Perhaps it is Donald Trump’s business background that leads him to believe that if you inflict enough economic pain on someone they will ultimately surrender and agree to do whatever you want. Though that approach might well work in New York real estate, it is not a certain path to success in international relations since countries are not as vulnerable to pressure as are individual investors or developers. Washington’s latest foray into the world of sanctions, directed against China, is...
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US Neocons Use Hamas Attack To Push For War On Iran
Even as the brutal attacks on Israel by Hamas fighters were taking place, US neocons saw a crisis they could not bear to see go to waste. Without proof - and against logic - they...
US Neocons Use Hamas Attack To Push For War On Iran
Even as the brutal attacks on Israel by Hamas fighters were taking place, US neocons saw a crisis they could not bear to see go to waste. Without proof - and against logic - they...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
What Can One Person Do Versus the Leviathan?
Over at Lew Rockwell's blog, RPI Academic Board Member Butler Shaffer has written a thought-provoking piece on how the (thus far) successful escape of NSA leaker Edward Snowden...
US Military to Egypt?
KCEN-TV is reporting (via Drudge) that a group of US soldiers from Fort Hood are preparing to deploy to Egypt in a riot control capacity and to "protect" Egypt's border with...
Government’s Gun Law Ruse to Access Mental Health Records
photo: grover_netYour appointment with a psychiatrist or admission to a mental health facility may now be included in United States and state government databases. What happened...
New Tourism Opportunities in Egypt
Post Arab Spring Egypt is a barrel of laughs. Just over two years ago the president glowingly praised the US-assisted Arab Spring, claiming a triumph of US-style values. He...
Who is Ben Rhodes?
photo: U.S. Embassy Jakarta, IndonesiaEveryone is wondering who is Ben Rhodes, a 30-something who ascended from literally nowhere to be what seems a main driving force behind...
Chemical Weapons ‘Discovery’ in Syria Opens Door for US Bombs
Barely a week after President Obama announced the ascendance of the left-neocon, humanitarian interventionist cultists Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the top of his foreign...
Are Internal Passports Next?
J.D. Tuccille relates at the sad history of dramatic deterioration in the United States government's respect for the freedom to travel. Tucille begins: Last week, my...
RPI Director on Traces of Reality Radio
RPI's Executive Director was interviewed yesterday on the Traces of Reality radio program by host Guillermo Jimenez. As the website explains: "During the second hour of the...
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