RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

State Department Shoots Itself in the Foot at Impeachment Hearings

State Department Shoots Itself in the Foot at Impeachment Hearings

The State Department, where I worked 24 years as a Foreign Service Officer (FSO) and diplomat, reminds me a lot of my current hometown, New York City. Both places spend an inordinate amount of time telling outsiders how great they are while ignoring the obvious garbage piled up around them. It’s almost as if they’re trying to tell themselves more than others everything is OK. Like NYC convincing itself the Broadway lights mean you won’t notice the wicked homeless problem and decaying...

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Here is What the Horowitz Report Should Conclude

Here is What the Horowitz Report Should Conclude

You do not have to wait for the Horowitz report. I can give you a preview of what he should have found if he conducted an honest audit. The following is not my opinion. It is based on the flood of information that has come out over the past two and a half-years surrounding the plot to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump. When you read these facts it is easy to understand how dishonest and corrupt the FBI were in presenting a FISA application to spy on Carter Page. Helen Keller could see...

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The Real Bombshell of the Impeachment Hearings

The Real Bombshell of the Impeachment Hearings

The most shocking thing about the House impeachment hearings to this point is not a “smoking gun” witness providing irrefutable evidence of quid pro quo. It’s not that President Trump may or may not have asked the Ukrainians to look into business deals between then-Vice President Biden’s son and a Ukrainian oligarch.The most shocking thing to come out of the hearings thus far is confirmation that no matter who is elected President of the United States, the permanent government will not allow a...

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Explosive leaked email claims that UN watchdog’s report into alleged poison gas attack by Assad was doctored – so was it to justify British and American missile strikes on Syria?

Explosive leaked email claims that UN watchdog’s report into alleged poison gas attack by Assad was doctored – so was it to justify British and American missile strikes on Syria?

A leaked email last night dramatically indicated that the UN’s poison gas watchdog had butchered and censored a critical report on an alleged chemical attack in Syria. If substantiated, the revelations will be severely embarrassing for Britain, France and America, which launched a massive military strike in retaliation without waiting for proof that chemical weapons had actually been used. Unconfirmed reports and videos, showing the corpses of adults and children foaming at the mouth in Douma,...

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Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Targets Alternative Media as Crackdown Turns Increasingly Violent

Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Targets Alternative Media as Crackdown Turns Increasingly Violent

Facing increased resistance to its rule, the new “transition” government of Jeanine Añez in Bolivia has begun to purge and censor potential threats to its authority, including in the media. TeleSUR, an international media network that began as a collaboration between left-wing Latin American nations, including deposed President Evo Morales’ Bolivia and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, and which espouses an openly leftist and anti-imperialist outlook, received confirmation that it would be taken off...

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The Pitfalls of a Pit Bull Russophobe

The Pitfalls of a Pit Bull Russophobe

Fiona Hill’s “Russian-expert” testimony Thursday and her deposition on Oct. 14 to the impeachment inquiry showed that her antennae are acutely tuned to what Russian intelligence services may be up to but, sadly, also displayed a striking naiveté about the machinations of US intelligence. Hill’s education on Russia came at the knee of the late Professor Richard Pipes, her Harvard mentor and archdeacon of Russophobia. I do not dispute her sincerity in attributing all manner of evil to what...

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Fueling Iran’s Protests

What's behind the most recent violent protests in Iran? Is it really all about a gasoline price increase? Why is US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo so enthusiastic about the protests, telling them that the US stands with them against their government? What's the role of the CIA and the notorious "Ayatollah Mike" in fanning the flames? RPI's Daniel McAdams joins PressTV's Debate program to discuss Iran unrest:

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Did the United States Win the Cold War?

Did the United States Win the Cold War?

According to popular consensus, by 1991 the USSR lost the Cold War. However, it may be that the USSR's 'loss' and subsequent emergence of the Russian Federation put Russia ahead of the game. If the United States had truly won the Cold War, NATO would be history, and the US would have turned its swords to plowshares. Having won the Cold War, the US would have embarked on a new road to world peace and prosperity by supporting economies around the world in a new vision for a truly new (and...

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Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’

Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’

On November 19th, the US Senate unanimously passed the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.” Despite loudly proclaiming to protect “human rights” and “democracy,” a closer look at this legislation reveals the imperial agenda underlying Washington’s actions in Hong Kong. Behind its humanitarian cloak, the Senate bill advances the threat of sanctions to impose Washington’s foreign policy interests on China and the region while turning up the heat on North Korea and Iran. At the same time,...

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Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, But What About Congress?

Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, But What About Congress?

The developing story about how the US intelligence and national security agencies may have conspired to influence and possibly even reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election is compelling, even if one is disinclined to believe that such a plot would be possible to execute. Not surprisingly perhaps there have been considerable introspection among former and current officials who have worked in those and related government positions, many of whom would agree that there is urgent need...

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Rep. Thomas Massie is Preparing to be Taken as a Christmas Hostage

Rep. Thomas Massie is Preparing to be Taken as a Christmas Hostage

Speaking Wednesday evening with host Kennedy at Fox Business, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) predicted that the shenanigans this week to pass a continuing resolution providing short-term funding for the United States government and extra big-government goodies including authorization for mass surveillance, all without US House of Representatives members having time to adequately review the legislation, is not the end of the story.Come December 20, Massie predicts congressional leadership “will come...

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Congrats, Dems! You’ve Empowered A  Pack Of Paranoid Neocon Morons

Congrats, Dems! You’ve Empowered A Pack Of Paranoid Neocon Morons

Sometimes you need to call a spade a spade, and yesterday's testimony before Adam's Schiff Show by former NSC official Tim Morrison is just such an occasion. In spades! In his opening statement, this paranoid moron uttered the following lunacy, and it's all you need to know about what is really going on down in the Imperial City. I continue to believe Ukraine is on the front lines of a strategic competition between the West and Vladimir Putin’s revanchist Russia. Russia is a failing power, but...

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Bipartisanship: Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Thanks Chairman for Slipping Mass Surveillance Provision into Continuing Resolution

Bipartisanship: Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Thanks Chairman for Slipping Mass Surveillance Provision into Continuing Resolution

People say there is too little bipartisanship in Washington, DC. But, when it comes to protecting the United States government’s mass surveillance program, there is plenty of bipartisan action by Democratic and Republican leaders. This was on display Wednesday morning in the opening comments of US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-GA) during a hearing at which the committee debated and voted on the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement...

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Is the Middle East Beginning a Self-Correction?

Is the Middle East Beginning a Self-Correction?

“Two years, three years, five years’ maximum from now, you will not recognize the same Middle East”, says the former Egyptian FM, Arab League Secretary General and Presidential Candidate, Amr Moussa, in an interview with Al-Monitor. Mousa made some unexpected points, beyond warning of major change ahead (“the thing now is that the simple Arab man follows everything” – all the events). And in reference to the protests in Iraq, Moussa says that Iraq is in “a preparatory stage for them to choose...

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Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades

Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades

“When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be...

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Sneak Vote on Patriot Act Renewal Today

Sneak Vote on Patriot Act Renewal Today

Today, while everyone is distracted by the impeachment drama, Congress will vote to extend warrantless data collection provisions of the #PatriotAct, by hiding this language on page 25 of the Continuing Resolution (CR) that temporarily funds the government. To sneak this through, Congress will first vote to suspend the rule which otherwise gives us (and the people) 72 hours to consider a bill. The scam here is that Democrats are alleging abuse of Presidential power, while simultaneously...

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