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Stop Taxing Tips

Stop Taxing Tips

Donald Trump recently promised that, if he wins the November election, he will support eliminating taxes on tips as part of his proposal to renew and expand the 2017 tax cuts. This tax law change would be a long overdue boost for millions of Americans. Tips often comprise a substantial portion of the earnings of waiters and waitresses, as well as of other service-sector employees. However, unlike regular wages, a service-sector employee usually has no guarantee of, or legal right to, a tip....

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What If It’s Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong?

What If It’s Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong?

What if the government is a myth? What if it doesn’t produce what we pay it for? What if it fails to safeguard our lives, liberties and property from its own agents? What if nothing changes after these failures and after elections? What if we’re stuck with it? What if the National Security Agency -- the federal government’s 60,000-person strong domestic spying apparatus -- has convinced Congress that it needs to cut constitutional corners in order to spy on every person in America? What if...

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Macron’s Idiotic Ukraine Policies Have Paved Way For Triumph Of The French Right

Macron’s Idiotic Ukraine Policies Have Paved Way For Triumph Of The French Right

The EU, NATO, and a number of European capitals are watching France's political turmoil with growing alarm, as President Emmanuel Macron is clearly on the ropes, having called early elections, leaving a path open for the French 'far-right' to triumph.  The foreign policy establishment in both Europe and Washington fears that large-scale joint initiatives like ramped-up military spending and the new push to fund Ukraine's defense for years to come could also be in question, given...

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A Terribly Lopsided, Very Cruel War Continues

A Terribly Lopsided, Very Cruel War Continues

As I write this, in the last 15 days, Israel has bombed a tent city and a UN school and has killed 276 Palestinian non-combatants in a mid-day raid to gain the release of four Israelis being held as hostages. Almost 400 people were killed in the three actions, with many hundreds more wounded. In the hostage retrieval, 64 Palestinian children and 57 women were killed. The UN has reported that more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war in Gaza started, with over 38% (about...

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Poll: Only 28 Percent of the Public Has “High Confidence” in Higher Education

Poll: Only 28 Percent of the Public Has “High Confidence” in Higher Education

A new poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago (commissioned by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) shows that only 28% of Americans have a lot of trust in higher education. Academia has continued to alienate much of the country as an orthodox echo chamber. As with media outlets, the result has been falling interest and trust in these institutions.The poll asked “How much confidence, if any, do you have in U.S. colleges and universities?” Only 28% said...

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The US Is Preparing For WWIII While Expanding Draft Registration

The US Is Preparing For WWIII While Expanding Draft Registration

So I guess we should probably talk about the way NATO powers are rapidly escalating toward hot war with Russia at the same time the US is expanding its draft policies to make it easier to force more Americans go and fight in a giant war. In an article titled “NATO: 500,000 Troops on High Readiness for War With Russia,” Antiwar’s Kyle Anzalone highlights NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s comments on Friday stating the alliance actually has a far greater number of troops it could deploy...

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Stop Taxing Tips

We Spent a Billion Dollars Fighting the Houthis…and Lost

Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed “Operation Prosperity Guardian” and the disastrous floating Gaza pier are but two recent examples of enormously expensive initiatives that, though they no-doubt enriched military contractors, were incapable of meeting their stated goals. To great fanfare, last December the Pentagon announced the launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a joint US/UK military operation...

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Why is the EU Copying Communist Albania?

Why is the EU Copying Communist Albania?

In history, entire countries sometimes suddenly leave the path of normal development and begin to behave differently towards their neighbors. However, while this used to be typical of small and weak states, it is now characteristic of the whole of Western Europe, which was not previously afflicted by the ‘besieged fortress’ complex that underscores the national consciousness of Americans, for example. Today, the European Union is beginning to resemble Albania during its...

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Death of Petrodollar is a Biden legacy

Death of Petrodollar is a Biden legacy

The Deep State should have been alert five years ago when Candidate Joe Biden announced that he, if elected as president, was determined to make the Saudi rulers “pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.” Biden was blunt to the point of being brutal about the Saudi royal family, saying there was “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia” under King Salman’s rule.   But, instead, the Deep State felt delighted that Biden was...

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America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 Year Olds

America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 Year Olds

Our government is planning a big draft, conscripting millions of young Americans for an even bigger war! I call to your attention a Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee. The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:   Section 531. Selective Service System:  Automatic...

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Israel and the Misjudgement of Reality

Israel and the Misjudgement of Reality

On all fronts, the Israeli internal paradigm is fracturing; and externally, the West is itself fissuring, and becoming a pariah on the global stage. The western leaderships’ explicit facilitation of a bloody cleansing of Palestinians has incised the old spectre of “Orientalism” and colonialism onto the skyline. And is gyring the West towards being “the world’s untouchable” (along with Israel). Overall, Israel’s government objective looks to be to converge and then channel multiple tensions...

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War and the Constitution

War and the Constitution

Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the United States legally attack an ally? These questions should be front and center in a debate over the U.S. involvement in Ukraine. Sadly, there has been no great national debate. The media are mouthing what the CIA is telling them, and only a few websites and podcasts -- my own, “Judging Freedom” on YouTube, among...

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Can Democracy Survive the ‘Defenders of Democracy’?

Can Democracy Survive the ‘Defenders of Democracy’?

Below is my column in The Hill on the latest calls to protect democracy with distinctly undemocratic measures. Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton insisted that the 2024 election was our D-Day, suggesting that voters would have to fight the GOP like the Nazis in World War II.  Clinton previously called on Europe to censor American citizens when Twitter sought to dismantle its censorship program and called her defeat in the 2016 election “illegitimate.”  Yet, for many civil...

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Stop Taxing Tips

Anti-Liberty Conservatives Want More Theft

American Compass, a think tank promoting a conservatism lacking even a rhetorical commitment to free markets, recently called for Republicans to support tax increases. The organization claims a GOP embrace of higher taxes will enable the uniparty’s left (Democratic) and right (Republican) wings to create a deficit reduction plan balancing tax increase with spending cuts. American Compass is correct that both parties need to prioritize deficit reduction. The 35 trillion dollars (and rising)...

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Wild, Wonderful New York

Wild, Wonderful New York

NEW YORK – This city’s splendid Fifth Avenue and parts of the adjacent Central Park were thronged last weekend by masses of pro-Israel demonstrators demanding even more US support of Israel’s laying to waste of Gaza. New York is the world’s leading Jewish City, exceeding even Israel’s Tel Aviv. More important, this city’s billionaires, many of them Jewish, are Israel’s most ardent and influential supporters. Their donations reach almost all politicians, high officials and, just revealed,...

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US-Backed Ukrainian Publication Releases New ‘Enemies List’ Including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, Hundreds More…

US-Backed Ukrainian Publication Releases New ‘Enemies List’ Including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, Hundreds More…

The US government-affiliated Ukrainian web publication "Data Journalism Agency" (TEXTY) has just released a report attacking hundreds of prominent American individuals and organizations as enemies for not supporting sending more US money and weapons to Ukraine. The report, titled "Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it," intends to smear American politicians, journalists, and social media influencers as tools of Russia,...

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