RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Jennifer Rubin’s Obsession With An Israeli Attack On Iran

Jennifer Rubin’s Obsession With An Israeli Attack On Iran

Neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin, is one of the loudest voices in calling for Iran to be turned into a parking lot. She doesn’t put all her eggs (i.e., bombs) in one basket either. If the U.S. doesn’t take the lead in the destruction, she has a backup plan: the Israeli military. Watch her obsession unfold over time: 2013 - May 20 - Israel’s government, now a broad-based coalition, and its citizens are united on this issue: Iran can’t get the bomb, and Israel will act if need be. 2013 - Oct. 1...

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The Year of Iran:  Tehran’s Challenge to American Hegemony in 2014

The Year of Iran: Tehran’s Challenge to American Hegemony in 2014

Hassan Rohani’s election as Iran’s president seven months ago caught most of the West’s self-appointed Iran “experts” by (largely self-generated) surprise. Over the course of Iran’s month-long presidential campaign, methodologically-sound polls by the University of Tehran showed that a Rohani victory was increasingly likely. Yet Iran specialists at Washington’s leading think tanks continued erroneously insisting (as they had for months before the campaign formally commenced) that Iranians...

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Obama and Kerry Jeopardize Peace With Iran

Obama and Kerry Jeopardize Peace With Iran

Barack Obama and John Kerry should make up their minds: Do they want war or peace with Iran? We should hope for peace, but Obama and Kerry make optimism difficult. Ideally, the Obama administration would simply exit the Middle East, taking all its military and economic aid with it. The U.S. government cannot micromanage events there, especially when it is no honest, neutral broker. Shamefully, it is firmly in the Israeli camp against the Palestinians (who, let us remember, are the occupied,...

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The State of Our Nation: The Greatest Threat to Our Freedoms Is the Government

The State of Our Nation: The Greatest Threat to Our Freedoms Is the Government

“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm What was striking about this year’s State of the Union address was not the sheer arrogance of the president’s remarks, the staged nature of the proceedings and interactions, or the predictable...

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Sen. Wyden Slams Intelligence Officials Over ‘Culture of Misinformation’

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), in a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing today, presents succinctly and forcefully the case that senior officials overseeing the US government’s mass spying program have relied on “secret interpretations of the law” and “years of misleading and deceptive statements…to the American people.” Wyden proceeds to question witnesses James R. Clapper, John O. Brennan, and James B. Comey, Jr. — the directors, respectively, of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence...

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How Waist Deep in the Big Muddy Finally Got on Network Television in 1968

How Waist Deep in the Big Muddy Finally Got on Network Television in 1968

Most of my life I have assumed that the kind of songs I sing would not normally get played on the airwaves. I pointed to examples like Woody Guthrie’s song, “This Land Is Your Land” to show that they don’t have to get played on the airwaves. If it’s a real good song, it will get spread around anyway. But in 1967 I wrote what I thought was a real good song, and I knew there wasn’t time for it to get around the country. People were being killed every day in Vietnam. I had a recording contract...

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The Persecution of Justin Bieber

The Persecution of Justin Bieber

Though he is adored as a minor deity in the degenerate world of pop culture, when confronted by a member of the State’s punitive priesthood Justin Bieber is just another Mundane. This explains how the alleged singer has found himself charged with the supposed crime of “resisting arrest without violence.” Bieber, who was reportedly drunk and uncooperative when stopped by a police officer, attempted to pull his arm away when the cop tried to take him into custody. Because of this reflex action...

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Winning the New York Times Prize!

Winning the New York Times Prize!

The New York Times, whistling past the financial graveyard, paused over the weekend to smear the Mises Institute, Ron Paul, our other scholars, hardcore libertarianism, and me. Why? Because our ideas and our youth movement are gaining real traction. It is in effect a compliment. They have never faced opposition like ours before, and Ron Paul’s tremendous resonance with young people has only made things worse from the Times’s point of view. The Times wants opponents who play the game, who...

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Hardcore Warmongers Beat Up On Samantha Power

Hardcore Warmongers Beat Up On Samantha Power

There are neocon warmongers, and “humanitarian” warmongers. They’re virtually the same, with the “humanitarians” presenting a slightly different facade. Hardcore neocon warmongers believe that the U.S. should be attacking at all times. No need to sugarcoat. America is “exceptional”, and that is justification enough for any and all war. “Humanitarian” warmongers provide a sugarcoat. America is “exceptional” in their eyes as well, but the “humanitarians” seek to apply a veneer of “morality” in...

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The Ugly American (and Friends) in Geneva

The Ugly American (and Friends) in Geneva

US Secretary of State John Kerry's delusions continued as he arrived in Montreux, Switzerland to open the "Geneva II" talks on the ongoing conflict in Syria. Having successfully bullied UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon into rescinding the invitation previously extended to Iran to attend, Kerry proceeded to bully and blunder his way through the pre-opening of the conference."We need to deal with reality here," Kerry said on the eve of the conference. "Bashar Assad will not be part of that...

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The US Wager on Moderate Islam in Syria an Utter Failure

The US Wager on Moderate Islam in Syria an Utter Failure

On the eve of the international Middle East peace conference scheduled to take place January 22 in Geneva, the situation in Syria has again abruptly taken a turn for the worse. Various groups of Islamists have entered into a fierce armed conflict. Casualties on both sides have already greatly exceeded 1000 people. The troublemaker was the Islamic Front (IF), formed around two months ago from several groups and numbering approximately 50,000-60,000 fighters. On January 3 its troops attacked...

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Warfare, Welfare, and Wonder Woman — How Congress Spends Your Money

Warfare, Welfare, and Wonder Woman — How Congress Spends Your Money

Supporters of warfare, welfare, and Wonder Woman cheered last week as Congress passed a one trillion dollar “omnibus” appropriation bill. This legislation funds the operations of government for the remainder of the fiscal year. Wonder Woman fans can cheer that buried in the bill was a $10,000 grant for a theater program to explore the comic book heroine.That is just one of the many outrageous projects buried in this 1,582 page bill. The legislation gives the Department of Education more money...

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Foreign Aid is a Real Joke

Foreign Aid is a Real Joke

Jane Bussman is a British comedienne who moved to Los Angeles in the late 1990s. She wrote for a number of TV shows, including South Park, for a while. She then drifted into celebrity journalism interviewing the likes of Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, and Aston Kutcher. She eventually chucked it all and sought to cleanse her soul by traveling to Africa to “find a country that had a really bad problem with genocide and just help out.” And this is where her story stops short of dreary cliche...

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American Fascism

American Fascism

This talk was delivered at the 2014 Mises Circle in Houston, Texas.We know about the transformation of the American police, with their paramilitary equipment, their SWAT team raids, and incentive to terrorize people over drug offenses rather than pursue crimes against person and property. We know about the National Security Agency, which can access every American’s e-mails, phone calls, or text messages. And yet too many average Americans have greeted all this with indifference.This...

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Krauthammer Agrees with Paul on Obama’s NSA Reform Speech — Sort Of

Columnist Charles Krauthammer says he agrees with RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul — "the ACLU and Ron Paul are right" — that President Barack Obama’s mass spying reform speech Friday is “90-percent smoke and mirrors and very little substantive change.” The catch is that Krauthammer, speaking in a Fox News panel, proceeds to explain that he approves the bamboozling, saying it is “what we need.”Krauthammer frankly elaborates on Obama’s reform proposal: It doesn't matter who keeps the records....

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Breaking: Obama Declares NSA ‘Reforms’ While Dismissing Influence Of Snowden Leaks

Breaking: Obama Declares NSA ‘Reforms’ While Dismissing Influence Of Snowden Leaks

I just listened to the NSA speech by President Obama and as expected there is precious little in terms of real change. For civil libertarians, it is a nothing burger served hot and with a sympathetic smile. It is much of the same. Another review board composed of government officials. Another promise for the Executive Branch to review itself. I am in Salt Lake City today on the Sister Wives case, but I am struck by the absence of civil libertarians on the coverage by the networks. I will have...

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