Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation today released 16 pages of documents revealing former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer coordinating with then-House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) national security advisor, Daniel Silverberg to work on Russia dossier materials provided by Christopher Steele. Steele is a former British spy and author of the anti-Trump dossier used to justify a series of FISA spy warrants...
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Washington Uniparty Plans MASSIVE Giveaway To Ukraine, Israel, AND Taiwan!
How does Washington deal with sagging Republican support for more money to Ukraine? Put Ukraine aid together with Israel aid! And slap a few billion for Taiwan while you're at...
Washington Uniparty Plans MASSIVE Giveaway To Ukraine, Israel, AND Taiwan!
How does Washington deal with sagging Republican support for more money to Ukraine? Put Ukraine aid together with Israel aid! And slap a few billion for Taiwan while you're at...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Lew Rockwell: Central Banks Make World Wars Possible
As people worry a new world war may rise out of Ukraine, RPI Advisory Board Member Lew Rockwell proposes Wednesday on the Tom Woods Show that the creation of central banks makes...
Patriotic Blasphemy
A relative of mine attended the church of another relative of mine on the Sunday before Memorial Day. Here is the patriotic blasphemy he reports that he observed: Battle Hymn of...
Walter Block’s Libertarian Journey: Booing Ayn Rand and Playing Risk with Murray Rothbard
In a new interview with Kyle Platt at Liberty.me, RPI Academic Board Member Walter Block — jovial as usual — tells the lively tale of his discovery of libertarian ideas as a...
Memorial Day and the Meaning of Freedom
Memorial Day provides the political class countless opportunities to ruin an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable holiday weekend. Like clockwork, local congressmen, mayors, city...
Can Kinky Friedman Bring Legal Marijuana and Hemp to Texas?
Kinky Friedman, who is competing in a runoff election Tuesday for the Democratic Party nomination for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, describes his race as “kind of a referendum...
Judge Napolitano on Obama Helping ‘Targeted Killings Memo’ Author Become Judge
Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking with Shepard Smith on Fox News, denounces President Barack Obama’s ongoing delay in providing the legal arguments used to justify the executive...
Toothless USA FREEDOM Act Losing Support
NSA Champion Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) The USA FREEDOM Act (HR 3361), which is supposedly designed to thwart the US government’s mass spying program, appears to be confirming RPI...
How’s Libya These Days? Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor on US Foreign Policy Successes
US mainstream media misinforms the American public on Ukraine and the dangers of war with Russia. They back US foreign policy to the hilt, assuring the people that they know what...
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