Does anyone really think that Iran threatens the United States? It’s only plausible if you can be convinced by a congenital liar and war criminal like Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or by a buffoon like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. My head was still throbbing recently due to the damage done while watching Netanyahu’s 56 standing ovations from a bought and paid for Congress when I came across among my old books a volume bearing a title that summed up what I have been...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
RFK, Jr. CRUSHES Every Candidate On Favorability. Why?
A new Harvard/Harris poll out this week confirms last month's result from Economist/YouGov: RFK, Jr. continues to absolutely crush every opponent from either party when it comes...
'Well Son Of A …' Why Impeaching Biden May Backfire On GOP.
With Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer expected to testify to the GOP-controlled House on then-Vice President Biden's involvement in Hunter's very suspicious business...
Cornel West Says End the Wars
Cornel West was well known and liked by many before he made his early June announcement that he is running for president. That has given West’s Green Party presidential campaign...
Meat-Grinder: Biden KNEW Ukraine Couldn't Win But Forced The 'Counter-Offensive' Anyway
Sometimes the most shocking mainstream media articles are the ones that are most obvious. Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Biden Administration knew...
Kennedy: ‘As President, my support of Israel will be unconditional.’
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. took his expression of support for the government of Israel to the maximum level in a Wednesday Twitter post. After...
Shock Pentagon Memo: 'Trans' Soldiers Can Indefinitely Skip Deployments!
Investigative reporter Jordan Schachtel has uncovered a shocking DoD memo from earlier this year detailing the special treatment for "transgender" servicemembers, including free...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Major Israel Booster
In an interview with Schmuley Boteach this week, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. addressed the absurd claim being thrown around that Kennedy is...
Tough Luck, Zuck – Meta's 'Threads' Implodes!
Meta/Facebook's "Twitter Killer" social media app Threads attracted a huge level of interest when it recently launched. Unfortunately for Zuckerberg and his Meta company, traffic...
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