Saying anything negative about Israel has long been the third rail of US politics and media. Israel is our nation’s most sacred cow. Any questioning of its behavior brings furious charges of anti-Semitism and professional oblivion. I keep in my bookcase a cautionary book, "They Dared Speak Out" written by US senators and congressmen who all lost their positions after rebuking Israel for its mistreatment of Palestinians or daring to suggest that Israel had far too much influence in the US....
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Ron Paul: Freedom Is Not a Partisan Issue
Speaking Friday with Charles Goyette in their weekly podcast conversation, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul discusses his recommendations for young people interested in becoming...
US Spies: ‘Nothing is Beyond Our Reach!”
As the rest of the world -- the US public included -- reels from ongoing revelations that the NSA has infiltrated like a virus into the most private corners of our lives, the US...
Join the EU? Are You Crazy?
Ten years ago Hungary joined the European Union. After a miserable 40 years under the Soviet boot, EU membership was seen by Left and Right alike in Hungary as a watershed event...
Ukraine: Bullied and Blackmailed?
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Eric Cantor Lies About the Iran Deal
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Ukraine Rejects The Brussels Club, Opts For Trade Over Empty Promises
On Thursday the Ukrainian parliament reject a final set of laws designed to pave the way for Ukraine to join the EU's "Eastern Partnership" program as an associate EU member. The...
Ron Paul Alumni Party on Jay Taylor Show!
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‘Muddled Thinking’ on Afghanistan
Barry McCaffrey told Chuck Todd of MSNBC this morning that the proposed Afghan security agreement reflects "muddled thinking" in terms of the foolishness of leaving a necessarily...
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