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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

It is no longer possible to conceal the obvious. The West, in its attempts to remove Bashar al-Asad from power during the years of the war in Syria, has nurtured a force so sinister that its tentacles are now reaching to the Western capitals themselves. Al-Qaeda is at the peak of its influence in the Middle East. In Somalia, the group al-Shabaab has announced its complete merger with this organization. In Libya its members unceremoniously arrested the prime minister, and then let him go. In...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

Ukraine: Europe’s Partner or Puppet?

As the second most populous former Soviet republic, Ukraine has seemed uncomfortable with its independence since 1991 and less than committed to making it work. The fundamental issue has always been, does the country remain entwined with its larger neighbour Russia, or does it succumb to the blandishments of the West and distance itself completely from a country with which it was co-joined for over 1000 years? Within the USSR Ukraine was an economic power house with a large heavy industrial...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

British Press Shills for Syria War With 'Baby Snipers' Story

The Times of London yesterday published a sensational Syria story based on an interview with British doctor David Nott, who had volunteered his medical expertise in Syria over the past several weeks. Dr. Nott said that he had seen several pregnant women come in with abdominal wounds. He speculated that snipers must have been playing some sort of game where they would target the fetuses of pregnant women -- a grisly business to be sure. Said Dr. Nott: It seemed to me that it was some sort of a...

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Remember ‘Kony’?

Remember ‘Kony’?

Remember the bizarre "Kony 2012" video last year that was supposed to mobilize us all to fight the really bad guys in Uganda? (Or at least get behind the State Department and AFRICOM's efforts to fight the "really bad guys" in Uganda)? The video was supposedly viewed by millions and gazillions of people who then demanded that the State Department, CIA, and AFRICOM (who all had a hand in funding the "NGO" that made the film) do something about the horrible John Kony and his "Lord's Resistance...

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It’s Always Munich

It’s Always Munich

The P5+1 negotiations in Geneva have been fascinating thus far. Iran came to the table well-prepared and determined to make a deal, presenting a complex and reasonable proposal. Iran is reportedly prepared to accept more thorough inspections of its nuclear facilities and some limits on how much and to what level it will enrich uranium. In exchange, Iran requests a loosening of US-imposed international sanctions and recognition of its right to enrich uranium. Considering the fact that under the...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

Does Our Military Spending Really Make Us Better Off?

The ill-advised launching of a few barrages of cruise missiles at Syria, which was the White House’s fervent desire back in August could have cost as much as five billion dollars or so by the time it was all over, an act of war carried out just to establish the "credibility" of the White House. Would it have been money well spent to kill a few hundred Syrians? The Navy meanwhile keeps building multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers even though they are highly vulnerable to much cheaper...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

Obama Sidesteps Detractors to Engage Iran

Below the radar, the tortuous process leading to an Iran nuclear deal may have got under way in Geneva where the two-day talks between the protagonists – P5+1 and Iran – ended on a positive note on Wednesday. The joint statement issued after the talks was a “first” of its kind, symbolizing that there is reason to believe in the strong likelihood of a critical mass forming.  The other good signs are that the next round of talks has been slated for an early date within the coming three weeks...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

American Hemp Farming Poised for Resurgence Despite US Prohibition

This month Ryan Loflin, along with a group of volunteers, completed on his Colorado farm the first public hemp harvest in the US since Colorado voters approved legalizing the farming and distribution of both marijuana and hemp last November. The Loflin farm harvest is one of several recent developments that suggest American hemp farming that has been suppressed by the US government for decades may soon enjoy a resurgence. While the Colorado government says legal hemp farming is on hold until...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

The OPCW wins Nobel by default

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons based in The Hague. This has come as a surprise – even to the OPCW. So far, according to the OPCW’s own records, only Albania and India have completely destroyed their chemical weapon stockpiles. The OPCW has a long way to go and why now? The answer lies in a five-letter word – Putin. The OPCW got the Nobel by default. The only way to dodge the claim of Russian president Vladimir Putin for a...

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We Have Confused Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson sees non-interventionist ideas a growing trend in the US. He describes this below: In the immediate future, I do not think the United States will be intervening abroad on the ground — not in the Middle East or, for that matter, many places in other parts of the world. The reason is not just a new Republican isolationism, or the strange but growing alliance between left-wing pacifists and right-wing libertarians. The growing desire for non-interventionism (not “isolationism”...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

Will Obama Blow His Diplomatic Opportunity with Iran?

As we move toward a new round of nuclear talks in Geneva this week between Iran and the P5+1, it is important to look soberly at each side’s approach to renewed nuclear diplomacy and what that implies about the prospects for real diplomatic progress. On the Iranian side, the public diplomacy carried out by President Hassan Rohani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif during their visits to New York for the United Nations General Assembly—along with Zarif’s meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

Obscuring the Details: A Panoramic Look at America’s Case Against Syria

The US federal government and the various agencies, media organizations, individuals, foreign governments, non-governmental organizations, lobbies, forces, and other entities that are tied to it have done everything in their power to obscure the details involving the chemical attacks in that took place in Syria on August 21, 2013. The aim has been to justify the US-led foreign campaign that was launched against Syria in 2011 by making the Syrian government appear culpable of grievous crimes....

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Sen. Ron Wyden Warns of Fake Surveillance Reform and the Economic Harm of US Mass Spying

Sen. Ron Wyden Warns of Fake Surveillance Reform and the Economic Harm of US Mass Spying

US Sen. Ron Wyden, in a Guardian article he wrote based on his speech at a Cato Institute event this week, reinforces RPI's warnings that efforts to reform the US government mass spying program "provide an excellent opportunity to make bad legislation worse" and that the spying "threatens American companies' business prospects in the international marketplace." Wyden first warns that the "business-as-usual-brigade" will do everything it can to prevent the realization of pro-liberty...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

That Big Salmonella Outbreak: Chickens Coming Home to Roost on Bankrupt Food Safety Double Standard

There’s an outbreak of illnesses from salmonella in chicken that is making national headlines--278 people in 18 states have been sickened. More alarming is the fact that 42% of those sickened have been hospitalized, and that the pathogen seems resistant to treatment with antibiotics. (According to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, less than one per cent of its estimated 48 million cases of foodborne illness require hospitalization.)  The media is making much out of the fact...

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Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey

The Myth of American Exceptionalism

When the Soviet Union collapsed, America loomed as the gleaming superpower. It looked like the country had solved all of its problems. It was the envy of the world. An end of history loomed. No longer. History has come back with a vengeance. And today, after a decade of ruinous wars, the only things worth copying are the memories. Americans are only beginning to comprehend their difficulties. Perhaps this should not be surprising. For Americans have long been weaned on the notion that they...

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US Cuts Egypt Military Aid, Jeffrey Goldberg Has Panic Attack

After several months of violent crackdowns by the Egyptian military on its own people, it’s being reported that the U.S. government has decided to reel in some of the "military aid" that it doles out to the country. Naturally, curtailing any type of "leverage" that the U.S. may hold over another nation, will tend to irritate your typical neocon -- like Jeffrey Goldberg, for example. You see, in Goldberg’s world, when the average American clocks into his/her job, it’s not for their own benefit,...

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