Featured Articles

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

It’s been more than obvious since April 2020 that lockdowns were far too costly for individuals and society and could never earn a rational public-health defense. And the evidence was rolling in from one year later that the vaccine mandates were similarly indefensible. Both tactics had in common the enormous use of state coercion that flew in the face of every principle of civilized government. As we are constantly told, both people and government were panicked, and needlessly so. As it turns...

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Political ‘Justice’ in America

Political ‘Justice’ in America

Josef Stalin’s top henchman famously said, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” What it meant was that Soviet justice was about politics, not the rule of law. First decide who, for political reasons, is to be punished, and then the state will provide the crimes for which he will be charged.This dark era of politicized “justice” has returned with former Trump campaign advisor Steve Bannon’s recent sentence to four months in jail for “contempt of Congress” over his refusal to appear...

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Fauci and White House Officials Ordered to Testify in Social Media Censorship Case

Fauci and White House Officials Ordered to Testify in Social Media Censorship Case

There is an interesting development out of a case in Louisiana where a federal judge has ruled that Dr. Anthony Fauci and White House officials must testify in a case alleging a backchannel for censorship on social media. The complaint in Schmitt v. Biden, No. 3:22-cv-1213 in the District Court for the Western District of Louisiana alleges that Facebook and Twitter coordinated their censorship programs with government officials. I have previously written about what some of us view as a...

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Fake News, Fake Putin Nuclear Threat

Fake News, Fake Putin Nuclear Threat

If one reads the news with an uncritical eye, he or she would more than likely believe Vladimir Putin intends to nuke Ukraine. Of course, Putin never said he would use nukes in Ukraine, only if his country faces an existential threat, undoubtedly the same policy followed the USG. The lies and hysteria spread by the corporate war propaganda media have resulted in frightening millions of people in Europe and America. The fear campaign went so far as to insinuate there will be a nuclear attack...

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The US Government Sees Silicon Valley As Part Of Its Propaganda Machine

The US Government Sees Silicon Valley As Part Of Its Propaganda Machine

The Biden administration is reportedly considering opening a national security review of Elon Musk's business ventures which could see the plutocrat's purchase of Twitter blocked by the White House, in part because Musk is perceived as having an "increasingly Russia-friendly stance." Bloomberg reports: Biden administration officials are discussing whether the US should subject some of Elon Musk’s ventures to national security reviews, including the deal for Twitter Inc. and SpaceX’s Starlink...

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Big Pharma’s Child-Vax Windfall

Big Pharma’s Child-Vax Windfall

On Oct. 20, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention handed another huge gift to Big Pharma: In a little-publicized meeting, the agency’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted to recommend adding the Covid vaccine to the childhood and adolescent immunization schedule. This makes the Covid vaccine market vast and indefinite—exposing children to unnecessary risks while shielding drug companies from liability. Throughout the pandemic, the CDC and the Food and Drug...

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Ukraine War is ‘Biden’s war’ Now

Ukraine War is ‘Biden’s war’ Now

The most obvious explanation to the mysterious air dash of the UK Defence Minister Ben Wallace to Washington on Tuesday could be that he was canvassing for the support of the Biden Administration for his pitch to succeed Liz Truss as Britain’s next prime minister. But another plausible explanation can be that the secret, hurried trip marked a defining moment in the conflict in Ukraine, which is showing all signs of turning into a full-fledged war.  To be sure, the Biden team cannot but be...

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They're Recycling The Viagra Rape Atrocity Propaganda They Used On Libya

They're Recycling The Viagra Rape Atrocity Propaganda They Used On Libya

The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya. In a Thursday interview with the French government-owned news agency AFP, a Mauritian-British official from the United Nations named Pramila Patten claimed that Russia has a "military strategy" of mass rape in Ukraine and that Russian...

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War and Regrets in Ukraine

War and Regrets in Ukraine

Of the Vietnam War, Henry Kissinger, former national security advisor and secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford, said, “We should never have been there.” Before long, Americans, even the politicians inside the Beltway, will reach the same conclusion about Washington’s Ukrainian proxy war against Russia.  No one in the White House, the Senate, or the House consciously set out to turn the proxy Ukrainian war with Moscow into a contest of “competitive societal collapse” between...

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Think Twice Before Calling the Cops: The Deadly Cost of Police Welfare Checks

Think Twice Before Calling the Cops: The Deadly Cost of Police Welfare Checks

Think twice before you call the cops to carry out a welfare check on a loved one. Especially if you value that person’s life. Particularly if that person is disabled, mentally ill, elderly, autistic, hearing impaired, suffering from dementia, or might have a condition that hinders their ability to understand, communicate or immediately comply with an order. According to an investigation by The Washington Post, cops sent out on welfare checks ended up shooting or killing the very people they...

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It’s Time To Cut Zelensky and Ing-wen From the US Dole

It’s Time To Cut Zelensky and Ing-wen From the US Dole

As it pertains to the American public, Ukraine’s response to the Russian invasion can be summed up with two words: "Zelensky demands." To date, Washington elites and their politicians have been happy to provide – at public expense – lining their own pockets in the process. As of this writing, US aid for Ukraine has reached approximately $67.5 billion, a figure greater than Russia’s entire 2021 military budget. According to the State Department, this support includes $15.2 billion in direct...

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Elon and the Nazis

Elon and the Nazis

The world’s richest man, Space X’s Elon Musk, has a problem. Musk’s Starlink, a low-orbit satellite internet connectivity system, is used free of charge by the Zelenskyy regime in Ukraine. The system is used to target and kill Russians, so naturally, Zelenskyy and his neo-Nazi proteges consider it essential. Elon Musk is a lot like Donald Trump when it comes to geopolitics. He does not understand the complexities of the war and, like far too many westerners, especially Americans, apparently...

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Political ‘Justice’ in America

Destroy the Economy, Win a Nobel Prize

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a 2022 recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics for his writings on how government should respond to bank failures. Honoring Bernanke for his advice on what government should do when banks fail is like giving a fire safety award to an arsonist.Bernanke was Fed chairman when the housing bubble, created by his predecessor Alan Greenspan in the wake of the bursting of Greenspan’s tech bubble and the 9-11 attacks, exploded. When the housing market...

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Europe’s Ultimate Choices on Ukraine

Europe’s Ultimate Choices on Ukraine

As the Ukraine conflict continues, a basic question with ethical dimensions has risen and will need to be answered soon by European politicians: how moral it is to support Ukraine “as long as it takes” against the necessity of protecting your own citizens’ welfare and the constitutional duty to follow your people’s mandate which is the basic rule of democracy? European unclenched and blind support for US policies in the Ukraine conflict, and the dire economic and political consequences it has...

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Truth is Treason…

Truth is Treason…

A recent study done by the Heart Rhythm Society published this week makes the claim that video games are a cause of cardiac arrest in children.  The Sun: “Video games could trigger heart attacks in children with undiagnosed heart issues, new research has revealed. Some kids are born with irregular heart rhythm, otherwise known as an arrhythmia, and don't even find out unless they get tested… Australian experts have said the adrenaline surge from the excitement of playing a game can prove...

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The Alex Jones Verdict Shows the Danger of Defamation Laws

The Alex Jones Verdict Shows the Danger of Defamation Laws

In the latest demonstration of the absurdity of defamation laws, radio show host Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $965 million to people whose didn't like things Jones said about the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.  In the years following the massacre, Jones repeatedly stated that he thinks the shootings were staged and that the purported parents were so-called "crisis actors." (He has since said he thinks the shootings were real.) Some of Jones's listeners chose to agree...

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