Four years ago today, on June 15, 2016, a shadowy Internet persona calling itself “Guccifer 2.0” appeared out of nowhere to claim credit for hacking emails from the Democratic National Committee on behalf of WikiLeaks and implicate Russia by dropping “telltale” but synthetically produced Russian “breadcrumbs” in his metadata. Thanks largely to the corporate media, the highly damaging story actually found in those DNC emails — namely, that the DNC had stacked the cards against Bernie Sanders in...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Hillary’s Libyan Torturers
Remember when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was so intent on a US attack on Libya that she disregarded the US Intelligence Community, the Pentagon, and even her...
Obama Authorizes War on Assad, Congress AWOL
When the first group of US-trained fighters were inserted into Syria on Friday, Washington experienced a great shock. Tasked with fighting alongside al-Qaeda's Syrian franchise,...
Breaking: Daniel McAdams on Russia Veto of MH17 Tribunal Proposal at UNSC
RPI Executive Director Daniel McAdams was interviewed on RT as Russia vetoed a UN resolution to set up a tribunal to look into the downing of Malaysian airlines flight MH-17....
Ron Paul: Look to Switzerland for Path toward Peace
Former US presidential candidate and House of Representatives member Ron Paul says people seeking to advance peace can learn much from looking to Switzerland. Paul made his...
Video: TSA Supervisor Threatens Young Man Filming the Patdown Of His Father
We have yet another case of a police or security officer threatening a citizen for recording an encounter. The videotape below was taken by a young man who filmed the putdown of...
On Social Security? Obama Wants Your Gun!
In a move that Alan Zarembo of the Los Angeles Times reports could result in the US government barring millions of Americans from owning guns, President Barack Obama’s...
‘This Flag Never Goes Down’: Amazon Reportedly Takes Down Historical Book On Confederate Flag Due To Confederate Flag On Cover
The extensive move to remove the Confederate Flag from public and some commercial settings has raised serious concerns over both free speech and academic freedom. While the flag...
Praise for Swords into Plowshares from Charles Goyette
Bestselling author Charles Goyette, who hosted with Ron Paul a series of fascinating podcasts regarding current events, is praising Paul’s new book Swords into Plowshares: A life...
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