It has become abundantly clear, thanks especially to excellent reporting and analysis by Glenn Greenwald and Justin Raimondo, that the "Khorasan Group" threat used as the pretext for the US bombing of Syria was totally fabricated by the US government. The purpose was an attempt to legitimize what would otherwise be an illegal US attack.In the immediate run-up to the US bombing of Syria, unnamed sources in the US government began leaking to the obedient US press corps ever-more fantastic tales...
Featured Articles
Scottish Referendum Gives Reasons to be Hopeful
by Ron Paul | Sep 28, 2014 | Featured Articles
Even though it ultimately failed at the ballot box, the recent campaign for Scottish independence should cheer supporters of the numerous secession movements springing up around the globe. In the weeks leading up to the referendum, it appeared that the people of Scotland were poised to vote to secede from the United Kingdom. Defeating the referendum required British political elites to co-opt secession forces by promising greater self-rule for Scotland, as well as launching a massive campaign...
Western-Backed Kiev Regime Burying the Truth About Its Atrocities?
by Finian Cunningham | Sep 27, 2014 | Featured Articles
OSCE photographs mass-graves discovered in Ukraine last week. The grim discovery of mass graves in southeastern Ukraine this week implicates the Kiev regime in further war crimes. At least three such burial sites have been uncovered in recent days since the withdrawal of Kiev’s military forces from the areas under its control, as part of a belated ceasefire deal. Meanwhile, Kiev President Petro Poroshenko declared that “the worst of the violence is over” in Ukraine, with the latest ceasefire,...
Ron Paul: Obama Has Started ‘Immoral and Illegal’ War in Iraq and Syria
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 27, 2014 | Featured Articles
Obama's new wars in Iraq and Syria are totally immoral as well as illegal under US and international law, RPI Chairman Ron Paul told RT's Abby Martin yesterday. The idea that US force will solve the problem is also mistaken, he said. "US action will increase the violence," rather than reduce it, he added.In a lengthy interview, broadcast on RT's popular "Breaking the Set" program, Dr. Paul wonders why the countries in the region, feeling the pressure from ISIS, do not get together to solve the...
Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan: As Bad As a Crime, a Blunder
by Eric Margolis | Sep 27, 2014 | Featured Articles
Having nearly provoked war over Ukraine with nuclear-armed Russia, the Obama administration has now launched a full-scale crusade in Iraq and Syria against the evil Saracens of ISIS. America’s aerial might, including B-1 heavy bombers, is plastering ISIS miscreants. Washington’s Arab allies and rightwing governments in Canada and Australia have joined the fray. The British will be next. ISIS reserved particular venom for the French, referring to them as “dirty, spiteful” French (the Brits will...
Michele Bachmann Goes Berserk!
by Chris Rossini | Sep 26, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Michele Bachmann throws the blanket over all Muslims saying: Yes, Mr. President, it is about Islam! And I believe if you have an evil of an order of this magnitude, you take it seriously. You declare war on it, you don’t dance around it. Just like the Islamic State has declared war on the United States of America. You kill their leader, you kill their councils, you kill their army until they wave the white flag of surrender. That’s how you win a war! This tirade immediately brought to mind the...
Gateway Policies: ISIS, Obama and US Financial Boots-on-the-Ground
by Nomi Prins | Sep 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Obama’s neo-Cold War is not about ideology or respect for borders. It is about money and global power. The current battle over control of gateway nations - strategic locations in which private firms can establish the equivalent of financial boots-on-the-ground - is being waged in the Middle East and Ukraine under the auspices of freedom and western capitalism (er, “democracy”). In these global gateways, private banks can infiltrate resource-rich locales fortified by political will,...
Is Obama Misleading the World to War? Depends How You Define ‘Misleading’
by Trevor Timm | Sep 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
Want to decipher what the US military is really doing in Iraq and Syria, or figure out whether its regional war against the Islamic State (Isis) is legal? Good luck. The Obama administration’s secret efforts to redefine the ordinary meaning of key legal terms and phrases has made that near impossible. For instance, in his Tuesday statement that US airstrikes that have expanded into Syria, Obama studiously avoided any discussion about his domestic legal authority to conduct these strikes. That...
The Airwaves Are Still Heaving With Spin Two Days After US Airstrikes Against Syria
by Sharmine Narwani | Sep 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
Undoubtedly the attacks were timed to occur on the eve of the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations, so “Coalition” partners could cluster behind the decision to bomb a sovereign state, uninvited. The irony, of course, is that they are doing so at the UN – the global political body that pledges to uphold international law, peace and stability, and the sanctity of the nation-state unit. The goal this week will be to keep the “momentum” on a “narrative” until it sinks in. On...
Welcome To Barack Obama’s Syrian Gong Show
by David Stockman | Sep 25, 2014 | Featured Articles
Folks, this war is only three days old and its already a gong show. Its become at least a four-front affair — with Obama’s “broad” coalition amounting to little more than a few stealth Arab nations renting back to Washington the equipment and American trained pilots it had earlier provided them. The President’s shock-but-not-awe campaign apparently incepted not with bombs on the Islamic State’s capital of Raqqah but via a tomahawk barrage on some Nusra Front rebels in northwestern Syria. These...
Dennis Kucinich Drops In On Hemp Activists at US Capitol
by Adam Dick | Sep 25, 2014 | Congress Alert
Industrial hemp activists from around the country visited United States Representatives’ and Senators’ offices in Washington, DC this week to make the case for repealing decades-old US government restrictions related to the plant. When the activists were meeting together after their congressional office visits, RPI Advisory Board Member and former US Rep. Dennis Kucinich dropped in and offered some comments regarding hemp. Watch the six minute video below for a taste of the gathering;...
The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria
by Dennis J. Kucinich | Sep 24, 2014 | Featured Articles
The administration's response to the conjunction of this weekend's People's Climate March and the International Day of Peace? 1) Bomb Syria the following day, to wrest control of the oil from ISIS which gained its foothold directly in the region through the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan funding and arming ISIS' predecessors in Syria. 2) Send the president to UN General Assembly, where he will inevitably give a rousing speech about climate and peace, while the destruction of the...
Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition
by Peter van Buren | Sep 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
I wanted to offer a wry chuckle before we headed into the heavy stuff about Iraq, so I tried to start this article with a suitably ironic formulation. You know, a déjà-vu-all-over-again kinda thing. I even thought about telling you how, in 2011, I contacted a noted author to blurb my book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, and he presciently declined, saying sardonically, “So you're gonna be the one to write the last book on failure in...
Breaking: US Attacks Syria!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
The Obama Administration has initiated a bomb and land-based missile attack against Syrian territory without permission from the Syrian government, without a request for assistance from the Syrian government, and without a UN Security Council resolution. This is an act of US aggression against a foreign nation and a violation of international law. The attacks were also made with no declaration of war or authorization from the US Congress. This is an illegal act according to US law, a violation...
Turning Americans into Snitches for the Police State: ‘See Something, Say Something’ and Community Policing
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.”—Professor Robert Gellately If you see something suspicious, says the Department of Homeland Security, say something about it to the police, call it in to a government hotline, or report it...
Lieberman: ‘Attack Assad AND ISIS!’
by Chris Rossini | Sep 22, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Joe Lieberman finds no reason to keep up the facade of the backdoor-to-war with Syria. He flat out said on Face The Nation Sunday: “We should attack Assad and fight ISIS.” The neocons, who were rebuked by the American public when Obama initially wanted to attack Syria, are back in the saddle. A couple of ISIS YouTube videos and it’s back to war with Assad -- who also happens to be at war with ISIS! Keep Robert Parry’s thoughts in mind as this story continues to unravel: In the weeks ahead,...
CDC To Vote Thursday To REQUIRE Covid Shots For Kids
Even as uptake for the new Covid shots hovers around zero, the CDC is not giving up. For an announced Thursday meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices...
CDC To Vote Thursday To REQUIRE Covid Shots For Kids
Oct 18, 2022
Even as uptake for the new Covid shots hovers around zero, the CDC is not giving up. For an announced Thursday meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices...
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