RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Washington’s Sanctions Machine

Washington’s Sanctions Machine

Perhaps it is Donald Trump’s business background that leads him to believe that if you inflict enough economic pain on someone they will ultimately surrender and agree to do whatever you want. Though that approach might well work in New York real estate, it is not a certain path to success in international relations since countries are not as vulnerable to pressure as are individual investors or developers. Washington’s latest foray into the world of sanctions, directed against China, is...

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Ahvaz Terrorist Attack Exposes US’s New Chapter of Regime Change Wars

Ahvaz Terrorist Attack Exposes US’s New Chapter of Regime Change Wars

A terrorist attack shook the southwestern city of Ahvaz in the Islamic Republic of Iran on Saturday September 22 during a military parade in commemoration of the anniversary of the war with Saddam Hussein's regime in the 1980s.A group of terrorists opened fire at the soldiers in the military parade and the crowd, which included women and children where at least 25 people were killed and 55 others wounded according to IRNA news agency. According to Tasnim new agency, the terrorist group...

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The Supreme Court: The Dog that Didn’t Bark

The Supreme Court: The Dog that Didn’t Bark

The furor over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is spurring many commentators to bewail that the Supreme Court has become too powerful. But the real problem is that the Court is now often little more than a fig leaf to provide legitimacy for a Leviathan that would have mortified the Founding Fathers. The Court’s betrayal of its constitutional role has vastly increased the stakes for the current and any future Justice nomination. Kavanaugh’s owes his credibility as a nominee to the Supreme...

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Pompeo, Bolton To Headline Shady Anti-Iran Event During UNGA

Pompeo, Bolton To Headline Shady Anti-Iran Event During UNGA

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton are scheduled to deliver keynote addresses at United Against Nuclear Iran’s (UANI) annual “summit” during the United Nations General Assembly. This raises troubling red flags, to say the least, about the Trump administration’s Middle East policy and its ties to the most aggressive anti-Iran forces in the United States and in the region itself, including the ambassadors from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab...

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The White House Has A Step-By-Step ‘Program Of Escalation’ For Venezuela

The White House Has A Step-By-Step ‘Program Of Escalation’ For Venezuela

The White House has prepared an intelligence blueprint for regime change in Venezuela, according to a bombshell Monday evening report in Axios. According to the report, which follows a New York Times story from early this month that confirmed the administration had previously established a "clandestine channel" involving covert meetings with Venezuelan military coup plotters targeting President Nicolás Maduro, the White House has prepared for multiple scenarios involving dramatic military...

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Hirano’s Hedge: Kavanaugh Not Entitled To Presumption Of Innocence Due To His Ideological Views

Hirano’s Hedge: Kavanaugh Not Entitled To Presumption Of Innocence Due To His Ideological Views

With the addition of a second woman alleging sexual misconduct of Brett Kavanaugh, it is still not clear what factual disputes will have to be addressed before a final confirmation vote occurs in the Senate. Putting aside questions over late timing of the allegations, there is agreement that the Senate will have to consider both the allegations of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and the new allegations of Deborah Ramirez. What is far more troubling is the continued disagreement on the standard that...

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Mr. President, Leave Syria

Mr. President, Leave Syria

No one knows precisely what happened inside the White House that resulted in President Trump’s sudden about-face on Syria. One day he was planning to extricate American ground troops from Syria; then he wasn’t. Regardless, whoever is urging the president to leave a small contingent of 2,000 lightly armed soldiers and Marines in a remote corner of Syria is doing the president and the nation a grave disservice. President Ronald Reagan committed 2,400 Marines to Beirut, Lebanon as part of an...

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Shutting Down Free Speech in America: Government and Lobbyists Work Together to Destroy the First Amendment

Shutting Down Free Speech in America: Government and Lobbyists Work Together to Destroy the First Amendment

During the past several years, there has been increased pressure coming from some in the federal government aided and abetted powerful advocacy groups in the private sector to police social and alternative media. It is a multi-pronged attack on the First Amendment which has already limited the types of information that Americans have access to, thereby narrowing policy options to suit those in power The process has been ostensibly driven by concerns over alleged Russian interference in the...

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New Tax Plan Makes It Easier to ‘Ed-exit’

New Tax Plan Makes It Easier to ‘Ed-exit’

This week the House of Representatives will vote on a package of bills making the temporary tax cuts contained in last year’s tax reform bill permanent and making additional tax law changes. The bills will likely pass in the House, but will almost certainly be filibustered in the Senate if the Senate leadership tries to bring them to the floor. The GOP tax plan does offset some of the damage caused by federal control of education by making it easier for parents to escape failing government...

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UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs; Cited ‘Grave Concerns’ Over Steele Involvement

UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs; Cited ‘Grave Concerns’ Over Steele Involvement

The British government "expressed grave concerns" to the US government over the declassification and release of material related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to the New York Times. President Trump ordered a wide swath of materials "immediately" declassified "without redaction" on Monday, only to change his mind later in the week by allowing the DOJ Inspector General to review the materials first. The Times reports that the UK's concern was over material which "includes direct...

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US to Start ‘Disrupting’ North Korean Oil Smuggling

US to Start ‘Disrupting’ North Korean Oil Smuggling

Well, this sure ease a fine way to attempt to ease tensions with North Korea.An international coalition of American allies will start “detecting and disrupting” North Korean oil smuggling operations at sea, reports the Washington Examiner.“The United States has deployed aircraft and surface vessels to detect and disrupt these activities,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a news release.Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, announced Friday they would aid “monitoring and...

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Medea Benjamin Shows America What Real Resistance Looks Like

Medea Benjamin Shows America What Real Resistance Looks Like

Almost immediately after hitting publish on my last article about how the so-called “Resistance” to the Trump administration doesn’t actually resist Trump’s most pernicious agendas in any meaningful way, I saw an awesome video clip proving that there is at least one woman out there providing real opposition to Trump where it matters. A think tank is an organization wherein highly-paid academics pour their collective brainpower into coming up with convincing arguments that it would be good and...

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The Gamification of Tyranny

The Gamification of Tyranny

It looks like we’re headed for a brave new world where all citizens are rated on their loyalty to the state and are punished for wandering from its narrative. Call it the gamification of repression. In China, the supposedly communist state—in fact, it is an advanced form of crony capitalist authoritarianism that Marx would have disapproved—is busy setting up a rating system for all citizens. According to a paper written by an academic at the Lebanese American University in Beirut, Lebanon,...

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Let Koreans Solve Their Own Problems

Let Koreans Solve Their Own Problems

Springtime in Korea. Peace and love have erupted all over the mountainous peninsula as the leaders of the two rival nations seek to end the nearly seven decades of hostility between them. One can’t underestimate the passionate longing felt by most Koreans on both sides of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) for some form of reunification – or at least reattachment – of the two nations. Amazingly, the 1950-53 Korean War has never been ended by a peace treaty so a simmering state of war exists between...

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The US Government’s Secret Rules for Spying on Journalists Are ‘Terrifying’

The US Government’s Secret Rules for Spying on Journalists Are ‘Terrifying’

Journalists and free press advocates are responding with alarm to newly released documents revealing the U.S. government’s secret rules for using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court orders to spy on reporters, calling the revelations “important” and “terrifying.”The documents—obtained and released by the Freedom of the Press Foundation and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University through an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed last...

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Trump’s ‘Opposition’ Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsense

Trump’s ‘Opposition’ Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsense

A new article from the Wall Street Journal reports that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lied to congress about the measures Saudi Arabia is taking to minimize the civilian casualties in its catastrophic war on Yemen, and that he did so in order to secure two billion dollars for war profiteers. This is about as depraved as anything you could possibly imagine. US-made bombs have been conclusively tied to civilian deaths in a war which has caused the single worst humanitarian crisis on earth, a...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

US Military to Egypt?

KCEN-TV is reporting (via Drudge) that a group of US soldiers from Fort Hood are preparing to deploy to Egypt in a riot control capacity and to "protect" Egypt's border with...

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Who is Ben Rhodes?

Who is Ben Rhodes?

photo: U.S. Embassy Jakarta, IndonesiaEveryone is wondering who is Ben Rhodes, a 30-something who ascended from literally nowhere to be what seems a main driving force behind...

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Are Internal Passports Next?

J.D. Tuccille relates at reason.com the sad history of dramatic deterioration in the United States government's respect for the freedom to travel. Tucille begins: Last week, my...

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