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Taking Rights Seriously

Taking Rights Seriously

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,Mankind would be no more justifiedIn silencing that one person,Than he, if he had the power,Would be justified in silencing mankind.”  -- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The world is filled with self-evident truths -- truisms -- that philosophers, lawyers and judges know need not be proven. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Two plus two equals four. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. These examples, of...

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Is Ground Beneath Biden’s Russia Policy Shifting?

Is Ground Beneath Biden’s Russia Policy Shifting?

The resignation of the US Undersecretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, the third highest ranking diplomat in the Biden administration, came as a bolt out of the blue on Monday.  An easy explanation could be that it rankles that she was overlooked for promotion as Deputy Secretary, a job she coveted in 2021 as the Biden presidency began, and instead Kurt Campbell, President Biden’s key advisor on China, recently moved in.   The effusive praise Secretary of...

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Ukraine Has Received Mega-Billions From US, Other Countries

Ukraine Has Received Mega-Billions From US, Other Countries

As of mid-January, global aid to Ukraine has reached what the Kiel Institute for the World Economy described as the “staggering” amount of $278 billion. This means that Ukraine has actually had more money than Russia has been able to spend on this war. Russia’s total GDP of $1.8 trillion is just slightly over California’s GDP and only about eight percent of the total U.S. GDP of over $23 trillion. The Congress has previously committed $114 billion to the Ukrainian war effort, and far too many...

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The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

The U.S. Supreme Court was right to keep President Trump’s name on the ballot. The high court’s decree that the power to remove a federal candidate from the ballot under the Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban” rests with Congress, not the states, underscores the fact that in a representative democracy, the citizenry—not the courts, not the corporations, and not the contrived electoral colleges—should be the ones to elect their representatives. Unfortunately, what is...

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Murder in Gaza

Murder in Gaza

Good work, Mr. President Biden. You have managed to do what America’s enemies have not – creating widespread hatred for the United States around the globe. Your destruction of the Gaza refugee camps has inflamed antisemitism everywhere. There is widespread disgust and anger at the US government over your decision to give Israel’s new far right government carte blanche to massacre rebellious Palestinians in the open prison of the Gaza Strip. The death toll is now over 31,000 killed and at least...

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What Did the CIA Know and When Did it Know it?

What Did the CIA Know and When Did it Know it?

As Ukraine careens toward a political and military disaster it is time to ask why did the CIA fail to predict this. “Wait a minute,” you might say, “how do you know the CIA did not?” Fair question. I no longer have access to classified information, but I can read the public statements of DOD and State Department officials as well as remarks by various members of Congress. At no time during the past two years — since the start of the Special Military Operation — have we heard a single...

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‘Untenable Positions’ – Warning Signs Abound

‘Untenable Positions’ – Warning Signs Abound

“Tuesday’s local elections were a flashing warning light for Israel. The ultra-Orthodox parties, the religious Zionist groups, and the far-right, racist parties – organized in a few communities and scored gains that are disproportionate to the true size of the groups they represent. Conversely, the democratic camp [largely secular liberal Ashkenazi], which for nearly a year turned out weekly for giant demonstrations on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan Street and dozens of locations around the country, failed...

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The Tyranny of Domestic Highway Checkpoints

The Tyranny of Domestic Highway Checkpoints

Many years ago, I traveled to Cuba, which, as most Americans recognize, is governed by a dictatorial regime. One day I took a cab from Havana to a small town named Trinidad. The drive  took several hours and I arrived at dusk. I paid the cab driver and he returned to Havana. There were no hotels in Trinidad, but people would rent a room in their house. When I attempted to rent a room, the owner asked to see my passport. The regime required her to keep track of who stayed in her...

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Putin’s nuclear warning is direct and explicit

Putin’s nuclear warning is direct and explicit

The spectre of Armageddon has been raised often enough during the 2-year old war in Ukraine that the reference to it in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state of the union address on Thursday had a familiar ring about it. Therein lies the risk of misjudgement on the part of the western audience that Putin was only “crying wolf”.   Three things must be noted at the outset. First, Putin has been explicit and direct. He is giving advance notice that he is obliged to respond with...

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Federal Reserve Responsibility for Consumer and Government Debt Crises

Federal Reserve Responsibility for Consumer and Government Debt Crises

According to the Federal Reserve, credit card delinquencies increased by 50 percent in 2023, while consumer debt grew to 17.5 trillion dollars. A recent survey by Clever Real Estate found that three in five Americans have credit card debt and that 23 percent of Americans increase their credit card debt every month. The survey also found that 48 percent of Americans (including 59 percent of millennials) use credit cards for essential living expenses. The overreliance on credit cards and the...

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Forward, into the breach

Forward, into the breach

Leaders make choices in moments of crises which can either lead to enhanced security or catastrophe for their nations, with the lives of innocents often hanging in the balance. Immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, I went to the floor of the House of Representatives and warned against the U.S. lashing out blindly in response to the devastating attacks which killed over 3,000 persons.   Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, as recounted by Bob Woodward...

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‘This ONE Thing Will Fix Our Broken Foreign Policy And Broken Political System’ – RPI’s Daniel McAdams on the Kim Iversen Show

RPI Director Daniel McAdams joined the Kim Iversen show today for a wide-ranging, hour-long provocative discussion on what is wrong the the US political system, what is wrong with our foreign policy, what is wrong with current US culture...and how we can fix it. Though much of the talk is on the issues, there is plenty of fun banter and off-topic discussion to round out the program:

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MSNBC Legal Analyst: Free Speech Could Be America’s ‘Achilles Heel’

MSNBC Legal Analyst: Free Speech Could Be America’s ‘Achilles Heel’

We have been discussing the alarming shift in higher education in favor of censorship and speech regulations. These voices have been amplified on media platforms like MSNBC which has championed efforts to censor people and groups on social media and other forums. The most recent example is the interview of University of Michigan Law Professor and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade by Rachel Maddow. In the interview, McQuade explains how the First Amendment is the “Achilles...

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The Background to the War in Ukraine

The Background to the War in Ukraine

The second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began on 24 February 2022, has led to an outpouring of nauseating propaganda from Western governments and the European Commission, accompanied by various symbolic photoshoots.  The line is peddled vigorously that the Russian invasion was “illegal and unprovoked” and that Ukraine is defending Europe and its values.  Neither of these claims is true and yet the cult of anniversaries is used to pretend that...

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The Bitter Pill of Decisive Strategic Defeat

The Bitter Pill of Decisive Strategic Defeat

The last two years have produced what is, for most people around the world who ponder such things, one of the most unanticipated and yet astounding geopolitical turnarounds in modern history. The heretofore reigning global hegemon designed to inflict upon Russia — its long-time nemesis — a decisive strategic defeat that would deliver the greatest spoil ever taken, and thereby consolidate its power base into the foreseeable future and beyond. The empire imagined Russia to be at its...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Big Brother in the Big Apple

Big Brother in the Big Apple

“Big Brother is protecting you.” That is a quote from New York City Mayor Eric Adams in a Saturday article at Politico. Adams made the comment in defense of the extensive web of...

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