For many years, I regarded “think tanks” as a godsend. As a news reporter chasing deadlines, I’d regularly call their “experts” for quotes. Usually, they could give me a few succinct lines that appeared to lend a story some intellectual heft. Then I started asking: who do these “experts” really represent? Can outfits financed by major corporations be independent? Security and Defence Agenda (SDA) describes itself as a “neutral platform” for discussing military matters. Analysts with the...
Featured Articles
Five Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syria
by Tony Cartalucci | Sep 18, 2013 | Featured Articles
As predicted days before the UN’s Syrian chemical weapons report was made public, the West has begun spinning the findings to bolster their faltering narrative regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks on August 21, 2013 in eastern Damascus, Syria. The goal of course, is to continue demonizing the Syrian government while simultaneously sabotaging a recent Syrian-Russian deal to have Syria’s chemical weapon stockpiles verified and disarmed by independent observers. A barrage of suspiciously...
RPI at the Liberty Political Action Conference
by harley | Sep 17, 2013 | Featured Articles
Stop in and see us this weekend at LPAC! The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity will have a booth at the conference and host a reception on Saturday at 5:30 PM. Executive Director Daniel McAdams will participate in the panel discussion "Working for Dr. Ron Paul" on Friday, September 20. RPI contributors Chris Rossini and Adam Dick will also be on hand at the RPI booth so stop in and meet us.Have a look at our promotional matierials for the conference. LPAC postcardBack page of...
A Short History of the War on Syria, 2006-2014
by Moon of Alabama | Sep 17, 2013 | Featured Articles
In 2006 the U.S. was at war in Iraq. Some of the enemy forces it very much struggled to fight against were coming in through Syria. The same year Israel lost a war against Hizbullah. Its armored forces were ambushed whenever they tried to push deeper into Lebanon while Hizbullah managed to continuously fire rockets against Israeli army position and cities. Hizbullah receives supply for its missile force from Syria and from Iran through Syria. Its long-term plans to attack Iran and to thereby...
Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 17, 2013 | Featured Articles
Here’s a recipe for disaster: Take a young man (or woman), raise him on a diet of violence, hype him up on the power of the gun in his holster and the superiority of his uniform, render him woefully ignorant of how to handle a situation without resorting to violence, train him well in military tactics but allow him to be illiterate about the Constitution, and never stress to him that he is to be a peacemaker and a peacekeeper, respectful of and subservient to the taxpayers, who are in fact his...
Has The Tide Turned Against the Warmongers?
by Ron Paul | Sep 16, 2013 | Featured Articles
Will the history books record these past couple of weeks as the point when the tide finally turned against our interventionist foreign policy?We began September with the Obama Administration on the verge of launching Tomahawk missiles at Syria. The missiles were needed, the administration claimed, to punish the Syrian government for using poison gas on its own people. There were reports that in addition to missiles, the administration was planning airstrikes and possibly even more military...
Marching Into Uncertain Future Requires Leadership
by Douglas Macgregor | Sep 15, 2013 | Featured Articles
President Barack Obama’s plea to bomb Syria fell on deaf ears. In 1975, it was “No more Vietnams.” Today, it’s “No more Iraqs.”The American public attitude is reinforced by the absence of an existential military threat to the United States and the demand for jobs and economic growth instead of military spending. Moreover, for the first time in decades, the public pressure on American political and military leaders to formulate strategic aims worth fighting and dying for before American blood...
The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla
by Diana Johnstone | Sep 15, 2013 | Featured Articles
The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria. But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly...
War Weary? Who Do You Think You Are?
by Chris Rossini | Sep 14, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocons have had a tough couple of weeks. First, the British government voted against attacking Syria. Then the American public smacked down the President. Finally, the coup de gras was delivered by Russia (a favorite bogeyman of the warmongering set) who thwarted an attack by acting as peacemaker. If that wasn’t bad enough, Vladimir Putin then eloquently lectured the U.S. Empire with an op-ed in The New York Times. For once, it is the neocons who are lying on their backs like frightened...
Holding Assad Accountable
by Louis Fisher | Sep 13, 2013 | Featured Articles
President Obama has encountered a series of roadblocks after deciding to use military force against Bashar Assad’s Syria for its use of chemical weapons against civilians. Many of those obstacles resulted from statements made by the President and prominent administration officials; a principal one was the failure to talk candidly and plainly to Congress and the American public about the likely scope of planned military attacks. Repeatedly, Obama and other officials called the military actions...
Putin Steps Into World Leadership Role
by Paul Craig Roberts | Sep 13, 2013 | Featured Articles
Putin’s article in the September 11 New York Times has the stuck pigs squealing. The squealing stuck pigs are just who you thought they would be--all those whose agendas and profits would be furthered by an attack on Syria by the Obama Stasi regime.Included among the squealing stuck pigs are Human Rights Watch bloggers who seem to be financed out of the CIA’s back pocket.Does any institution remain that has not been corrupted by Washington’s money?Notice that the reason Putin is being...
Russia Will Not Stop Jeffrey Goldberg
by Chris Rossini | Sep 12, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The lust for constant war is an itch that neocons always have to scratch. American bombs must be dropping somewhere. There is always an imaginary Hitler that needs to be squashed.When the bombs aren’t dropping, neocons get very anxious and impatient. They’re like a five year old who can’t sit still. The only thing worse for a neocon is getting extremely close to unleashing the dogs of war (like attacking Syria) and then have it taken away. That leads to lots of kicking and screaming.Jeffrey...
Peter Wehner Feels the Antiwar Heat
by Chris Rossini | Sep 10, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocon Peter Wehner is a bit wobbly from the extremely strong anti-war sentiment of the American public. He writes: For the United States to go to war with around a quarter of the nation supporting intervention–even before the bombing has started–is a very dicey and unsettling proposition. Wehner feels that if Obama attacks Syria despite Congress, and things go badly as a result, it will only strengthen the non-interventionists. He then warns his fellow neocon destroyers-in-arms: Those who...
What's the Evidence Behind the Case for War?
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 10, 2013 | Featured Articles
If the arguments being presented by President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry for attacking Syria seem increasingly shrill and disjointed that might well be because a legitimate case cannot be made for going to war. The central argument—i.e., that punishing al-Assad will “change his calculus” and dissuade him from using chemical weapons against rebel forces embedded within the civilian population—relies on demonstrating that al-Assad has already done just that, a case that has not been...
Obama, Syria, and Interventionism: Ten Questions Worth Pondering
by Michael Scheuer | Sep 10, 2013 | Featured Articles
1) Question: Is it justifiable for America to go to war in Syria to get President Obama out of the box he created for himself by talking about a “red line” in the Syrian civil war, a conflict in which no genuine U.S. national interests are at risk? Answer: No. Obama’s inexperience in foreign affairs and his seeming personal arrogance got him -- and America -- into this mess, and so little a man is he that he now refuses to accept responsibility for foolishly drawing the red line, instead...
The Golan Heights as a Key to Understanding the Problems of Syria
by Dmitry Minin | Sep 9, 2013 | Featured Articles
The newspaper Israel Hayom conducted a public opinion survey according to which Israel was the only country in which a possible U.S. military strike against Syria is supported by the majority of the population. While in America and Europe 90% of the population is against the operation, in Israel 66% of the population supports it. 73% of Israelis believe that a strike against the el-Asad regime will be made, and only 13% are concerned that it will lead to a regional war. This attitude among...
Armed Robbery: Anti-Inflation Bill To Unleash Massive IRS Army
The laughably-named "Inflation Reduction Act" will double the size of the IRS - making it larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol...combined! And that...
Armed Robbery: Anti-Inflation Bill To Unleash Massive IRS Army
Aug 8, 2022
The laughably-named "Inflation Reduction Act" will double the size of the IRS - making it larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol...combined! And that...
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