RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo

Saying anything negative about Israel has long been the third rail of US politics and media. Israel is our nation’s most sacred cow. Any questioning of its behavior brings furious charges of anti-Semitism and professional oblivion. I keep in my bookcase a cautionary book, "They Dared Speak Out" written by US senators and congressmen who all lost their positions after rebuking Israel for its mistreatment of Palestinians or daring to suggest that Israel had far too much influence in the US....

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Sen. Rubio Makes Fun of the Suffering of the Venezuelan People

Sen. Rubio Makes Fun of the Suffering of the Venezuelan People

Marco Rubio, the neocon senator from Florida, considers a suspicious power outage across Venezuela to be funny. He would no doubt feel different if his mother was on a ventilator in a Caracas hospital—then again. A few weeks ago the #MaduroRegime blamed iguanas for causing a large electric grid blackout. We have now received the first video of what caused tonight’s unprecedented nationwide blackout in #Venezuela: #SinLuz pic.twitter.com/TnYevG2GA0 — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) March 8, 2019...

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Rubio Demands US Initiate ‘Widespread Unrest’ In Venezuela

Rubio Demands US Initiate ‘Widespread Unrest’ In Venezuela

Predictably during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Thursday, Republican chairman Marco Rubio condemned Venezuela's Maduro as a "clear danger" and a "threat to the national security of the US." To be expected the hearing was filled with plenty of threats and talk of flipping "military elites" and enforcing tougher sanctions. But perhaps unexpected was just how out in the open and brazen Rubio's own admissions of how far he's willing to go in promoting regime change in Caracas....

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Faith No More: America’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits Rock Bottom

Faith No More: America’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits Rock Bottom

Gone are the days when US consumers looked to the nightly news and print media as a trusted source of information, and especially if they hold conservative views, according to a new poll by the Columbia Journalism Review. Things are going from bad to worse for the US legacy media as its trust credentials have reached an all-time new low, as if that were possible. It has even achieved a lower trust rating than lawyers and members of Congress. The introduction to the CJR poll provided the...

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Russiagate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange

Russiagate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange

When it was first revealed in November that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is under secret charges by the Trump administration, I spent the next few days being told by Russiagaters that this was proof that I have been wrong about their demented cold war cult all along, because #MuellerTime is fast approaching. At long last, they vehemently assured me, Assange was going to prison for working with Russia to deprive Queen Hillary of her rightful throne.None of those people have come back to...

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Trump Breaks Another Promise: Troops Will Remain in Syria

Trump Breaks Another Promise: Troops Will Remain in Syria

It was a mere two months ago the president of the United States declared he would leave Syria and bring home the troops. “Our boys, our young women, our men, they’re all coming back,” Trump said. “And they’re coming back now. We won. And that’s the way we want it. And that’s the way they want it.” After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our great young people home! pic.twitter.com/xoNjFzQFTp — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2018 We have defeated ISIS in...

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Israel Lobby Rebuts Omar’s Claims About Its Immense Influence By Exerting Its Immense Influence

Israel Lobby Rebuts Omar’s Claims About Its Immense Influence By Exerting Its Immense Influence

In response to criticisms made by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar that US political leaders have too much allegiance to Israel and its lobbying groups, House Democrats have put forward an entire House resolution in accordance with demands made by AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League. “The backlash [over Omar’s comments] continued on Monday, as the Anti-Defamation League wrote a letter to Pelosi calling for a House resolution to specifically reject what the organization calls Omar’s ‘latest slur,’”...

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OPCW Syria Report Cripples Western ‘Chemical Weapons’ Narrative

OPCW Syria Report Cripples Western ‘Chemical Weapons’ Narrative

The OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) has presented its final report regarding an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma, Syria on April 7, 2018. Despite attempts by the Western media to hail it as “proof” that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in Douma – the report says nothing of the sort. In fact, the report fails to link any of the alleged 43 deaths to apparent chlorine found at the scene of the alleged attack. Claims of the attack were made by...

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Britain puts new roof on Skripal House of Horrors

Britain puts new roof on Skripal House of Horrors

In 12 months of shifting sands, one thing remains as its original foundations: the British state narrative on Salisbury stands as a castle in the air. One year from the dastardly fate of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, no one is a step forward on what happened to them, how, why, or of course where they are. One year ago, a nerve agent was allegedly sprayed onto their front doorknob. One year later, their house needs a new roof as a result. And why the roof? And why only the roof? I don't know what...

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Gallup Finds Americans Have Been Very Deceived Regarding United States’ Image Around the World

Gallup Finds Americans Have Been Very Deceived Regarding United States’ Image Around the World

Gallup issued on February 28th its “2019 Rating World Leaders” report, subtitled “The US vs. Germany, China and Russia,” and said that “The world still frowned on US leadership more than the leadership of any other country asked about in 2018.” All four of the countries’ leaderships received approval-ratings from people worldwide in only the 30-39 percent range, and this low score for the US leadership (which was approved by merely 31 percent of people sampled worldwide during 2018)...

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Gallup Finds Americans Have Been Very Deceived Regarding United States’ Image Around the World

Did Bolton Blow North Korea?

President Trump’s second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un last week was criticized by both parties in Washington long before Air Force One even touched down in Hanoi. Washington’s political class seemed terrified that the nearly 70 year state of “war” with North Korea might actually end. In the end the only positive thing they could say about the meeting was that Trump apparently walked away with nothing to show for it.The location of the meeting – Hanoi, Vietnam – serves as a great...

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Breaking Our Biggest Taboo

Democrats and Republicans Move to Silence Rep. Omar’s Criticism of Israel

It looks like the embattled representative from Minnesota will end up like Cynthia McKinney, who was thrown out of Congress for the sin of criticizing the official narrative on 9/11. She is also a fierce critic of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians (she sailed with activists on the Gaza-bound ships Dignity and Spirit of Humanity). McKinney deviated from the official narrative on Libya and she introduced articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush for committing war...

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Gallup Finds Americans Have Been Very Deceived Regarding United States’ Image Around the World

A Long Way to go For Dinner

President Donald Trump’s air trip to Vietnam cost taxpayers $5,695,000 just for the president’s flying Taj Mahal. Plus millions more for his retainers, the presidential limo, hotel rooms, meals, security details and only Ho Chi Minh knows what else. For what? A nice photo op and a cheery dinner for the two leaders in Hanoi. Just about everyone who follows Asian affairs knew in advance that North Korean dynastic strongman (aka king) had no interest or good reason for giving up his nuclear...

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Gallup Finds Americans Have Been Very Deceived Regarding United States’ Image Around the World

Military Intervention and Mercenaries, Inc. (MIAMI)

The city of Miami, Florida may have started out as a retirement mecca for winter-worn pensioners from northern climes. However, after the beginning of the Cold War and US military and Central Intelligence Agency intervention in Guatemala, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Guyana, the Bahamas, and other Western Hemisphere nations, Miami became a refuge for exiled wealthy businessmen escaping populist revolutions and elections in South and Central America and spies. The...

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North Korea Talks Breakdown – Trump Keeps the Empire Happy

North Korea Talks Breakdown – Trump Keeps the Empire Happy

Given the trajectory of President Trump’s foreign policy since last year there was little hope of significant movement at this year’s summit with North Korea. Since that first, historic meeting last year in Singapore, Trump’s foreign policy team has become the exact opposite of what that meeting symbolized. Belligerent, threatening, cocky, obnoxious and ignorant only partially cover the depths to which Mike Pompeo, John Bolton and Trump himself have taken US  diplomacy. There are many who...

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Nikki Haley Named to Boeing Board – Lew Rockwell ‘Sickened’

"Mike Pence is known as the stupidest person in the Trump Administration, but Nikki Haley was known as the second-stupidest." So Lew Rockwell tells RT on the news that Trump's former Ambassador to the UN has been named to the board of US mega weapons manufacturer Boeing. Rockwell probably gets Haley right, so why on earth would this bomb-making behemoth want someone like that on their board? Rockwell speculates: I guess she can bring more money to the military-industrial complex. I guess she's...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Join the EU? Are You Crazy?

Join the EU? Are You Crazy?

Ten years ago Hungary joined the European Union. After a miserable 40 years under the Soviet boot, EU membership was seen by Left and Right alike in Hungary as a watershed event...

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