Featured Articles

The Korean War: The Moral Bankruptcy of Interventionism

The Korean War: The Moral Bankruptcy of Interventionism

An article in Sunday’s New York Times entitled “Remembering the Forgotten War” demonstrates perfectly the moral bankruptcy of the philosophy of foreign interventionism. Calling for the Korean War to become more highly remembered, the author, Hampton Sides, extols some of the popular justifications for subjecting US troops to death, injury, and maiming in the Korean War. Hampton tells the story of a veteran named Franklin Chapman, who is still alive. Hampton was sent to fight in Korea, was shot...

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Melania Trump Kneecaps Top Bolton Aide

Melania Trump Kneecaps Top Bolton Aide

Hooray for First Lady Melania Trump! In a refreshingly - and shockingly - frank statement, the relatively quiet First Lady has issued a statement through her spokeswoman today making it clear that top National Security Council aide Mira Ricardel needs to hit the bricks. Ricardel, Deputy National Security Adviser under John Bolton, is said to have "berated people in meetings, yelled at professional staff, argued with the first lady and spread rumors about [Defense Secretary] Mattis." But...

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World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes

World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes

World leaders gathered in Paris on Sunday under the Arc de Triomphe to mark the centennial anniversary ending World War I. In an absurd way, the Napoleon-era arc was a fitting venue – because the ceremony and the rhetoric from President Emmanuel Macron was a “triumph” of lies and platitudes. Among the estimated 70 international leaders were US President Trump and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, each sitting on either side of Macron and his wife. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also...

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America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony

America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony

This weekend the Donald took some heavy duty flack from liberals, Dems, the MSM and harrumphing patriots for canceling his appearance at a wreath laying ceremony at the famous WWI battle site at Belleau, France owing to inclement weather. For instance, former Secretary of State, John Kerry got himself worked into high dudgeon: Mr. Kerry criticized the president’s decision on Twitter, saying that the weather “shouldn’t have stopped an American President”. “President @realDonaldTrump a no-show...

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Brennan and Clapper Should Not Escape Prosecution

Brennan and Clapper Should Not Escape Prosecution

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the longtime chairman of the Judiciary Committee, made a dramatic announcement Nov. 1 that should lead to jail time for both former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. As reported, but widely overlooked amid the media focus on the midterm elections, Brennan ordered CIA hackers to intercept the emails of all potential or possible intelligence community whistleblowers who may have been trying to contact the...

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Dirty Little Secret: ‘Think Tanks’ are Among Top Culprits in Media Disinformation Crisis

Dirty Little Secret: ‘Think Tanks’ are Among Top Culprits in Media Disinformation Crisis

Most consumers are unaware off the mainstream media’s dirty little secret. Think tanks are increasingly taking advantage of tight news budgets to influence the press agenda in favor of their sponsors. Decades ago, these outfits generally operated as policy advisories. Although, some were comfortably enumerated ‘retirement homes’ for distinguished public servants or intellectuals. However, in modern times, they have become indistinguishable from lobbying firms. With the budgets to match. On the...

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President Trump’s Iran Policy – Is It ‘Normal’?

President Trump’s Iran Policy – Is It ‘Normal’?

It’s not often that US Government officials are honest when they talk about our foreign policy. The unprovoked 2003 attack on Iraq was called a “liberation.” The 2011 US-led destruction of Libya was a “humanitarian intervention.” And so on.So, in a way, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was refreshingly honest last week when, speaking about newly-imposed US sanctions, he told the BBC that the Iranian leadership “has to make a decision that they want their people to eat." It was an honest...

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US Directs Iran to Act Like a ‘Normal’ Country. What is a Normal Country?

US Directs Iran to Act Like a ‘Normal’ Country. What is a Normal Country?

After reimposing crippling sanctions on Iran this week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened that Iran should “act like a normal country, or see its economy crumble.” But, how exactly does a “normal” country act? Since the dictat was issued from Washington DC, it seems only fair to start there. Is the United States itself a “normal” country? What makes a “normal” country as opposed to an “abnormal” one? Foreign Policy If the US is indeed a “normal” country, there is a lot we can glean...

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We Are Headed For Another Tragedy Like WWI

We Are Headed For Another Tragedy Like WWI

We are now before the 100th anniversary of World War I, the war that was supposed to end all wars. While honoring the 16 million who died in this conflict, we should also condemn the memory of the politicians, officials and incompetent generals who created this horrendous blood bath. I’ve walked most of the Western Front of the Great War, visited its battlefields and haunted forts, and seen the seas of crosses marking its innumerable cemeteries. As a former soldier and war correspondent, I’ve...

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US envoy: Russia should allow Israel air strikes in Syria

US envoy: Russia should allow Israel air strikes in Syria

US envoy to Syria James Jeffrey said yesterday that Russia should maintain a “permissive approach” towards Israeli airstrikes in Syria. Speaking with journalists via a conference call, Jeffrey explained that “in the past Russia has been permissive in consultation with the Israelis about Israeli strikes against Iranian targets inside Syria,” adding that: “We certainly hope that that permissive approach will continue.” Jeffrey said that Israel has “[an] existential interest in blocking Iran from...

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Iran’s Leadership Must Decide ‘If They Want Their People To Eat’ – Pompeo

Iran’s Leadership Must Decide ‘If They Want Their People To Eat’ – Pompeo

Less than a week after US Secretary of State Secretary Mike Pompeo told Fox News Sunday that the "Iranians are responsible for the starvation' of Yemeni civilians" he's again issued hugely provocative words, telling the BBC during an interview that Iranian "leadership has to make a decision that they want their people to eat" in reference to the latest round of US sanctions. As the interview was with BBC Persian, Pompeo's words were immediately translated from English and broadcast to the...

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We Don’t Need Daily Press Briefings at the White House

We Don’t Need Daily Press Briefings at the White House

There was an unseemly verbal brawl Wednesday in the East Room of the White House in which members of the press who are avowed enemies of President Trump (Acosta, Peter Alexander and April Ryan among others) attempted to debate the president over the wisdom and probity of his actions as chief executive of the federal government. They were not, in my opinion, seeking information from him. No, they were accusing him of not running the executive branch to their satisfaction. It was evident that...

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Edward Snowden: Saudi Used Israel Spyware to Target Khashoggi

Edward Snowden: Saudi Used Israel Spyware to Target Khashoggi

US whistle-blower Edward Snowden yesterday claimed that Saudi Arabia used Israeli spyware to target murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Addressing a conference in Tel Aviv via a video link, Snowden claimed that software made by an Israeli cyber intelligence firm was used by Saudi Arabia to track and target Khashoggi in the lead up to his murder on 2 October inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Snowden told his audience: “How do they [Saudi Arabia] know what his [Khashoggi’s] plans...

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Will the ‘Taiwan Question’ Give Rise to a World War III Scenario?

Will the ‘Taiwan Question’ Give Rise to a World War III Scenario?

The United States and China are set to go head-to-head over disputes in relation to Taiwan and the South China Sea, with deadly consequences on the immediate horizon. You wouldn’t know it with all the media hype over the US mid-term elections, but the US and China are on a deadly collision path in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait. In the last two months, the US military has flown B-52 bombers and carried out its so-called “freedom of navigation” operations in the South China Sea. There...

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Did the Russians Influence My Vote?

Did the Russians Influence My Vote?

I voted Libertarian yesterday, and the New York Times has me really worried. In an article yesterday entitled “Russians Meddling in the Midterms? Here’s the Data,” the authors, Jonathan Morgan and Ryan Fox, state that while Russian meddling in the midterm election was not as extensive as it purportedly was in the 2016 election, it was nonetheless still pervasive. Morgan and Fox, who run a cybersecurity company, pointed out, “Indeed, our company is currently detecting more overall activity in...

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US Doublespeak Hinders Afghan Peace

US Doublespeak Hinders Afghan Peace

Within hours of the announcement on Saturday by the Russian Foreign Ministry that the second meeting of the Moscow format of consultations on Afghanistan will take place on November 9, the US government-funded Radio Free Europe and Liberty has announced that the Afghan government will not participate in the forthcoming meeting. The text of the Russian Foreign Ministry statement is reproduced below: On November 9, Moscow will host the second meeting of the Moscow format of consultations on...

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The 9/11 Lessons We Have Never Learned

It has been 22 years since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon. The attacks launched the "global war on terror" that the neocons had been itching...

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