of Hunter, including legal fees tied to the foreign deals. While President Biden’s denial of knowledge of Hunter’s deals have been repeatedly contradicted...

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Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship?

Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship?

Some federal officials have made startling statements in recent days. Given the times in which we live, we can no longer take for granted that they won’t be convincing.  Ever since lockdowns, which shattered all our social and political rituals and assumptions about government and public health, it seems like everything is open to either question or adoption. Even settled conventions like the separation of powers and checks and balances are being blithely dismissed as pointless distractions. ...

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Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine

Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine

Fortunately, President Biden thus far has rejected the most risky policies that hawks are pushing in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Despite being under intense pressure, he continues to rule out proclaiming a no-fly zone, and he flatly rejects suggestions (including from one close political ally) that he consider sending US troops to Ukraine. However, even the policies the administration has embraced entail an unacceptable risk of entangling the United States in a military...

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The AXIS Act, a Step toward World War III

The AXIS Act, a Step toward World War III

The Axis powers, including Germany and Japan, were the foes of the United States and other Allied powers in World War II. Decades later, President George W. Bush chose to term some other nations — Iraq, Iran, and North Korea — as a new “axis of evil.” That was followed by a US invasion and overthrow in Iraq. Decades later, US troops remain in Iraq, and US sanctions and hostility directed at the other two nations continue. This week, the United States House of Representatives is set to bring...

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The Ukraine War is a Racket

The Ukraine War is a Racket

“War is a racket, wrote US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935. He explained: “A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”Gen. Butler’s observation describes the US/NATO response to the Ukraine war perfectly.The propaganda continues to portray the war in...

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Inflation, Quick and Dirty

Inflation, Quick and Dirty

All of a sudden everyone is an expert on inflation. Your brother-in-law, your local paper, and even dilettantes at dubious outlets like the Washington Post or The Atlantic feel compelled to explain our current predicament. With the admitted rate of consumer inflation running somewhere around 8 percent, and the real rate much higher, even central bankers can’t hide the reality from us. So the commentariat has to explain to us why this is happening and make sure we blame the mysterious workings...

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Minsk II: Two Words You’ll Never Hear on Mainstream News

Minsk II: Two Words You’ll Never Hear on Mainstream News

Ask a hundred Americans and you’ll be lucky to find even one who’s ever heard of Minsk II. But ask those same Americans how the Ukraine war started, and you’ll likely get "Russian President Putin woke up one day and decided to re-establish the Soviet empire, starting with Ukraine." That is because our government and its slavishly loyal media have created a false narrative for maximum propaganda to support pouring billions in weaponry into the Ukraine war zone, ensuring that death and...

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The Death Throes of the 'Public Health Expert'

The Death Throes of the 'Public Health Expert'

The very concept of Public Health, once a rather innocuous term, is facing an extinction level event, and Americans should be incredibly thankful for this development. Sometimes, when a people are faced with a grand crisis, a bold new idea or group of individuals moves humanity forward in ways once thought of as improbable, if not impossible. But the elevation of the supposed masters of Public Health has achieved the opposite effect. It is now a term that half of America reacts to with some...

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Ukraine: Total War?

The US and its NATO allies claim they are continuing to send massive military aid to Ukraine. At the same time, Washington appears to have no interest in a negotiated end to the conflict. This begs the question: What is Washington’s policy goal? Could it be direct conflict with Russia? CrossTalking with John Varoli, Daniel McAdams, and Marko Gasic.

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Former Intelligence Officials, Citing Russia, Say Big Tech Monopoly Power is Vital to National Security

Former Intelligence Officials, Citing Russia, Say Big Tech Monopoly Power is Vital to National Security

A group of former intelligence and national security officials on Monday issued a jointly signed letter warning that pending legislative attempts to restrict or break up the power of Big Tech monopolies — Facebook, Google, and Amazon — would jeopardize national security because, they argue, their centralized censorship power is crucial to advancing US foreign policy. The majority of this letter is devoted to repeatedly invoking the grave threat allegedly posed to the US by Russia as...

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The US Cries About War Crimes While Imprisoning A Journalist For Exposing Its War Crimes

The US Cries About War Crimes While Imprisoning A Journalist For Exposing Its War Crimes

In what his lawyers have described as a “brief but significant moment in the case,” a British magistrates' court has signed off on Julian Assange's extradition to the United States, bringing the WikiLeaks founder one step closer to a US trial under the Espionage Act which threatens press freedoms worldwide. The extradition case now goes to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel for approval, which will likely be forthcoming as Patel is a reliably loyal empire manager. After that point, Assange's legal...

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Ukraine Is Still Losing So What Is Its Plan?

Ukraine Is Still Losing So What Is Its Plan?

Russian and Donbas forces have cleared the city of Mariupol except for the giant metallurgic complex of Azovstal which is held by some estimated 4,000 men, including many from the fascist Azov battalion. On Sunday Russia opened corridors across the front line and asked for those forces to surrender. However the Zelensky government ordered them to stay and to continue to bind Russian forces which otherwise could be used elsewhere: Russia had given the Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol until Sunday...

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Here Lies the Mask Cult: 2020-2022

Here Lies the Mask Cult: 2020-2022

In my view, the mask regime is officially dead and buried.  In many of our day to day lives [at least those of us who live in Free States], the mask has already become a complete afterthought. Unless you happen to be entering an airplane or a doctor’s office, there has long been no reason to have a mask signal in your possession. [Update: following the publication of this article, The White House announced it would appeal the federal court ruling that said the CDC did not have the authority to...

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Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables

Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables

The White House plan to destroy Russia by calling President Vladimir Putin names proceeds apace. Apparently, the man whom President Joe Biden has called a “thug,” “killer,” and “war criminal” is now also charged with carrying out a “genocide” and, according to CIA Director William Burns, he may in “despair” over his apparently stalled invasion, be contemplating the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Meanwhile over at the Pentagon, positively aglow with the largest “defense” budget since Vietnam,...

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