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Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin

The recent opening of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity was a watershed moment in American history. There has never been anything quite like it. Ideologically diverse, the Ron Paul Institute reaches out to all Americans, and indeed to people all over the world, who find the spectrum of foreign-policy opinion in the United States to be unreasonably narrow. Until Ron Paul and his new institute, there was no resolutely anti-interventionist foreign-policy organization to be found....

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Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Sequester – Trust?

Syria: So now we have the emergence of supposed proof of Assad's government being in violation of the self assigned "red line" of poison gas use against the rebels. Let's see the proof. Let's see and hear something beyond Andrea Mitchell beating her drum for war. This is especially important on this week when the arch deceiver is fawned over at his presidential library. He still does not admit that his administration chose to believe fabricated information in the matter of Iraq's posession of...

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Neocon High Priest McCain On Why We Must Bomb Syria

Senator John McCain warns us that if we do not start bombing Syria, pronto, on behaf of the Islamist extremists who run the insurgency, the average Syrian who is terrorized by these foreign funded fighters will seek us out and...well, do something bad to us. It is the big lie that the neocons peddle that people overseas are just itching for a US bombing campaign or drone strike to "liberate" them: "The Syrian people are angry and bitter at the United States. I was in a refugee camp in Jordan,...

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What Jennifer is Whispering in Obama’s Ear

When looking at Obama’s foreign policy moves compared to what we would be seeing with a John McCain or Mitt Romney presidency, we see things could have been worse.That's not to say that Obama is a non-interventionist in any sense of the word. But it appears that his primary focus is on intervening domestically.Neocons, who are at all times salivating for war, are not happy. It’s one thing to wait four years to get your agenda on the front burner, but having to wait eight gives rise to some...

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Oh That Smell: CISPA Returns from the Dead

A new and much unimproved CISPA bill heads for the House Floor for a vote this week. The new measure strips what little privacy measures and makes it even more mandatory that the private company you trust with your business be forced by the government to spy on you. CISPA died the ignoble death it deserved when it was first brought up in 2011, but Washington being Washington, like a bad zombie film bad legislation rises from the grave even more odious and odorous than when it was first buried....

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