With Russia's war in Ukraine now in its fourth month, mainstream media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia's extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield prowess romanticized, with essentially zero public information so far being given which details up-to-date Ukrainian force casualties, set-backs, and equipment losses. But for the first time The Washington Post is out with a...
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Trump’s Mental Stability Questioned by America’s Most Psychopathic City
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Mexico May Legalize Heroin; Get Ready to Send In the US Air Force and Marines
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Report: Chapel Hill Police Chief Ordered Officers To Stay Back As Protesters Tore Down Confederate Statue
We recently discussed the latest destruction of a statue in North Carolina and I expressed my skepticism over the inaction of police as well as the absence of significant arrests...
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More US Sanctions on Russia: RPI’s Daniel McAdams on Why Trump’s Being Played
Is President Trump even in any kind of control of his own Administration? His Treasury Department has slapped new sanctions on Russia over a list of grievances that sound like...
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