RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

‘If you hit them, they will behave …’ – The Neocons’ Song.

‘If you hit them, they will behave …’ – The Neocons’ Song.

I have long puzzled over the question of why the neocons; Lindsey Graham, the late John McCain (be brave Lindsey!), Jack Keane, Bolton, Pompeo, etc., etc., ad nauseam, cling so firmly to the idea of striking Iran a hard blow.This weekend I heard the reason voiced on the Sunday newsies by several of the Faithful. "If you punish the Iranians they will behave," was the refrain. "They know they would lose to the US and so would be afraid to go to war with us." This delusion is a variation of the...

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Kamala Harris and the Cult of the Presidency

Kamala Harris and the Cult of the Presidency

Kamala Harris wants you to join her cult. But don’t worry: membership is voluntary — that is, unless a plurality of your fellow voters wants to join, in which case you’ll be automatically enrolled. You see, Harris’ cult is the “cult of the Presidency.” Coined by Gene Healy, the phrase describes the worship that so often accompanies what many Americans consider to be a grand, magisterial office from which all good things flow, and all evil seeks to corrupt. In their peculiar astronomy of this...

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Democrats Panic Over Biden-Ukraine Scandal As MSM Hits Full Spin Cycle

Democrats Panic Over Biden-Ukraine Scandal As MSM Hits Full Spin Cycle

As Joe Biden plummets in the popularity, Democratic lawmakers and the MSM have gone into panic mode after a whistleblower report of political malfeasance during a July phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the Biden family's dealings turned out to be fake news. Since the initial report, the Trump-Zelensky call has been downgraded to remove implications of a quid pro quo - and attention is now turning to what the Bidens actually did. “The real story...

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Will More US Troops in Saudi Arabia Make America Great?

Will More US Troops in Saudi Arabia Make America Great?

President Trump deserves credit for resisting the war cries from neocons like Sen. Lindsey Graham and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after last week’s attack on two Saudi oil facilities. Pompeo was eager to blame Iran because he wants war with Iran and anything that can trigger such a war is fine with him. So he put the president in a difficult spot by declaring Iran the culprit: suddenly the president’s options in the media and in Washington were limited to “how to punish Iran.”A week has now...

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Aramco Attack a Defining Moment in US-Saudi Alliance

Aramco Attack a Defining Moment in US-Saudi Alliance

A series of interviews of Democratic presidential candidates opposing President Trump in the 2020 election by the Council of Foreign Relations in New York reveal that the perceptions regarding US-Saudi ties have dramatically changed in the Washington beltway. Two issues during the past one-year period made all the difference — the brutal killing of Jamal Khashoggi and the war in Yemen where Saudi atrocities have come into focus. Trump’s argument to remain committed to the Saudi ally had boiled...

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30+ Afghans Killed In Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years Of War On Afghanistan

30+ Afghans Killed In Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years Of War On Afghanistan

From the abstract of a (paywalled) piece about the never ending US war on Afghanistan: Slow failure: Understanding America’s quagmire in Afghanistan The United States government has no organised way of thinking about war termination other than seeking decisive military victory. This implicit assumption is inducing three major errors. First, the United States tends to select military-centric strategies that have low probabilities of success. Second, the United States is slow to modify losing or...

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‘An Antiwar Conservative’ – Rep. John Duncan, Jr.

Can an antiwar conservative survive? US Rep. John Duncan, Jr. (Ret.) speaks at the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington Conference on taking difficult votes in the House against the Iraq war in 2002. Often when there were just a couple of "no" votes on a particularly bad bill, it would be Rep. Duncan along with Ron Paul voting together. Watch Rep. Duncan's moving speech to open the 2019 RPI Washington Conference:

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Who Launched That Mystery Attack?

Who Launched That Mystery Attack?

The Mideast has its own variety of crazy humor. The Saudis have been blasting and bombing wretched Yemen, one of this world’s poorest nations, since 2015. These US-supported attacks and a naval blockade of Yemen imposed by Saudi Arabia and its sidekick ally, the United Arab Emirates, have caused mass starvation. No one knows how many Yemenis have died or are currently starving. Estimates run from 250,000 to one million. The black humor? The Saudis just claimed they were victims of Iranian...

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Constitution Day 2019: The Hidden Domestic Surveillance Crisis

Constitution Day 2019: The Hidden Domestic Surveillance Crisis

As we marked the 232nd anniversary of the signing of America’s governing charter in 1787, we have ample evidence that it continues to be violated by the federal officials charged with upholding it. Last month, The Young Turks (TYT) news and talk network obtained the FBI’s 2018-2020 “Consolidated Strategy Guide,” which not only referenced the targeting of so-called “Black Identity Extremists” (BIE’s) but also those designated as engaged in “Anti-Government/Anti-Authority Extremism,” “Abortion...

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Iran, We Got to Do Something?

Iran, We Got to Do Something?

Like a Japanese Kabuki dance Washington is in the grasp of War theater. Many pundits and members of Congress are filling the airwaves and offering up quotes demanding action. Demanding retaliation. We have to stand up to Iran. Only one little problem, the intel on the attack on the Saudi oil installations remains sketchy and hidden. If the missiles were fired from Iranian territory then our intel collection certainly captured the launch or tracked the origin of the drones or missiles used in...

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A Non-Interventionism Foreign Policy Strategy Can Be a Bipartisan Affair

A Non-Interventionism Foreign Policy Strategy Can Be a Bipartisan Affair

Non-interventionism is a foreign policy strategy that seeks to minimize the use of direct military force against other nations, while maintaining diplomatic ties. It is a strategy that the American Founders recommended, but has largely been ignored. The corporate media and scholars alike often confuse non-interventionism in American foreign policy with isolationism, which is often associated with anti-diplomacy, minimal trade with other nations, and a focus solely on the homeland, without...

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Spy vs Spy vs Spy: The Mysterious Mr. Smolenkov

Spy vs Spy vs Spy: The Mysterious Mr. Smolenkov

A new spy story has been making the rounds in Washington, but this time it involved a brave Russian official who allegedly was allegedly recruited while in the Russian Embassy in Washington in 2007 and then worked secretly for the CIA until he was exfiltrated safely in 2017 lest he be discovered and caught. The tale was clearly leaked by the Agency itself to CNN by way of “multiple Trump administration officials.” The CNN headline Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017...

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Understanding Motivation in Criminal, Terror, and Military Attacks

Understanding Motivation in Criminal, Terror, and Military Attacks

During Dr. Ron Paul’s 2012 Presidential campaign, as we were quietly sitting in a car, Dr. Paul suddenly asked me, “John, do detectives look for the motives of criminals?” I replied, “Well sir, the good ones certainly do. Knowledge of the motive can help prevent future crimes.” This very brief interaction stuck with me through the years. I knew Dr. Paul was right. Knowledge of motive was crucial to understanding the deterrence of criminal, terror, and military attacks. I came to understand...

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Martial Law Masquerading as Law and Order: The Police State’s Language of Force

Martial Law Masquerading as Law and Order: The Police State’s Language of Force

“Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.” —Justice William O. Douglas, dissenting, Colten v. Kentucky, 407 US 104 (1972) Forget everything you’ve ever been...

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Something Extraordinary in Sacramento

Something Extraordinary in Sacramento

Something extraordinary happened in Sacramento last week. The people protesting California’s increasingly draconian vaccine-mandate legislation—most of them mothers of vaccine-injured children—stopped playing by the rules. On Monday, Senate Bill 714—the companion bill to SB276 which puts the determination of medical exemptions from any of the vaccines required for school into the hands of the state—was before the California State Assembly for a vote. Six women had already been arrested,...

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Locked And Loaded In Behalf Of Empire First

Locked And Loaded In Behalf Of Empire First

American democracy and capitalist prosperity are dying on the vine of Empire. And this weekend's drone attack on the largest oil processing facility on the planet is a graphic case of why. So is the related picture above. The scene is of Yemenis burying a busload of children who were obliterated by American-made bombs delivered by American-made Saudi aircraft, which were being navigated to target by US command and control assets. This particular cruel foray was just one of thousands of sorties...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Big PR’s Info Wars

Big PR’s Info Wars

Thanks to the Guardian, we can all get our daily dose of full-spectrum fascism in one easy swallow. The high-minded, omniscient people from among others and for example, Burson...

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