RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Thoughts on Veterans Day

Of course I have a lot of thoughts on Veterans Day. It’s kind of hard not too, as you are basically hit with a torrent of gratitude, most of it applied with the same amount of care and specificity of a fire hose.I wrote this last year, but it still encapsulates much of my feelings towards Veterans Day. I am less angry than I was a year ago, but that anger is still there and will always be. It is something I have recognized about myself and something I will have to manage the rest of my life.A...

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As Peace Threatens To Break Out WIth Iran, Warmongers Flip Out

Talks are progressing between Iran and “the international community” (i.e., the U.S.). A peaceful resolution may be on the horizon. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could not be more blunt in his opposition to a deal: Israel understands that there are proposals on the table in Geneva today that would ease the pressure on Iran for concessions that are not concessions at all. This proposal would allow Iran to retain the capabilities to make nuclear weapons. Israel totally opposes these...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

US Expands Missile Defense Plans in Romania

On October 28 Romanian President Traian Basesku, Romania's Minister of Defense Mircea Dusa, US Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy James Miller, James Syring, director of the US Missile Defence Agency, and NATO Deputy Secretary-General Alexander Vershbow attended the groundbreaking ceremony held on the territory of Deveselu military facility, a former air base located at 180 kilometers east of Bucharest, the Romania's capital. The move confirms that Romania has become one of Washington’s...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Welcome to Deming, New Mexico — Where Police Rape is a Matter of 'Protocol'

David Eckert was stopped by police in Deming, New Mexico without cause, subjected to an illegal search of his vehicle and person, and eventually forced to undergo what amounts to object rape in the form of multiple rectal probes, forced enemas, and a colonoscopy. The purported reason for this treatment was suspicion of narcotics possession. A more credible explanation is that the police wanted to punish Eckert for politely asserting his rights during an encounter a few weeks earlier. There is...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

How America Was Lost

“No legal issue arises when the United States responds to a challenge to its power, position, and prestige.” - Dean Acheson , 1962, speaking to the American Society of International Law. Dean Acheson declared 51 years ago that power, position, and prestige are the ingredients of national security and that national security trumps law. In the United States democracy takes a back seat to “national security,” a prerogative of the executive branch of government. National security is where the...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

What I Told The Homeland Security Committee

The material below the dotted line is the written version of my part in a six-member panel’s presentation  to the House’s Homeland Security Committee on 9 October 2013.  I ran late on 8 October 2013 and so failed to provide the committee’s members with a typed-up version of my opening statement before the hearing. I submitted it to them on 10 October 2013. As things turned out, my tardiness did not really matter. The committee’s Chairman was knowledgeable, polite, and interested in what each...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

America’s Moment of Truth About Iran

America’s Iran policy is at a crossroads. Washington can abandon its counterproductive insistence on Middle Eastern hegemony, negotiate a nuclear deal grounded in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and get serious about working with Tehran to broker a settlement to the Syrian conflict. In the process, the United States would greatly improve its ability to shape important outcomes there. Alternatively, America can continue on its present path, leading ultimately to strategic...

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The Free Beacon Is Lucky Ron Paul Is No Longer In Congress

Congressman, Brad Schneider (D-IL), was in the process of introducing a bill in the House that sought to delay a new round of sanctions on Iran. That is, until the neocon Free Beacon caught wind of it. How dare Schneider suggest waiting a measly four months before increasing sanctions? Following the Free Beacon’s story, Schneider shelved the bill. He then “organized an impromptu conference Tuesday evening to explain to pro-Israel leaders why he authored a bill that could delay a new round of...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Syria Analysts, Impartial? Not likely!

As is evident with the vast majority of coverage on the Middle East, the analysis used to bolster media narratives on Syria is predominantly derived from paid “think-tank” commentators posing as objective scholars. To the discerning reader, this dynamic of the mass media relying on dubiously attached “analysts” is in itself nothing new. In an op-ed titled “The Sham Terrorist Expert Industry”  journalist Glenn Greenwald offers a compelling in-depth critique of the dominant clique of highly...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

America’s Lead Iran Negotiator Misrepresents U.S. Policy (and International Law) to Congress

Last month, while testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Wendy Sherman  — Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the senior U.S. representative in the P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran — said, with reference to Iranians, “We know that deception is part of the DNA.” This statement goes beyond orientalist stereotyping; it is, in the most literal sense, racist. And it evidently was not a mere “slip of the tongue”: a former Obama administration senior official told us that...

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Let’s Play Time Machine With Thomas Friedman

Sadly, Thomas Friedman is still acceptable in polite society. As a complement to Dr. Paul's commentary this week on Iraq, watch the below clip from the not-so-distant past, recorded just over a month after the US attacked Iraq, and remind yourselves why it is a shame he is not ostracized. If he has apologized for his comments in this interview, I have not been able to find it.Friedman, occupying his own linguistic universe, justifies the US attack on Iraq because there was a "terrorist bubble"...

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Rep. Walter Jones: Stop Wasting American Money and Lives in Afghanistan

Rep. Walter Jones: Stop Wasting American Money and Lives in Afghanistan

Rep. Walter Jones, an RPI Advisory Board member, presented last week on the House floor a short, powerful speech calling for ending US military action in, and the flow of Americans' tax money to, Afghanistan. Jones's speech focuses on continued US government spending in Afghanistan "at a time when America is drowning in debt" as well as recent killings of Americans in Afghanistan, including a father of two who had been stationed at a US Marines base in Jones's North Carolina district. Jones...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Ramblin’ Man: John Kerry is a Figure of His Times (and That’s Not a Good Thing)

In the 1960s, John Kerry was distinctly a man of his times. Kennedy-esque, he went from Yale to Vietnam to fight in a lost war. When popular sentiments on that war shifted, he became one of the more poignant voices raised in protest by antiwar veterans. Now, skip past his time as a congressman, lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, senator, and presidential candidate (Swift Boated out of the race by the Republican right). Four decades after his Vietnam experience, he has achieved what will...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Welcome to the United Police States of America, Where Police Shoot First & Ask Questions Later

“There are always risks in challenging excessive police power, but the risks of not challenging it are more dangerous, even fatal.”—Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century No longer is it unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later. What is unusual is our lack of outrage, the relative disinterest of our elected representatives, the media’s abysmal failure...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

What Was Not Said About Iraq

October was Iraq’s deadliest month since April, 2008. In those five and a half years, not only has there been no improvement in Iraq’s security situation, but things have gotten much worse. More than 1,000 people were killed in Iraq last month, the vast majority of them civilians. Another 1,600 were wounded, as car bombs, shootings, and other attacks continue to maim and murder.   As post-“liberation” Iraq spirals steadily downward, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was in Washington last week to...

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Ben Franklin Was Right About the NSA

In 1975, I was invited to join the US Senate’s Church Committee that was formed after the Watergate scandals. Its goal was to investigate massive illegalities committed by the CIA, National Security Agency and FBI. As a then staunch Republican, and having worked on President Nixon’s reelection campaign developing Mideast policy, I declined. With the wisdom of hindsight, I should have joined the investigation. Senator Frank Church warned: “ If this government ever became a tyrant, if a dictator...

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One Year Later: Was Afghan Withdrawal A Mistake?

This week marks one year since the end of the 20 year US war on Afghanistan. Former US Gen. David Petraeus argues in The Atlantic that the withdrawal was a mistake. Is he right?...

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