Thirty years ago, President George H.W. Bush signed [7/26/1990] the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was supposed to create a new era of equality and justice. Instead, the ADA often turns disabilities into assets, encouraging far more people to claim to be disabled to receive special treatment or privileges. The ADA’s breadth and vagueness have spurred a deluge of absurd federal decrees and more than half a million lawsuits that risk stigmatizing people the law sought to assist. The ADA...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Eric Margolis: US Fight Against ‘Covert Western Asset’ ISIS is a ‘Big Charade’
Eric Margolis returned to the Scott Horton Show on Wednesday for another intriguing interview regarding international relations and war. In the interview, Margolis, a Ron Paul...
US-Funded NGO in Syria Uses Old Photo to Claim Civilian Death in Russian Airstrikes
From the moment the first Russian warplanes started launching attacks inside Syria, a new campaign in the information war was also launched, with various groups trying to get...
Why is Washington Against Russia Bombing ISIS and Al-Qaeda?
On Wednesday the Russian military became active in the fight against ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria. Pursuant to a request from the Syrian government, Moscow first began deploying...
End the Marijuana ‘Sin Taxes’
Legal marijuana in Colorado has been a boon for freedom, allowing people to make, transfer, and consume marijuana products free from the threat of arrest by state or local...
US Exploited Assad’s Fight Against Al-Qaeda
The US government has been relying on its standard narrative that the Syria crisis emerged spontaneously after an "Arab Spring" inspired protest was violently suppressed by the...
Washington’s Bias Toward War
College of William & Mary Professor and Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Member Lawrence Wilkerson examined, in an interview last week with host Paul Jay on the Real News...
Eric Margolis: When Assad Is Gone, We Will Definitely Miss Him
Speaking Friday with host Scott Horton on the Scott Horton Show, Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Member Eric Margolis related the devastating consequences foreign intervention...
New Hampshire Library Stands Up to US Government, Reinstates Tor Relay
The board of trustees overseeing the Kilton Public Library in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, on Tuesday decided, despite pushback from the United States Department of Homeland...
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