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‘Hard-Core Libertarian’ Austin Petersen’s Advice for ‘Soviet’ Ron Paul

‘Hard-Core Libertarian’ Austin Petersen’s Advice for ‘Soviet’ Ron Paul

Austin Petersen, who describes himself in the introduction to his Freedom Report Podcast as a “hard-core libertarian” who cares about “pure freedom,” is upset that Ron Paul wrote an editorial expressing skepticism regarding the US government’s and media’s line on the downing of a Malaysia Airlines flight in Ukraine. Petersen, indeed, provides in his Wednesday podcast some advice for Paul: No more of that saying what you think stuff. If you do that, you might make some people uncomfortable, and...

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Ron Paul: ‘I Don’t Blame America, I Blame Neocons’

Facing a tough but respectful grilling on Fox Business's The Independents over his recent comments on Ukraine and the apparent downing of a Malaysia Air plane, Ron Paul argues that the US government wants to blame Russia for the shoot-down while providing no evidence for its conclusion. Paul points out that the US claim that Russia was to blame for the disaster because they supply weapons to the rebels in east Ukraine is hypocritical because the US has armed oppositionists in Syria who went on...

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Ron Paul: What’s So Bad About a Split-Up Ukraine?

In an in-depth commentary about the recent Malaysian Airlines crash, Dr. Paul makes the point that no one in western media or government wants us to ponder: if eastern Ukraine wants to be closer to Russia and western Ukraine wants to be aligned with the EU, why can't they just go their separate ways without outsider meddling?Said Dr. Paul: The only thing we can hope for as American citizens is just hope our government would slow up. Just slow up the neoconservatives who are immediately all...

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9/11 Commission: 10th Anniversary of a Bootlicking National Disgrace

9/11 Commission: 10th Anniversary of a Bootlicking National Disgrace

Ten years ago, the 9/11 Commission released its report on the challenges to the nation. Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, the chairman and vice chairman of the commission, have a platitude-laden piece this morning in USA Today: “The 'generational challenge' against terrorism we anticipated 10 years ago has entered a new and dangerous phase. America cannot afford to let down its guard.” But the 9/11 Commission let down its guard for the American people long before they issued their final report. The...

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Parallel Construction: Unconstitutional NSA Searches Deny Due Process

Parallel Construction: Unconstitutional NSA Searches Deny Due Process

The NSA sits at the nexus of violations of both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments with a legal dodge called Parallel Construction. Parallel Construction is a technique used by law enforcement to hide the fact that evidence in a criminal case originated with the NSA. In its simplest form, the NSA collects information showing say a Mr. Anderson committed a crime. This happens most commonly in drug cases. The conclusive information is passed to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), who then works...

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On Malaysian Crash, Obama’s Case Against Russia Disintegrates

On Malaysian Crash, Obama’s Case Against Russia Disintegrates

Tuesday the US government admitted it had been bluffing about its certainty that Russia was behind the downing of Malaysian Air Flight MH-17 over Ukraine. This dramatic turn of events started with State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf claiming Monday that the State Department's certainty of Russian involvement in the apparent downing of the plane was primarily based on "social media" evidence. That means with a likely budget of more than $100 billion, the US Intelligence Community is making...

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Rubin & Rubio Try To Keep Conservatives In Line

Rubin & Rubio Try To Keep Conservatives In Line

Panic time for neocons! Another poll has been released showing American disdain for the sprawling US military empire. This time Politico hands a piece of kryptonite to the warmongers. An incredible two out of three Americans want the US to stay out of foreign conflicts that are not a direct threat to US national security. Jennifer Rubin the hectoring commissar is surely not happy. She trots out a quote from neocon Senator Marco Rubio to quell any conservative doubters that may come into...

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Kerry’s Latest Reckless Rush to Judgment

Kerry’s Latest Reckless Rush to Judgment

Secretary of State John Kerry boasts that as a former prosecutor he knows he has a strong case against the eastern Ukrainian rebels and their backers in Russia in pinning last Thursday’s shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on them, even without the benefit of a formal investigation. During his five rounds of appearances on Sunday talk shows, Kerry did what a judge might condemn as “prejudicing the case” or “poisoning the jury pool.” In effect, Kerry made a fair “trial” almost impossible,...

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The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress

The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy Call it what you will—taxes, penalties, fees, fines, regulations, tariffs, tickets, permits, surcharges, tolls, asset forfeitures, foreclosures, etc.—but the only word that truly describes the constant bilking of the American taxpayer by the government and its corporate partners is theft. We’re operating in a topsy-turvy Sherwood Forest where...

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What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17

What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17

Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. President Obama held a press conference to claim – even before an investigation – that it was pro-Russian rebels in the region who were responsible. His ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, did the same at the UN Security Council – just one day after the...

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What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner?

What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner?

Washington’s propaganda machine is in such high gear that we are in danger of losing the facts that we do have. One fact is that the separatists do not have the expensive Buk anti-aircraft missile system or the trained personnel to operate it. Another fact is that the separatists have no incentive to shoot down an airliner and neither does Russia. Anyone can tell the difference between low-flying attack aircraft and an airliner at 33,000 feet. The Ukrainians do have Buk anti-aircraft missile...

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What Gaza’s Crisis Shows About Israel’s Ambitions and America’s Decline

What Gaza’s Crisis Shows About Israel’s Ambitions and America’s Decline

As Israel’s military kills and injures hundreds of civilians in Gaza—whose population Israel is legally obligated to protect as an occupying power—people around the world, including in the United States, wonder why official Washington appears so indifferent to even the most graphic instances of “collateral damage.” The primary reason is that most American policy elites still believe the United States needs to dominate the Middle East, and that Israeli military assertiveness is instrumentally...

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David Versus Goliath in Gaza

David Versus Goliath in Gaza

Israel is clearly winning the David v. Goliath struggle with Palestinians in Gaza. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, seized on the murder in June of three Jewish teenagers from a West Bank settlement to launch Israel’s third war against Gaza in six years. So far, some 230 Palestinians have been killed, 70% women and children, and one Israeli has died. Israeli bombing and shelling has made the rubble in Gaza bounce. As in the two previous Israeli assaults on Gaza, it’s unclear who...

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Blood, Treasure and Soul: The Exorbitant Price of the American Empire

Blood, Treasure and Soul: The Exorbitant Price of the American Empire

(click to enlarge) It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when it happened, but clear evidence can be seen at least in the aftermath of World War II. Some trace the origins back to 1898 and the Spanish-American War, or even earlier to the War of 1812. And still others would say that imperial ambitions were even on the minds of some of the Founding Fathers. Regardless, there can be no doubt that today the United States of America is an empire. It is probably safe to assume that most Americans do...

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Senate Approves Transfer Of Additional $351 Million To Israel To Fund Its Iron Dome Missile Defense System

Senate Approves Transfer Of Additional $351 Million To Israel To Fund Its Iron Dome Missile Defense System

The US Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee just approved the transfer of $351 million to Israel for the Iron Dome missile defense system — that will bring the appropriations this week for Israel to $621 million. There has been virtually no debate about such huge payments to another nation’s defense budget when cities and schools continue to cut back on programs for lack of fund. In Fairfax county, our kids are being placed in classes of over 30 kids with a single teacher because there...

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US Foreign Food Aid Hurts the Poor

US Foreign Food Aid Hurts the Poor

The U.S. government loves to preen about its generosity to the world’s downtrodden. However, a long series of presidents and their tools have scorned the evidence that their aid programs perennially clobber recipients. Nowhere is this clearer than in the sordid history of U.S. food aid.Food for Peace was devised in 1954 to help dump abroad embarrassingly huge crop surpluses fomented by high federal price supports. The primary purpose of Public Law 480 (in which the program is embodied) has...

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