“Revolutions are often seen as spontaneous. It looks like people just went into the street. But it’s the result of months or years of preparation. It is very boring until you reach a certain point, where you can organize mass demonstrations or strikes. If it is carefully planned, by the time they start, everything is over in a matter of weeks.” Foreign Policy Journal Does anyone believe the nationwide riots and looting are a spontaneous reaction to the killing of George Floyd? It’s all too...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Hey, Obama, How About Freeing the Nearly 100,000 Drug War Victims in US Prisons?
With President Barack Obama announcing Monday the commutation of the sentences of 46 US government prisoners, Reuters calculates that the president “has now commuted the...
Ron Paul Talks ‘Swords into Plowshares’ on the Tom Woods Show
Former US presidential candidate and US House member Ron Paul and libertarian multi-bestselling author Tom Woods offered an enticing preview of Paul’s new book Swords into...
RPI’s Adam Dick Tells Alaska Radio Listeners of Politicians Gone Bad
On Saturday, July 4, Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick took Fairbanks, Alaska KFAR radio listeners on a tour of American politicians gone bad. Taking calls and speaking...
New Ron Paul Book!
Ron has written many important books, but I think his latest is the most important for our time: Swords into Plowshares. Ron, movingly and eloquently, describes his lifetime of...
Will Texas Nix Marriage Licensing? Yes — if Rep. David Simpson Gets His Way
Texas state Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) has an intriguing response to Obergefell v. Hodges, the United States Supreme Court decision imposing a national mandate to override...
Hillary Arms Terrorists, Greece Wastes $ on Military: Week in Review With McAdams and Taylor
Hillary oversaw US arms shipments to terrorists fighting in Libya and Syria according to Judge Napolitano. Why is no one interested in the story? Both parties support regime...
On Celebrating Dependence Day
I shall spend the remainder of this July 4th hiding beneath my bed, with as many pillows packed around me as I can find. I have not forgotten the important “duck-and-cover”...
Andrew Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Armed Terrorists and Lied to Congress about It
Judge Andrew Napolitano, in a new editorial, presents his conclusion that Hillary Clinton, as US Secretary of State, violated United States law by providing weapons to terrorists...
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