Featured Articles

Nuland ‘Sets The Record Straight’ On US Forever Occupation Of Syria

Nuland ‘Sets The Record Straight’ On US Forever Occupation Of Syria

For several days there has been a flurry of reports in both independent and mainstream media outlets suggesting the US could finally withdraw American troops from Iraq and Syria. These reports spread widely especially before the Sunday drone attack on a US base on the Syrian-Jordanian border, which killed three American soldiers and injured over 40 more, according to revised casualty figures. For example, Foreign Policy reported last Wednesday that the White House is actively reviewing...

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China ignores US entreaties of mediation

China ignores US entreaties of mediation

There is an old proverb that when misfortunes come, they come in battalions. Coming on top of reports of American soldiers going down like nine-pins on a drone strike against the super secret CIA station for intelligence and covert operations on the Syrian-Jordanian border, ’nyet’ is the word from Beijing to the Biden administration’s entreaties seeking  intervention with Tehran to rein in the Houthis of Yemen, against the foreboding backdrop of the Axis of Resistance expanding...

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Tripwire Tripped in Syria – Now What?

Tripwire Tripped in Syria – Now What?

This article originally appeared as an exclusive update for RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free here. Early Sunday morning, local time, a drone successfully struck a US military facility on the Iraq/Syria/Jordan border. Three US servicemembers were killed and several dozen were injured.  The US Central Command claims that the attack hit a facility inside Jordan, but Jordan and the "Iraqi Resistance," which took credit for the attack, say the US facility was inside Syria's...

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Heading For the ‘Texit’?

Heading For the ‘Texit’?

The clash between the Biden Administration and Texas spilled out into the open last week, when the US Supreme Court ruled that Federal authorities could remove razor wire that Texas Governor Greg Abbott had been installing along the border with Mexico to stop the millions of illegal immigrants from crossing over to the United States. This time Abbott did not back down. Instead, he issued a statement declaring that “an invasion under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3” of the US Constitution is...

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‘Black Hawk Down’ For Biden in the Red Sea

‘Black Hawk Down’ For Biden in the Red Sea

The breaking news that Ansar Allah (Houthi) fighters have fired on the USS Carney in the Red Sea today (Friday, 26 Jan.) underscores the shocking failure of the Biden Administration, which initiated airstrikes on the Houthis this month with no plan for “victory” beyond hoping that the mere presence of US warships would intimidate them into surrendering. Even a junior Pentagon or State Department analyst could have advised the Administration that, based on everything we understand about the...

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After US Again Bombed Yemen, Houthi Attack DoD Transport Ships

After US Again Bombed Yemen, Houthi Attack DoD Transport Ships

Two days ago I discussed the reported hope the Biden administration has to get China's help in the U.S. conflict with Yemen. To Hope That China Will Help With Yemen Is Delusional Bullshit - Moon of Alabama, Jan 23, 2024 Chinese ship do not get bothered by Yemini forces. They only targeted ships were related to Israel and, since the U.S. and UK bombed Houthi positions, ships related to those countries are also under attack. We have now learned why U.S. officials had expressed...

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Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve: a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials, b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,” c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass Pro Shops, d) purchased tickets to travel by bus, cars, or plane, e) all of the above. In fact, if you selected any of those options in recent years, you’re probably already on a government watchlist. That’s how broadly the government’s net is being cast in its pursuit...

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Government by Experts

Government by Experts

I have often thought that after Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson was our worst president. By worst is meant least faithful to the Constitution and most destructive of personal liberty. With the exception of Lincoln’s dictatorship -- during which the federal government used violence to crush the states’ natural right to secede from a union they had voluntarily joined and instead brought about the systematic murder of 750,000 persons -- America from its founding to the early part of the 20th...

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Neocon Freak-Out as Biden Contemplates Iraq/Syria Withdrawal

Neocon Freak-Out as Biden Contemplates Iraq/Syria Withdrawal

Neocon heads like the Middle East Institute’s Charles Lister’s are exploding with the news today that the Biden Administration may be considering withdrawing from its illegal occupations in both Syria and Iraq. First on Syria. As Lister opines today in Foreign Policy: …four sources within the Defense and State departments said the White House is no longer invested in sustaining a mission that it perceives as unnecessary. Active internal discussions are now underway to determine how...

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Wisconsin-Madison Under Fire Over Mandatory Anti-Racism Training

Wisconsin-Madison Under Fire Over Mandatory Anti-Racism Training

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is at the center of another controversy this week over its diversity training program. The mandatory diversity training at Wisconsin instructs students that “people of color” are incapable of being racist. That claim has long been voiced by radical elements in academia, but its incorporation into a mandatory training program has raised new questions over the leadership of President Jennifer Mnookin, a former UCLA law professor, and Law Dean Daniel...

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Netanyahu’s Shape-shifting ‘Endgame’ – It Is No Ploy, but a Reversion to Earlier Zionist Strategy

Netanyahu’s Shape-shifting ‘Endgame’ – It Is No Ploy, but a Reversion to Earlier Zionist Strategy

The late Ariel Sharon, a long-time Israeli military and political leader, once confided to his close friend Uri Dan that, “the Arabs had never genuinely accepted the presence of Israel … and so, a two-state solution was not possible – nor even desirable.” In the minds of these two – as well as for most Israelis today – is the “Gordian Knot” that sits at the heart of Zionism: How to maintain differential rights over a physical terrain that includes a large Palestinian population. Israeli...

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Will TSA Steal Your Mug?

Will TSA Steal Your Mug?

Dorothy Parker’s signature line, “What fresh hell is this?” is the new mantra for travelers at American airports. TSA is rapidly expanding a program in which travelers stand in photo kiosks that compare their faces with a federal database of photos from passport applications, drivers’ licenses, and other sources to see if people receive official permission to fly. What could possibly go wrong? Aside from everything? Will Americans tolerate an out-of-control agency intruding ever further into...

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Will Americans raise a ruckus about Braveheart Gonzalo Lira?

Will Americans raise a ruckus about Braveheart Gonzalo Lira?

“Just say it. Cry out. Mercy,” said the magistrate to William Wallace in Mel Gibson’s Braveheart (1995). Wallace had already been drawn and quartered, so the king’s torturer was not offering to save his life. He promised only an end to the torture with a quicker, more merciful death. The Wallace of the film refuses to speak the words the king’s magistrate commands and cries “Freedom!” instead. Realizing further torture will not produce his desired result, the magistrate reluctantly...

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​Biden Doctrine:​’If It’s Broke Don’t Fix It!’

​Biden Doctrine:​’If It’s Broke Don’t Fix It!’

This article was first published as an update to Ron Paul Institute subscribers. Subscribe for free here. Last week President Biden was asked by a reporter about US attacks on Yemen: Reporter: "Are the airstrikes in Yemen working?" Biden: "Well, when you say working, are they stopping the Houthis? No. Are they gonna continue? Yes." The exchange perfectly defines the Biden Administration's foreign policy: "Is our policy working? No. But keep it up, man!" What is that old saying about the...

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House Bills Seek to End Remaining US Government Coronavirus Shots Mandates

House Bills Seek to End Remaining US Government Coronavirus Shots Mandates

Coronavirus shots mandates imposed by the United States government have largely been jettisoned as the coronavirus scare has receded, legal challenges have been pursued, and the experimental “vaccine” shots have fallen far short of meeting their often repeated “safe and effective” categorization. Still, some US government mandates to take the shots remain in place, including for US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care personnel. On Thursday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced...

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Raw Milk, Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol

Raw Milk, Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol

The year 2023 was a good year for proponents of legalized raw milk and legalized marijuana. Forty-six states now allow the sale of raw milk, that is, unpasteurized milk, for human consumption, for pet consumption (there is no law against consuming pet food), or the distribution of raw milk through herd-share agreements. Only the states of Hawaii, Louisiana, Nevada, and Rhode Island prohibit the sale or distribution of raw milk. The states of Idaho, Iowa, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming...

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