I greet the demise of The Weekly Standard with great joy.Just hours after Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution in October 2002, an opinion column in the Washington Post propagated The Weekly Standard line that, “having explained why war is necessary,” a case that had been made with “an impressive clarity of presentation and lucidity of argument,” President Bush had become “a war leader.”Despite the fawning description by war celebrant William...
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US Neocons Use Hamas Attack To Push For War On Iran
Even as the brutal attacks on Israel by Hamas fighters were taking place, US neocons saw a crisis they could not bear to see go to waste. Without proof - and against logic - they...
US Neocons Use Hamas Attack To Push For War On Iran
Even as the brutal attacks on Israel by Hamas fighters were taking place, US neocons saw a crisis they could not bear to see go to waste. Without proof - and against logic - they...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
US and Russia Reach Agreement on Syria Weapons — Can The US Stop Arming the Jihadists Now?
The US and Russia yesterday reached what looks to be a solid agreement on how to proceed with the dismantling of the chemical weapons stores of the Syrian government as well as...
Ron Paul Stars at Fatima Peace Conference
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US Attack on Syria Would Be Cash Cow for Military Contractors
US military contractors are ready to rake in hundred of millions of dollars from missile sales alone if the US launches a "limited" attack on Syria. Ray Downs describes the...
The Real Elizabeth O’Bagy Scandal
So now we know that Elizabeth O'Bagy, the "expert" cited by Secretary Kerry, Senator McCain, and others as an important impartial source claiming that moderates, not radicals,...
US Customs and Border Protection Rolls Out Unconstitutional Searches Far from Borders
US Customs and Border Protection appears to be engaged in the dragnet detaining of general aviation pilots and searching of private airplanes around the country. Expect this...
Is This Why Obama is So Desperate for a Nice Little War?
The president and his coterie of humanitarian interventionist laptop bombers have been so desperate to push the US into another war in the Middle East they have resorted to...
Obama’s Defeat on Syrian Strike: The Downside
With the increasing possibility of no vote being held on a Syria attack in the House and Senate, President Obama's uphill battle to win over lawmakers and the US public -- and...
NH City Council Approves Acquiring Tank Despite Public Opposition
The Concord, New Hampshire city council voted tonight to acquire a Lenco BearCat G3 tank. The acquisition passed by a vote of 11 to 4 despite hundreds of people coming to the...
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