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Britain Moves To Criminalize Reading Extremist Material On The Internet

Britain Moves To Criminalize Reading Extremist Material On The Internet

For years, civil libertarians have warned that Great Britain has been in a free fall from the criminalization of speech to the expansion of the surveillance state. Now the government is pursuing a law that would make the repeated viewing of extremist Internet sites a crime punishable to up to 15 years in prison. It appears that the government is not satiated by their ever-expanding criminalization of speech. They now want to criminalize even viewing sites on the Internet. As always, officials...

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Trump and ‘His Generals’ on Collision Course Over Iran

Trump and ‘His Generals’ on Collision Course Over Iran

With President Trump again facing the requirement to certify whether Iran is complying with the P5+1 nuclear deal this month, it looks like a major clash may be brewing between the president and the neocons on one side, and the military generals he openly embraces in his Administration on the other. What might normally be a fairly automatic and objective process is looking more like a clash of the titans for the Administration. Who will blink?In what must be a relatively uncommon if not...

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BREAKING: FISA Section 702 Reauthorization Bill Circulated

BREAKING: FISA Section 702 Reauthorization Bill Circulated

Earlier this afternoon, the House Judiciary Committee circulated its draft FISA Sec. 702 reauthorization bill. This is a preliminary readout of the major problems I see with this legislation.Mandatory Data Destruction Not MandatoryOne of the biggest vulnerabilities Americans face today is the growing volume of their personal data being stored on servers in the private sector and in government. In the government counterterrorism (CT) context—and CT intelligence collection was the original...

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Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate?

Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate?

The answer to the question in the title of this article is that Russiagate was created by CIA director John Brennan.The CIA started what is called Russiagate in order to prevent Trump from being able to normalize relations with Russia. The CIA and the military/security complex need an enemy in order to justify their huge budgets and unaccountable power. Russia has been assigned that role. The Democrats joined in as a way of attacking Trump. They hoped to have him tarnished as cooperating with...

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US Violence Abroad Begets Violence at Home

US Violence Abroad Begets Violence at Home

Although ISIS is claiming that Las Vegas mass murderer Stephen Paddock was one of theirs and was acting on its behalf, so far no independent evidence has surfaced to confirm ISIS’s claim. If such evidence does emerge, it will be one more of a long series of deadly “blowback” occurrences arising from US interventionism abroad.But even if Paddock’s mass killing spree turns out to have no rational explanation, I continue to contend that these bizarre, unexplainable acts of violence are also...

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America: The Dictatress of the World

America: The Dictatress of the World

On July 21, 1821, John Quincy Adams, who would go on to become the sixth president of the United States, warned that if America were ever to abandon its founding principle of non-interventionism in foreign affairs, she might well become the dictatress of the world.Adams issued his warning in a speech he delivered to Congress, a speech that has gone down in history with the title “In Search of Monsters to Destroy.”Adams was referring to the fact that the United States was founded as a...

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What Did Washington Achieve in its Six Year War on Syria?

Now that the defeat of ISIS in Syria appears imminent, with the Syrian army clearing out some of the last ISIS strongholds in the east, Washington’s interventionists are searching for new excuses to maintain the illegal US military presence in the country. Their original rationale for intervention has long been exposed as another lie.Remember that President Obama initially involved the US military in Iraq and Syria to “prevent genocide” of the Yazidis and promised the operation would not drift...

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Vietnam Déjà Vu

Much of America, including yours truly, has been watching the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series, ‘Vietnam.’ Instead of clarifying that confusing conflict, the series has ignited fiery controversy and a lot of long-repressed anger by soft-soaping Washington’s motives.This march to folly in Vietnam is particularly painful for me since I enlisted in the US army at the height of the war. Gripped by youthful patriotism, I strongly supported the war. In fact, the TV series even showed a...

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Ron Paul: Anti-Russia Campaign Stems From Bias and Desire to Limit Free Speech

The investigation into the alleged Russian meddling in the US elections and the supposed use of social media by Moscow to sway public opinion is just a “witch hunt,” former US Congressman Ron Paul told RT.“The people who promote this witch hunt do not care about what [the former US presidential candidate] Hillary [Clinton] was doing and they are very biased against the Trump campaign,” Paul said, adding that he believes that the “real problem” lies precisely in this bias.He also said that the...

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Congress Relying On Debunked ‘Guilt By Association’ Online Tool To Track ‘Russian Influence’

As we previously warned, the latest McCarthyite scam called "Hamilton 68" is increasingly serving as a go-to source for major media outlets and more disturbingly, now even members of Congress. This week Republican Senator James Lankford (Oklahoma) added another layer to the seemingly endless 'Russiagate' conspiracies - he claimed Wednesday during a hearing on threats faced by the US that Russia is using the NFL anthem kneeling controversy to drive a wedge through the American...

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Coverup? FBI, DOJ Refuse To Comply With Congressional ‘Trump Dossier’ Subpoena

In what looks like a naked coverup meant to obscure the fact that the Department of Justice's decision to launch a criminal investigation into possible Russia-Trump collusion was based on a lie, Reuters reports that the DOJ and FBI are resisting a Congressional subpoena from to turn over documents that would reveal details about how the infamous "Trump dossier" factored into their decision to launch said investigation.Despite receiving the subpoena from US Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes,...

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Dissonance: When Cult of Personalities Gets in the Way of Understanding

You know what gets in the way of progress? Dogma. When people are wedded to ideologies, society atrophies and ideas become non-existent. Voltaire once said, “it is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” Truer words have rarely been spoken; it’s as though America has morphed into a society of Jim Jones cultists. Personalities the Kool-Aid and politics the cyanide; we keep swallowing poison only to complain of migraines after we get bludgeoned by policies our political idols...

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Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act Hijacked by Neocons

Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act Hijacked by Neocons

The Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2017 (HR-390) which passed in the House without one dissenting voice and was supported by many relief agencies and social conservative organizations, has been transformed by Senator Corker into a Russia-bashing neocon bill that has little to do with genocide or with aid of any kind to victims of the Islamic State (ISIS). Senator Corker, who authored the sanctions bill against Russia earlier this year, has crossed out every single...

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‘US in Grip of Anti-Russia Hysteria, Worse Than Days of Salem Witch Trials’

The whole "Russia thing" is due to the neocons who are looking for another Cold War because it is very profitable for them, Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, told RT.Twitter has published a report on how the company battled against alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election and also mentioned RT.In the report, Twitter revealed confidential information to the US Senate on RT's advertising outlay.The company claims over a thousand tweets, "definitely - or...

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The Push To ‘Fight Foreign Propaganda’ Is The Same As Government Book Burning

As with all the over-hyped and under-substantiated claims that have been shown to the public over the last year about Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election, the latest forced effort by America’s unelected power establishment to show Russian meddling via Facebook ads has been getting ripped to shreds by critical thinkers everywhere. These arguments and essays have been very effective in further exposing how utterly fact-free the neoconservative establishment’s...

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North Korea Would Be Stupid to Trust the US

To many mainstream pundits, the solution to the crisis in Korea is for US officials to sit down and “talk” to North Korea in the hopes of negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement. While it won’t guarantee that a deal will be worked out, they say, “talking” is the only chance there is to resolve the crisis. They ignore an important point: Any deal that would be reached would involve trusting the US government to keep its end of the bargain. And trusting the US government would be the...

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Bungling Biden Pushes China Into Russia's Arms

Today's historic visit of China's newly-re-elected Premier, Xi Jinping, to Russia further solidifies what would have hardly been imaginable not long ago: A strong Russia/China...

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