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Never, Ever Forget The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks

Never, Ever Forget The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks

For the first few hours after any new “bombshell” Russiagate story comes out, my social media notifications always light up with poorly written posts by liberal establishment loyalists saying things like “HAHAHA @caitoz this proves you wrong now will you FINALLY stop denying Russian collusion???” Then, when people start actually analyzing that story and noting that it comes nowhere remotely close to proving that Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election,...

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Sayonara, ‘America First’! We Hardly Knew Ye!

Sayonara, ‘America First’! We Hardly Knew Ye!

President Donald Trump’s cancellation of his planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Buenos Aires G20 is another sign of the now almost certain demise of his declared “America First” agenda – and perhaps of his presidency. Supposedly decided in response to a Ukraine-Russia naval incident in the Kerch Strait, dumping the meeting is universally and correctly seen as a response to the guilty plea of his former lawyer and “fixer,” Michael Cohen, to lying to Congress (notice...

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‘Anti-Russia Neocons’ in US Office Plotted to Cancel Trump-Putin Talks – Scholar

‘Anti-Russia Neocons’ in US Office Plotted to Cancel Trump-Putin Talks – Scholar

US President Donald Trump’s decision to cancel his G20 talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin reveals how easily he is swayed by the neoconservative hawks he appointed who exploited the Kerch Strait incident, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Director Daniel McAdams told Sputnik. 'The President [Trump] has spent decades puffing himself up as a great dealmaker and tough guy, but in fact, he's just a pushover,' McAdams said on Thursday. 'He's putty in neocon hands.' Trump's sudden...

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The Guardian Faceplants As Manafort’s Passport Stamps Don’t Match ‘Fabricated’ Assange Story

The Guardian Faceplants As Manafort’s Passport Stamps Don’t Match ‘Fabricated’ Assange Story

Further evidence that The Guardian "entirely fabricated" a report that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort visited Julian Assange in 2013, 2015 and the spring of 2016; his passports...The Washington Times reports that Manafort's three passports reveal just two visits to England in 2010 and 2012, which support his categorical denial of the "totally false and deliberately libelous" report in The Guardian, which said that Manafort visited Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy - ostensibly to...

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Yes, You Have the Right to Talk Back to the Government, But It Could Get You Killed

Yes, You Have the Right to Talk Back to the Government, But It Could Get You Killed

“The freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.” — Justice William J. Brennan, City of Houston v. Hill What the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t step out of...

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Have We Reached Peak Soros?

Have We Reached Peak Soros?

George Soros is losing. He still thinks he’s winning. But, in reality, he’s losing.All around you, if you look closely enough, you will see the spectre of George Soros lurking behind the headlines. The caravan, net neutrality, regulating Facebook, the de-platforming of independent media, color revolutions and election meddling, refugee creation and manipulation, the trolls on Twitter, your blog and YouTube, etc.All of these things we see in the headlines today are a product of George Soros’...

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US Destabilizes Iraq for Decades, US House of Representatives Has New Plan for Stabilization

US Destabilizes Iraq for Decades, US House of Representatives Has New Plan for Stabilization

The United States attacked Iraq in the Gulf War in 1990, followed by years of US bombing of Iraq. Then, in 2003, the US invaded and conquered Iraq in the Iraq War. Since then, many US troops have been stationed in Iraq, along with a huge contingent of US government employees and contractors from a variety of agencies, seeking to mold the country to US wishes. Still, 28 years since all this began (and longer since the previous US assistance for the Iraq government it later overthrew), the US...

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Major Psy-Op in Europe Exposed: UK Government Tramples on Values It Vowed to Protect

Major Psy-Op in Europe Exposed: UK Government Tramples on Values It Vowed to Protect

Those who have been saying that the West has turned Russia into a scapegoat to be blamed for each and every thing that goes wrong have been proved right. We have witnessed concocted stories invented to denigrate Moscow that have gone viral as directed by the secret services. The UK, the country that is spearheading the anti-Russian information campaign, offers a good example that illustrates how this is being done.An online group of hackers known as Anonymous has just revealed covert UK...

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US Foreign Policy Has No Policy

US Foreign Policy Has No Policy

President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote himself without any adult supervision, similar to the poorly expressed random arguments presented in his tweeting only longer. That might be the case, but it would not be wise to dismiss the document as merely frivolous or misguided as it does...

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Allow Americans to ‘Opt Out’ of Abortion and War

Allow Americans to ‘Opt Out’ of Abortion and War

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released proposed rules allowing individuals to opt out of Obamacare’s abortion and contraception mandates for moral or religious reasons. These new rules should be cheered by all who agree with Thomas Jefferson that forcing people to subsidize that which they find abhorrent is “sinful and tyrannical.”Sadly, Congress continues to pass, and President Trump continues to sign, spending bills subsidizing abortion providers. When government...

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MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation, according to The Telegraph, stating that any disclosure would "undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an FBI application to wiretap one of his former campaign advisers."Trump's allies, however, are fighting back - demanding transparency and suggesting that the UK wouldn't want...

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A Big Step for Greater Israel

A Big Step for Greater Israel

Hardly anyone noticed. The Trump administration quietly changed America’s long-held position on Syria’s strategic Golan Heights while attention was focused on the raucous political carnival in Washington. Though barely noticed, the policy change had enormous importance and will lead the United States into a lot of future Mideast misery.The Golan Heights is a volcanic plateau that abuts Syria, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon. The plateau rises abruptly from the plain of Galilee, providing dominance...

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The Case for Leaving Syria

The Case for Leaving Syria

Professor Michael Howard, the eminent British historian, frequently stated , “Wars are not tactical exercises writ large… They are conflicts of societies, and they can be fully understood only if one understands the nature of the society fighting them.” The professor must have anticipated the Syrian Civil War. In Syria, the civil war that killed as many as 400,000 people is over. Moscow’s ally in Damascus, President Bashar al-Assad, is the victor.It’s true that the predominantly Sunni Arab...

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Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media

Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media

If you are a journalist and you discover something that is clearly unethical, and possibly even illegal, and you choose to report it what happens next? Well, you could win a Pulitzer Prize or, on the other hand, you might wind up hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for six years.Julian Assange is the founder and editor in chief of the controversial news and information site WikiLeaks. As the name implies, since 2006 the site has become famous, or perhaps notorious, for its publication...

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Julian Assange Deserves a Medal of Freedom, Not a Secret Indictment

Julian Assange Deserves a Medal of Freedom, Not a Secret Indictment

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been secretly indicted by the Trump administration’s Justice Department, “a drastic escalation” of the feds’ efforts against him, the New York Times reported. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has denounced Wikileaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service” and labeled Assange a “fraud,” “coward,” and “enemy.” But rather than a federal indictment, Assange deserves a tweaked version of one of Washington’s hottest honorifics. Wikileaks has been in the...

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