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Not-So-Convincing Anti-Second Amendment Arguments

Not-So-Convincing Anti-Second Amendment Arguments

Ken Womble has written convincingly regarding legal matters, including the desirability of prosecuting cops who lie about other cops’ killings. However, Womble, in a Monday Mimesis Law article, provides several not-so-convincing arguments for repealing the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution while keeping in place other constitutional provisions Womble lists — “freedom of speech, assembly, due process, voting, etc.” Womble provides three arguments in support of his conclusion....

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Will Geneva Talks Lead Right Back to Assad’s 2011 Reforms?

Will Geneva Talks Lead Right Back to Assad’s 2011 Reforms?

Syrian peace talks have already stalled. The opposition refused to be in the same room as the government delegation, while the latter blamed opposition “preconditions” and the organizers’ inability to produce a “list of designated terrorists.” The UN’s special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has now promised talks will reconvene on February 25, but how will he achieve this? So much has shifted on the global political stage and in the Syrian military theater since this negotiation process...

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CIA’s Brennan to Senate: I’m Not Sorry I Spied on You

CIA’s Brennan to Senate: I’m Not Sorry I Spied on You

CIA director John Brennan lost his cool at Sen. Ron Wyden, (D-OR) in a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee today when the Oregon Senator suggested the spy chief should apologize for spying on the Senate. The event in question took place back in 2014. The Senate was investigating CIA torture activities and Brennan's operatives, as his own CIA Inspector General concluded, gained "improper access" to Senate computers with the intent of snooping on the investigation.Today Wyden pointed...

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FDA Wants to Jail Sam Girod for 48 Years, for Making Salves People Love

FDA Wants to Jail Sam Girod for 48 Years, for Making Salves People Love

Sam Girod is a Kentucky farmer who runs a small business selling natural skin salves made from herbs such as chickweed, which seem to help relieve a host of skin conditions, including allergic rashes, psoriasis, poison oak and even skin cancers. If you look up chickweed on Amazon, you will find pages of chickweed products, dozens and dozens of products, in some cases followed by glowing testimonials from users about how this or that chickweed provided relief from terrible itching, and even...

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Coincidence? Baltic Invasion Story Reappears as Pentagon Seeks to Quadruple Europe Spending

Coincidence? Baltic Invasion Story Reappears as Pentagon Seeks to Quadruple Europe Spending

It seems that Putin is about to invade the Baltics. Again. With journalists and commentators distracted by Syria and Europe’s refugee crisis, Putin’s enduring desire to dash Westwards across the continent “recreating the Soviet Union” was seemingly put on the media’s back burner for a while. In fact, journalists had been oddly quiet on the subject of the Baltic states and a potential Russian invasion for months. A piece published by the Financial Times last July admitted that the “consensus”...

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An Exasperated John Kerry Throws In Towel On Syria: ‘What Do You Want Me To Do, Go To War With The Russians?!’

An Exasperated John Kerry Throws In Towel On Syria: ‘What Do You Want Me To Do, Go To War With The Russians?!’

“Russian and Syrian forces intensified their campaign on rebel-held areas around Aleppo that are still home to around 350,000 people and aid workers have said the city - Syria's largest before the war - could soon fall.” Can you spot what’s wrong with that quote, from a Reuters piece out today? Here’s the problem: “could soon fall” implies that Aleppo is on the verge of succumbing to enemy forces. It’s not. It’s already in enemy hands and has been for quite some time. What Reuters should have...

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Mandatory Depression Screening is A Depressing Thought

Mandatory Depression Screening is A Depressing Thought

The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force wants to force health insurance companies to pay for the screening. Basic economics, as well as the Obamacare disaster, should have shown this task force that government health insurance mandates harm Americans. Government health insurance mandates raise the price of health insurance. Consumers will respond to this increase by either choosing to not carry...

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The Super Bowl Promotes War

The Super Bowl Promotes War

Super Bowl 50 will be the first National Football League championship to happen since it was reported that much of the pro-military hoopla at football games, the honoring of troops and glorifying of wars that most people had assumed was voluntary or part of a marketing scheme for the NFL, has actually been a money-making scheme for the NFL. The U.S. military has been dumping millions of our dollars, part of a recruitment and advertising budget that's in the billions, into paying the NFL to...

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Giving Peace Very Little Chance

Giving Peace Very Little Chance

After nearly 15 years of Mideast war – with those conflicts growing ever grimmer – you might expect that peace would be a major topic of the 2016 presidential race. Instead, there has been a mix of warmongering bluster from most candidates and some confused mutterings against endless war from a few. No one, it seems, wants to risk offending Official Washington’s neocon-dominated foreign policy establishment that is ready to castigate any candidate who suggests that there are other strategies –...

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Your Perception Is Worth Big Bucks To The Military-Industrial Complex

Your Perception Is Worth Big Bucks To The Military-Industrial Complex

We all know how Hollywood and the crony media likes to portray the US military. It's almost always presented as this well-oiled machine, good looking people, white teeth, well-spoken, the whole nine yards. Hardly will you see how trillions of taxpayers dollars go up in smoke and how the Pentagon mysteriously "loses" track of where the money goes. No, the actual truth about how government bureaucracy works is not what you'll see in the latest blockbuster film. Perceptions are critically...

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Ron Paul Says Entering Presidential Race as Libertarian Party Candidate ‘Not in the Cards’

In a new Fox Business interview, host Kennedy asks Ron Paul the question many people have considered the last couple days: With Paul’s son Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) having dropped out of the presidential race this week, how about the senior Paul jump into the 2016 presidential contest by seeking the Libertarian Party nomination? Paul responds that such a run is “not in the cards.” Watch the complete interview here: Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com Paul concludes in the interview...

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German Spy Chief Says ISIS Operatives Have Infiltrated Europe Disguised As Refugees

German Spy Chief Says ISIS Operatives Have Infiltrated Europe Disguised As Refugees

"We are in a serious situation and there is a high risk that there could be an attack. But the security agencies, the intelligence services and the police authorities are very alert and our goal is to minimize the risk as best we can.” That’s from Hans-Georg Maassen head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency (BfV) and it certainly doesn’t inspire much in the way of confidence. In an interview with ZDF television, Maassen said the BfV has “repeatedly seen that terrorists ... have slipped...

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The Washington Post’s Interventionist Mindset

The Washington Post’s Interventionist Mindset

If you have ever yearned for a perfect example of the interventionist mindset that undergirds the mainstream media, the Washington Post provided it last Sunday in an editorial entitled “Failure in Cuba.” The editorial could have easily been written by any member of US national-security establishment, especially those in the Pentagon and CIA who have been obsessing over Cuba for the past half-century. What failure is the Post referring to? The editorial says that President Obama’s diplomatic...

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Delusions on Syria Prevail in Official Washington

Delusions on Syria Prevail in Official Washington

Tulsi Gabbard is one brave Congresswoman. She has challenged her party and the president saying that it’s time for Washington to halt its “illegal, counter-productive war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad. I don’t think Assad should be removed. If Assad is removed and overthrown, ISIS, al Qaeda, Al Nustra, these Islamic extremist groups will walk straight in and take over all of Syria … they will be even stronger.” Indeed, Washington’s senseless policy in Syria has been hanging out...

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Remember Kosovo?

Remember Kosovo?

In Pristina, the capital of the make-believe country of Kosovo, there is a street named after Bill Clinton, and a statue of Bill – done in the Socialist Realist style – towers over the main square. They also named a boulevard after George W. Bush, perhaps to hedge their bets after the Republicans took the White House. You couldn’t ask for a more “pro-American” country than this one: but that’s just on the surface. Undercurrents of rabid nationalism – and real resentment of the Americans and...

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Mandatory Depression Screening is A Depressing Thought

Is Congress Declaring War on ISIS…or on You?

Passage of Senator Mitch McConnell’s authorization for war against ISIS will not only lead to perpetual US wars across the globe, it will also endanger our civil and economic liberties. The measure allows the president to place troops anywhere he determines ISIS is operating. Therefore, it could be used to justify using military force against United States citizens on US territory. It may even be used to justify imposing martial law in America. The President does not have to deploy the US...

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Was FTX A Democrat Money-Laundering Scheme?

One thing you will not see is the mainstream media looking into failed crypto-exchange/ponzi scheme FTX. Why? It's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was the second largest...

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