There is an old expression: “Success has a thousand fathers but failure is always an orphan.” It’s a spin on Tacitus: “This is an unfair thing about war: victory is claimed by all, failure to one alone.” We can judge the results of the pandemic response, then, by the number of people who claim it as their own. So far the answer seems to be: none. These days, if you listen to the rhetoric, you would think that absolutely no one forced anyone to do anything, not even take the jab. There were...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
California Governor Mandates Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots for Schoolchildren
Earlier today, I wrote that it would not be surprising if the California state government adds experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots to the list of shots the state government...
San Diego School Board Mandates Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots for Students. Next Up, Taking the Mandate Statewide?
On Tuesday, the school board for San Diego Unified School District in San Diego, California, voted unanimously to impose a mandate that students 16 years old and older can...
James Bovard Versus the TSA
After the attacks of September 11, 2001, there was a flurry of action establishing and expanding the United States government’s infringements of freedom in the name of making...
‘Don’t Be Bullied’ about Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Say Billboards in Several States
People driving around the Texas cities of Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas over the last few days have seen new billboards along major highways encouraging them to resist...
Rare Instance of a Professional Athlete Hospitalized for Coronavirus
Many politicians, including United States President Joe Biden, like to drone on about how everybody should take experimental coronavirus vaccine shots. Yet, even if we suppose...
Dennis Kucinich Places Close Third in Cleveland Mayor Primary
On Tuesday, Dennis Kucinich just missed qualifying for the general election for mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland native who previously served as mayor of the city in the...
Coronavirus Crackdowns and the Ratchet Effect
One of Robert Higgs’ great contributions to understanding government is his exploration of what he terms the ratchet effect. In a 2011 interview posted at the Mises Institute...
September 11 Remembered, Minus the Propaganda – RPI’s Daniel McAdams With Tom Woods
I was really happy to join my great friend and brilliant communicator Tom Woods to look back at Sept. 11, 2001 with 20 years of hindsight. Tom and I discussed how it felt to have...
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