Featured Articles

Christians in Peril Because of Western Foreign Policy

Christians in Peril Because of Western Foreign Policy

Easter should be a time of celebration for Christians, but for those of the faith living in the Middle East, there hasn’t been too much to celebrate in recent years. “Kill the Christians” is the title of a new BBC documentary, to be broadcast this week. In it, veteran reporter Jane Corbin travels “across the Middle East, to examine why Christianity is facing the greatest threat to its existence. She finds hundreds of thousands of Christians are fleeing Islamic extremists, conflict and...

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The New Militarism: Who Profits?

The New Militarism: Who Profits?

Militarism and military spending are everywhere on the rise, as the new Cold War propaganda seems to be paying off. The new “threats” that are being hyped bring big profits to military contractors and the network of think tanks they pay to produce pro-war propaganda. Here are just a few examples:The German government announced last week that it would purchase 100 more “Leopard” tanks – a 45 percent increase in the country’s inventory. Germany had greatly reduced its inventory of tanks as the...

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Obama Should Rescind Sanctions Against Venezuela

Obama Should Rescind Sanctions Against Venezuela

This week regional leaders from 35 Latin American and Caribbean nations meet at the Seventh Summit of the Americas. The meeting in Panama will be a historical encounter ending the 50-year exclusion of Cuba from the Organization of American States. Both presidents Obama and Raul Castro will be present and a highly-anticipated meet and greet between them has the potential to rapidly advance a thaw in relations and an end to the unpopular US embargo against Cuba. While Latin American governments...

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Obama Inherits Saudi Arabia’s Yemeni War

Obama Inherits Saudi Arabia’s Yemeni War

The US-backed Saudi military intervention in Yemen is entering a dangerous phase. Clearly, the Saudi air attacks, guided by US intelligence and logistics support, have not had any worthwhile impact so far on the Houthi campaign to seize control of southern Yemeni port city of Aden. But it is Pakistan that may have dealt a lethal blow to the US-Saudi campaign today. The country’s parliament has unanimously called for Pakistan staying neutral in the Yemen conflict except in the highly improbable...

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Kick Open the Doorway to Liberty: What Are We Waiting For?

Kick Open the Doorway to Liberty: What Are We Waiting For?

“The greatness of America lies in the right to protest for right.”—Martin Luther King Jr. Everything this nation once stood for is being turned on its head. Free speech, religious expression, privacy, due process, bodily integrity, the sanctity of human life, the sovereignty of the family, individuality, the right to self-defense, protection against police abuses, representative government, private property, human rights—the very ideals that once made this nation great—have become casualties...

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Sen. Tom ‘Cakewalk’ Cotton: Let’s Bomb Iran, It’ll be a Breeze!

Sen. Tom ‘Cakewalk’ Cotton: Let’s Bomb Iran, It’ll be a Breeze!

Sen. Tom Cotton is hoping people will forget all the pre-Iraq War II talk promising that it will be a "cakewalk" and that "we will in fact be greeted as liberators." He is hoping no one will remember when the Bush Administration sold the Iraq war based on the Rumsfeldian lie that total victory would take "five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that..."No, he wants us to forget the Iraq war altogether and simply concentrate on the sublime...

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$416 Million Afghan Program to Empower Women: No ‘Tangible Benefit’

$416 Million Afghan Program to Empower Women: No ‘Tangible Benefit’

The American reconstruction campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan have, and continue, to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on pointless projects seemingly designed solely to funnel money into the pockets of US government contractors. Empowering Women These projects (Iraq War examples are detailed in my book We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People seem to bounce between the merely pointless, such as dams that are never completed and roads to...

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All Praise To The Iranian Nuclear Framework—It Finally Exposes The War Party’s Big Lie

All Praise To The Iranian Nuclear Framework—It Finally Exposes The War Party’s Big Lie

The Iranian framework agreement is an astonishingly good deal, and has the potential to become a historic game-changer. As Robert Parry astutely observed, its about much more than sheaving the threat that Iran will get the bomb: The April 2 framework agreement with Iran represents more than just a diplomatic deal to prevent nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. It marks a crossroad that offers a possible path for the American Republic to regain its footing and turn away from endless war....

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Mysterious Deaths in Ukraine

Mysterious Deaths in Ukraine

Following the murder of Russian opposition leader, and former Deputy Prime Minister, Boris Nemtsov in Moscow on Feb. 27, the West had a field day. Ranging from strong innuendo to outright accusation of a Kremlin-directed political murder, the Western media and politicians did not miss an opportunity to treat Russian President Vladimir Putin as a football practice dummy. The European Parliament adopted a resolution urging an international investigation into Nemtsov’s death and suggested that...

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Reality Check: America Needs Iran

Reality Check: America Needs Iran

Since the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was announced last week, the Obama administration—echoing previous pledges that nuclear talks with Tehran do not presage a US-Iranian “grand bargain”—has assiduously reaffirmed that progress on the nuclear issue does not signal a wider diplomatic opening. Such a posture ignores an overwhelming strategic reality: America’s position in the Middle East is in free fall, and the only way out is to realign US relations with the Islamic Republic of...

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The New Militarism: Who Profits?

The IRS and Congress Both Hold Our Liberty in Contempt

This week the Justice Department announced it would not charge former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner with contempt of Congress. Some members of Congress requested that Lerner be charged with contempt after she refused to testify at a congressional hearing investigating her role in denying or delaying the applications for tax-exempt status of “tea party” and pro-limited government organizations. Cynics might suggest it is not surprising that a former government official...

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Lawrence Wilkerson: Iran ‘Win-Win’ Announced but Many Congressional Republicans Still Want War

Speaking Friday on MSNBC with host Ed Schultz, Lawrence Wilkerson described the announced framework for a nuclear agreement with Iran as setting up a “win-win” agreement for the parties with importance on the level of the opening of relations between China and the United States during the Nixon administration. But, Wilkerson, a Ron Paul Institute advisor who served as chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell, cautions that many congressional Republicans are still seeking war on Iran....

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Soros Looks to Co-Own Ukraine

Soros Looks to Co-Own Ukraine

Billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros has proposed a $1 billion contribution of a combined $50 billion investment package in the Ukraine in order to form an economic barrier to Russia’s entry to the war torn nation. In an interview with an Austrian newspaper, Soros said, “The West can help Ukraine by increasing attractiveness for investors.” The Hungarian-born economic hitman may be more interested in helping his, and other investors', pockets, rather than the people of Ukraine. The...

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NATO is Building Up for War

NATO is Building Up for War

The German city of Frankfurt is continental Europe’s largest financial center and host to the country’s Stock Exchange, countless other financial institutions, and the headquarters of the European Central Bank (ECB) which is responsible for administering the monetary policy of the 18-nation Eurozone. The place is awash with money, as demonstrated by the plush new ECB office building which is costing a fortune. The original price of the bank’s enormous palace was supposed to be 500 million...

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America’s Warfare State Revolution

America’s Warfare State Revolution

It is impossible to overstate the magnitude of the warfare-state revolution that transformed the federal government and American society after World War II. The roots of America’s foreign-policy crises today, along with the massive infringements on civil liberties and privacy and the federal government’s program of secret indefinite incarceration, torture, assassination, and extra-judicial executions can all be traced to the grafting of a national-security apparatus onto America’s federal...

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Neocon Nervous Breakdown: Iran Framework Agreement Reached

Neocon Nervous Breakdown: Iran Framework Agreement Reached

Behind that Cheshire Cat grin one can detect, if listening closely, the sound of neocon godfather Bill Kristol gritting his teeth. The neocons pulled out all stops to scuttle any kind of Iran deal. They even called in a foreign leader in the person of kindred spirit Benjamin Netanyahu to repudiate President Obama's efforts to negotiate with Iran instead of bomb Iran. A foreign leader on their own soil to repudiate their own government! With today's announcement of a Framework Agreement in the...

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