RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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Featured Articles

The Use of Force, the Reflexive Resort to Economic Sanctions, and the Trials of America’s Hegemonic Mindset

The Use of Force, the Reflexive Resort to Economic Sanctions, and the Trials of America’s Hegemonic Mindset

As negotiations toward a “final” nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran continue, it is important to consider to what extent the world might be witnessing a fundamental change in American foreign policy. We are inclined to think that the Obama administration would not have gone as far down the diplomatic road with Iran as it has in the absence of President Obama’s self-inflicted debacle over his declared intention to attack Syria after chemical weapons were used there in August 2013. This...

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Disband NATO!

Disband NATO!

In a recent New York Times op-ed, John McCain, the man who hoped to be president, said that Russia’s invasion of Crimea has nothing to do with NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Oh? Well, now, let’s see how McCain would be responding if the shoe were on the other foot. Let’s assume that when the Cold War ended, the United States disbanded NATO. That, of course, wouldn’t have been too illogical given that NATO was brought into existence to protect Western Europe from Soviet...

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If Spying on Senate is So Bad, Why is it OK For Them To Spy On Us?

If Spying on Senate is So Bad, Why is it OK For Them To Spy On Us?

The reaction of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to last week’s revelations that the CIA secretly searched Senate Intelligence Committee computers reveals much about what the elites in government think about the rest of us. “Spy on thee, but not on me!” The hypocrisy of Sen. Feinstein is astounding. She is the biggest backer of the NSA spying on the rest of us, but when the tables are turned and her staff is the target she becomes irate. But there is more to it than that. There is an attitude in...

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Is John McCain Running For The Ukrainian Parliament?

John McCain has sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The results are in, and evidence shows that his swearing into office was nothing but his first "official" lie. No matter how long you stare at the words of the U.S. Constitution, you will never find a single justification for the following statement from McCain: Good conversation @CNN - I will never stop fighting for a free and independent #Ukraine, which includes #Crimea — John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) March 16, 2014 Those words sound like...

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After the Referendum…

After the Referendum…

If, as seems to be generally expected, today’s referendum in Crimea produces a substantial majority in favour of union with the Russian Federation, what will Moscow’s reaction be? I strongly expect that it will be…… Nothing. There are several reason why I think this. One is that Moscow is reluctant to break up states. I know that that assertion will bring howls of laughter from the Russophobes who imagine that Putin has geography dreams every night but reflect that Russia only recognised the...

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Neocons Have Weathered the Storm

Neocons Have Weathered the Storm

By the middle of last decade, the storm clouds were building over the neocons: their “regime change” in Iraq was a disaster; President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech was a running joke; news articles were appearing about their “dark side” behavior in the “war on terror”; and the public was tired of the blood and treasure being wasted.You might have expected that the neocons would have been banished to the farthest reaches of U.S. policymaking, so far away that they would never...

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Against Ukraine War? Obama May Seize Your Assets

Against Ukraine War? Obama May Seize Your Assets

Do you, like 56 percent of the US population, believe that the US should "not get too involved" in the Ukraine situation? Do you think that the US administration putting us on a war footing with Russia is a bad idea? Are you concerned that the new, US-backed leaders of Ukraine -- not being elected -- might lack democratic legitimacy? Are you tempted to speak out against US policy in Ukraine; are you tempted to criticize the new Ukrainian regime?Be careful what you say. Be careful what you...

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The Failure of German Leadership on Ukraine

The Failure of German Leadership on Ukraine

Washington, enabled by its compliant but stupid NATO puppets, is pushing the Ukrainian situation closer to war. German Chancellor Merkel has failed her country, Europe, and world peace. Germany is the strength of the EU and NATO. Had Merkel said “No” to sanctions on Russia, that would have been the end of the crisis that Washington is brewing, a crisis unlikely to be ended short of war. But Merkel has signed away the sovereignty of the German nation and assigned the fate of Germany to a...

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McCain: Why Aren’t We At War Already?

McCain: Why Aren’t We At War Already?

Sen. John McCain is furious with President Obama. Even though the president's bellicosity over a relatively insignificant piece of land more than 5,000 miles away threatens not only our terminally ill economy but actually threatens World War III, McCain still views the president as weak and accommodating. We should be at war already, dammit!At least an overt proxy war, that is.Today McCain released a statement attacking President Obama for reportedly refusing a request by the coup-installed...

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Absolute Perversion of the Law in US Drone Killings

Absolute Perversion of the Law in US Drone Killings

We see in the United States government’s “targeted killings” program carried out by drones and other means a perversion of the law so extreme that it brings to mind the introductory paragraph of Frederic Bastiat’s classic book The Law: The law perverted! The law — and, in its wake, all the collective forces of the nation — the law, I say, not only diverted from its proper direction, but made to pursue one entirely contrary! The law become the tool of every kind of avarice, instead of being its...

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Russia Annexing Crimea is the Cost of US/EU intervention in Ukraine

Russia Annexing Crimea is the Cost of US/EU intervention in Ukraine

One wonders how deep a hole the United States and the EU are going to dig for themselves in Ukraine. It was, of course, U.S. and EU leaders — and their media acolytes — who caused the problem we face today by intervening on behalf of self-styled “democrats” in Kiev who without foreign intervention could not have overthrown the Ukrainian president. It is getting to be that any half-baked gaggle of protestors at any location on the planet need only to chant the word “democracy” and the West will...

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Lights, Camera, Arrested: Americans Are Being Thrown in Jail for Filming Police

Lights, Camera, Arrested: Americans Are Being Thrown in Jail for Filming Police

“I thought I had freedom of speech here,” the man said to the police officer. “You don’t. You just lost it,” the officer replied. Once again, the U.S. government is attempting to police the world when it should be policing its own law enforcement agencies. We’ve got a warship cruising the Black Sea, fighter jets patrolling the Baltic skies, and a guided-missile destroyer searching the South China Sea for the downed Malaysia Airlines flight. All the while, back home in the U.S., our...

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Pledging American Lives in the Defense of NATO

Pledging American Lives in the Defense of NATO

Notwithstanding its recent decision to lift its debt ceiling once again to enable it to add to its ever-growing mountain of debt, the US government has now issued a new pledge, this one being as a guarantor of a $1 billion loan to the new government of Ukraine. Unfortunately, that’s not all that US officials have pledged in that part of the world. I wonder how many Americans realize that the US government has also pledged the lives and limbs of America’s young people in the defense of nations...

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McCain: ‘It’s Tragic’ There’s No U.S. Military Option In Ukraine

McCain: ‘It’s Tragic’ There’s No U.S. Military Option In Ukraine

If the US/EU backed overthrow of the Ukrainian government last month had a face, that face would be Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). McCain is the "Energizer Bunny" of US interventionism: wherever there is a government to subvert, a regime to change, chaos to foment, there you will find McCain in its midst. He snuck into Syria to highlight the dominance of moderates that the US should support. But the world is now interconnected and soon it was known that McCain's moderates in Syria were in fact...

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Gen. Dempsey Pushes Back Against War Fever

Gen. Dempsey Pushes Back Against War Fever

General Martin Dempsey, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave a lengthy interview to Judy Woodruff on Friday night's PBS News Hour and delivered a carefully balanced picture of how the U.S. military is managing the unfolding Ukraine crisis, both reassuring European NATO allies that treaty obligations will be honored, while maintaining constant communications with Russian counterparts, to assure there are no miscalculations leading to conflict. Gen. Dempsey, clearly aware of the...

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‘Vlad the Bad’ Moves His Chess Pieces

‘Vlad the Bad’ Moves His Chess Pieces

Soviet leader Josef Stalin used to shrug off critics by his favorite Central Asian saying: “The dogs bark; the caravan moves on.” Russia’s hard-eyed president, Vladimir Putin, is following the same strategy over Ukraine and Crimea. Putin swiftly moved his knight into the empty chess square of Crimea, thereby regaining full control of one of Russia’s four strategic port regions: Sevastopol, Murmansk, St Petersburg and Vladivostok. Sevastopol, now firmly in Moscow’s hands, is Russia’s sole...

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