RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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Featured Articles

On the ISIS Terrorist Threat

On the ISIS Terrorist Threat

The panic in the western world, since the attack in Paris, where approx. 130 were killed is quite over the top. Walking home Friday evening, at the corner of Montgomery and Second St., in San Francisco, I witnessed train passengers rushing out of the underground train station. Police were rushing in. Someone had heard a "pop." It was nothing. The panic has spread to small towns: "Suspicious" briefcase in one-horse town creates major traffic jam & school shut-down https://t.co/jc0V5kWBAN...

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Standard Narrative on Syria Conflict Whitewashes US Role

Standard Narrative on Syria Conflict Whitewashes US Role

The standard mainstream narrative of the war in Syria is that President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents only took up arms after his regime cracked down brutally on peaceful protesters in March 2011. The New York Times, for example, in a piece this week on ISIS reminds that “after a brutal crackdown by government forces, Syrian protest groups morphed into fighters”. The problem with this narrative is that it is false. Here’s what the Times is referring to: On March 25, 2011, it described how tens...

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Who Should Pay For the Syrian Refugees?

Who Should Pay For the Syrian Refugees?

Last week the US House dealt a blow to President Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland. On a vote of 289-137, including 47 Democrats, the House voted to require the FBI to closely vet any applicant from Syria and to guarantee that none of them pose a threat to the US. Effectively this will shut down the program. The House legislation was brought to the Floor after last week’s attacks in Paris that left more than 120 people dead, and for which ISIS claimed...

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Michael Scheuer: US Foreign Policy is Leading ‘Directly to Fascism in America’

Michael Scheuer: US Foreign Policy is Leading ‘Directly to Fascism in America’

Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Osama bin Laden Unit Chief Michael Scheuer, interviewed by CNN’s Michael Smerconish regarding the path to take after the recent Paris Killings, advises that the current “half-way approach” that rejects both non-intervention and all-out war “leads directly to fascism in this country.” Fourteen years into the US government’s Global War on Terrorism, Scheuer reminds us that the Founders observed that, “the longer a war goes on, the more power accrues to...

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Hillary Clinton’s Road to War

Hillary Clinton’s Road to War

Hillary Clinton promised us a speech on what she’d do to destroy ISIS, but what she gave us was a speech detailing how she would destroy Syria – and drag the US down the road to another unwinnable war. What she essentially proposes is that we fight a three-sided battle – against ISIS, on the one hand, and against Bashar al-Assad, Russia, and Iran on the other. She elaborated on her “no-fly zone” scheme, saying she wanted to set it up only in the north. This means not only that the US air force...

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Ron Paul: Foreign Intervention Will Motivate ‘A Lot More’ Blowback Like in Paris

Interviewed Thursday on Fox Business, Ron Paul predicted that there will be “a lot more” blowback along the lines of the killings in Paris last week if the US, France, and other nations do not cease their interventionist, militaristic foreign policies. In particular, Paul criticizes the United States government’s “foreign policy of constant occupation, bombing, and killing people, and eliciting this hatred toward us.” Terminating such a foreign policy, Paul explains, is the key to preventing...

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How Terror in Paris Calls for Revising US Syria Policy

How Terror in Paris Calls for Revising US Syria Policy

In the wake of the ISIS terrorist attack on Paris, President Barack Obama declared that his administration has the right strategy on ISIS and will “see it through”. But the administration is already shifting its policy to cooperate more closely with the Russians on Syria, and an influential former senior intelligence official has suggested that the administration needs to give more weight to the Assad government and army as the main barrier to ISIS and other jihadist forces in Syria. Obama’s...

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Do You Owe Taxes? Congress Wants to Take Your Passport!

Do You Owe Taxes? Congress Wants to Take Your Passport!

In July, Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams warned that “[b]uried inside the US highways funding bill is a provision to revoke or deny issuance of a US passport to anyone who has a large outstanding tax debt to the US Internal Revenue Service.” This provision in the Senate bill, explained McAdams, is “threatening to imprison Americans within (or outside) US borders.” Today, in the Economic Policy Journal, Robert Wenzel provides an update that a provision much like the one...

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US Special Forces in Combat: Nothing New for Iraq and Syria

US Special Forces in Combat: Nothing New for Iraq and Syria

The United States recently unveiled a new approach in Iraq and Syria it insists is not new at all: Special Forces will be sent into direct combat. “The fact is that our strategy… hasn’t changed,” Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said. “This is an intensification of a strategy that the president announced more than a year ago.” The press secretary is right if you take him at his exact words: the deployment of Special Forces does not change America’s grand strategy, it only changes...

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Former CIA Chief Woolsey: Electrocution Too Good for Snowden. Hang Him!

Former CIA Chief Woolsey: Electrocution Too Good for Snowden. Hang Him!

Former Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey has discovered who is really behind the Paris attacks. The blame does not really fall on ISIS, nor on Gulf States that have financed ISIS. Certainly there is no blame on the United States for its decision to destabilize Syria thereby providing fertile breeding ground for Islamist extremists.No. The fault for Paris falls directly at the feet of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. It was Snowden's revelations about NSA spying that tipped off...

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The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking

The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking

photo: US militaryThe question of how the Islamic State funds its sprawling caliphate has been discussed in the past: we first broke down the primary driver of ISIS revenue well over a year ago, in September 2014, when we explained that "ISIS uses oil wealth to help finance its terror operations." Daily Signal's Kelsey Harkness explained the breakdown as follows: According to the Iraq Energy Institute, an independent, nonprofit policy organization focused on Iraq’s energy sector, the army of...

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Stopping ISIS: Follow the Money

Stopping ISIS: Follow the Money

Wars are expensive. The recruitment and sustainment of fighters in the field, the ongoing purchases of weapons and munitions, as well as the myriad other costs of struggle, add up. So why isn’t the United States going after Islamic State’s funding sources as a way of lessening or eliminating their strength at making war? Follow the money back, cut it off, and you strike a blow much more devastating than an airstrike. But that has not happened. Why? Donations Many have long held that Sunni...

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US House Resolution Calls For NATO Article 5 in Response to Paris Killings

US House Resolution Calls For NATO Article 5 in Response to Paris Killings

On Monday, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) introduced in the United States House of Representatives a resolution (H.Res. 525) calling on President Barack Obama “to work closely with other North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] members to invoke Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty in response to the Paris attacks.” Article 5 in the NATO treaty deals with member nations taking action in response to an attack on another NATO member. Poe is chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation,...

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Someone Wants War with Russia

Someone Wants War with Russia

Something very odd is going on in Washington. I recently attended and spoke at a conference in Washington on “realism and restraint” as a broad formula to reform US foreign policy. Most presentations reflected that agenda more-or-less but oddly one of the speakers said that it was necessary for the United States to mark its place in the world while “carrying a big stick” while another panelist asserted that it was a core mission of the American people to “help other countries striving to be...

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Blowback — The Washington War Party’s Folly Comes Home To Roost

Blowback — The Washington War Party’s Folly Comes Home To Roost

Exactly 26 years ago last week, peace was breaking out in a manner that the world had not experienced since June 1914. The Berlin Wall—-the symbol of a century of state tyranny, grotesque mass warfare and the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over the planet—-had come tumbling down on November 9, 1989. It was only a matter of time before the economically decrepit Soviet regime would be no more, and that the world’s vast arsenal of weapons and nuclear bombs could be dismantled. Indeed, shortly...

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Who Should Pay For the Syrian Refugees?

Paris and What Should Be Done

The horrific attacks in Paris on Friday have, predictably, led to much over-reaction and demands that we do more of the exact things that radicalize people and make them want to attack us. The French military wasted no time bombing Syria in retaliation for the attacks, though it is not known where exactly the attackers were from. Thousands of ISIS fighters in Syria are not Syrian, but came to Syria to overthrow the Assad government from a number of foreign countries -- including from France...

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