The Pentagon is desperate. Far too many millennials are criminals, so luring them in to become the latest crop of bullet stoppers for the state is a nonstarter. Solution? Recruit 16-year-olds. Most have yet graduated to petty and violent crime, although a lot of them are in video game training for a future of violence and self-destructive stupidity. It’s not being widely reported in the media. Recruiters are ready to go after tenth-graders. They are itching to snag kids before they engage in a...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
US Support for Lugansk Massacre — Daniel McAdams on the Scott Horton Show
What happened in Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine? RPI Director Daniel McAdams is on the Scott Horton Show to discuss his recent article on the strange US response to a military...
John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia
We all remember Secretary of State John Kerry lying through this teeth last summer, when he swore that US intelligence reports proving that Syria used chemical weapons in Ghouta...
Washington Post At War With Reality on Ukraine
(still from YouTube)Anyone reading the Washington Post's coverage of Ukraine and Russia over the past several months knows well that when it comes to fealty to the regime, the...
Ron Paul on ‘The Strange Case of Bowe Bergdahl’
The current debate over whether Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl, recently swapped for five Guantanamo detainees, was a traitor or hero obscured what should be the real debate of our foreign...
Have You Reset the Net?
Suppose your neighborhood experienced a dramatic increase in home break-ins. What might you and your neighbors do in response? Some residents may join together in a neighborhood...
Obama and Cameron Issue Putin an Ultimatum
President Obama met with British Prime Minister David Cameron today in Brussels, where the two leaders issued an ultimatum to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian leader...
Judge Napolitano: NSA Intercepting Private Photos ‘Blatantly Violates the Constitution’
Judge Andrew Napolitano condemns as a violation of privacy and the United States Constitution the recently revealed US National Security Agency practice of intercepting millions...
Obama Declares ‘Holy War’ in Poland
This week President Obama traveled to eastern Europe with one billion dollars in his pocket. He plans to use it to finance more NATO military exercises on Russia's border and to...
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