Harvard revoked a Parkland student’s admission, a survivor kid who supported the Second Amendment. Two former Central Park 5 prosecutors lost their jobs 30 years after the case, because of a Netflix movie released last week called “When They See Us.” By the time you read this, the Left will have forced another voice off Twitter, and bullied another small business for offending their rules on gender and cake. I learned about bullying in a small Ohio high school you never heard of, both by being...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Ukraine Rhetoric and Sanctions Threatening World War
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, speaking with Lindsay France on RT this week, explains that, in order to prevent “a shooting war that grows evermore larger,” the United States, Russia,...
‘Free Press’? USAID Increases Funding to Pro-Kiev Media
In the name of a "free and independent media," the US government through its Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced that it will dedicate an additional $1.25...
US Media Covers Up Mass Murder in Odessa
Yesterday in Odessa, Ukraine, more than 30 anti-Kiev protesters were burned alive, as a US-backed pro-Kiev mob set fire to the trade union building into which they ran to escape...
Rep. Walter Jones’ Refreshing Voting Philosophy
In an Associated Press article focused on outside groups spending over $1 million to defeat US House Member Walter Jones (R-NC) in his May 6 primary, Jones, an RPI Advisory Board...
Ron Paul: ‘State Department’s Free Press Hypocrisy’
Ron Paul points out the incredible hypocrisy of the US State Department's big roll out of its "Free the Press" campaign on the very day the US government filed a brief urging the...
Ron Paul: ‘Why Are We Droning Yemen?’
With news this week that US drones have killed 55 more people in Yemen, Ron Paul is concerned that US drone policy is only making the US position on the Arabian peninsula worse,...
Eastern Ukraine is Blowback for Kiev: McAdams on Jay Taylor Show
RPI Director Daniel McAdams is back with Jay Taylor, where they discuss the Bundy ranch raid and showdown, the problems with government-held land, and the potential for real...
Judge Napolitano: Hooray for Obama’s Clemency for Nonviolent Drug War Prisoners
Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking on Fox News with Jenna Lee, explains why, “as someone who has harshly and repeatedly criticized the President,” he believes President Barack...
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